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Author Topic: A Must See Vid.  (Read 2185 times)

Offline kor

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A Must See Vid.
« on: March 19, 2008, 02:08:45 AM »
Most of you don't know this, but I minored in Economics in college. I've held my tongue about the state of the US economy for the most part. People tend to think you're paranoid when you mention certain things, but recent events have made me reconsider holding my tongue. This is a video by an analyst. He's been right about many things. In this video he speaks the truth and I thought it was important or my fellow Americans to see it.


I might add more videos I find important on this topic later.

Offline Mahasoor

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 03:24:18 AM »
I'd be interested to see more videos you came across.  I saw the footage of Cramer telling people not to pull out of Stearns and I actually knew about Stearns omg collapsing.

I like this guy's flair, by the way.  Slanted but gets his point across in language I can understand.
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Offline kor

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2008, 03:33:55 AM »
He's a regular guy that happens to know Economics. Here's another video by him. His prediction was a bit early, but the patterns in it are oddly similar. Kinda tells you something.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 03:51:10 AM by korni »

Offline Delfos

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2008, 05:27:38 AM »
You seem to fancy this, congrats. Everyone is discrediting the stock exchange and pulling their money, everyone is talking about crash already, European capitals were down two days ago, along with the Asian side which was worse, we're already healing but, this was a bump, what will come when we have not as much money to inject in the central bank? US is cutting down the (how do you call the worth of a debt there.) since the housing crisis, energy companies and banks are going bankrupt or bought by European companies, now you believe me? If this wasn't a crash already, who's going to save it? Obama? The guy has beautiful intentions but I'm not sure if he's capable of it, and that's a bloody propaganda needed to put another Republican on the charge.

they say, now is the time to invest, well I think the time to invest has passed, and they just want money to come. I say crash it, we deserve it.


President Bush is again trying to restore faith in the US economy. After a regular meeting with his top economic advisers, Bush's message to the country and the world was "the US is on top of the situation." He told reporters: "Our financial institutions are strong and our capital markets are functioning efficiently and effectively. We obviously will continue to monitor the situation and when need be we'll act decisively in a way that continues to bring order to the financial markets."

Bush said he supports the actions taken by the Federal Reserve. Over the weekend, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced emergency measures designed to stem a fast-spreading global financial crisis. The Fed is expected to cut interest rates again this week. Market analyst James Hughes said: "It's hard to see any positive news coming out from the global markets at the moment. The Federal Reserve's FOM meeting will be key to see exactly what they do with interest rates and that will give a big bearing on exactly what the monetary policy is."

US investment bank Bear Stearns is the latest casualty. It is being bought at a knock down price. Bear Stearns manager Stephen Raphael predicted more: "It's a very tragic occurrence, but I think it's just the beginning. I think the financial environment, in the world, right now is very dicey." And that uncertainty and risk has investors worldwide fearful about other banks' exposure to the troubled credit markets.



The times we live in...well I would suggest to take your money away from stock exchange, keep in a hole in the wall, but that would cause the whole thing crash, but who do you want to save, the big oil companies? the big investors? or yourself? Burn burn everything! mwuhahahahah!

Offline kor

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2008, 09:01:46 AM »
I think you missed the point. The Central Bank is the problem. This was a video about J.P. Morgan buying out Bear Stearns for $2 a share and screwing investors. It was also intended to show that J.P. Morgan has a controlling stock in the Federal Reserve. The second video was shown to point out the similarities between 1929, 1987, and 2007. It was intended to show it seems like it's more than a little coincidental. And you should not gloat about being supposedly right. I've known a crash was coming for a long time. For shits and giggles I will answer your questions. I think you know what happens when there is no money left to inject.  Economic collapse, recession, then depression. Also, they are not being bought out by European companies, they are being bought by a few select men that want to own the world and damn near do now. Nobody can or is going to save it. It's almost too late. Obama?! LOL! No, he wants war with Pakistan, which will only further increase the debt. Also, the language regarding the terms Democrat and Republican have been so twisted. You insult the Republicans because of Bush. Bush is NOT a real Republican. He is a Neo-Conservative. Very few Republicans are real Republicans these days. Real Republicans believe in a small central government, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. So don't even attack something you know nothing about.

For this part I say don't be dumb. if it crashes there will be a worldwide recession and a major depression in the US.

Keep it in a wall?!?!?! It'll be worthless. The system is going to crash. When it does, this FIAT money the world uses will be worthless.  There are safe investments. Silver is a safe bet. Buy silver rounds(coins) by the ounce.

As to the very end of your post. No response, it doesn't deserve one.

One final note. You should probably watch the videos in more detail next time. You were way off the intended purpose.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 11:54:02 AM by korni »

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2008, 02:26:50 PM »
down with the federal reserve.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 02:50:56 PM »
didn't mention Bush as Republican here, mentioned the Republican party as taking advantage of situations like this, not exactly causing them, but sure responsible, and in this can, Bush is. They were two separated statements.

About Central Bank, that's European Central Bank, yes I was mixing the post for both European and American economies, everything about the oil and economic crisis in both Asian and American stocks are entwined with the European one, and we're getting hit pretty hard, specially because of the oil. When the American housing crisis hit Europe, specially UK, the European Central Bank injected millions in the stock exchange (not sure if that's the word, we call it "Banca", feminine for Bank, refers to the stock in stock exchange, is it?), and the euro healed and became further from the dollar.

Pulling your money out of the stock exchange and store it in a hole in the wall means no more exchange discreditation, like those who lost money in the Bear Stearns, happened with the Rockford bank in UK, UK government had to nationalise the bank in order to save it, that's a huge hit, they're taking the responsibility. That's why the EU and EU Central Bank is working, we're paying them to keep us far from the US crisis.

The crash can be saved, but needs sacrifices, like what UK government did but in large scale, the problem is that the US government is already in debt, if they take responsibility to stop the crash, who knows what difficulties you might achieve in the future, not being able to close debts, US sure has many.

You say US Central Bank is a problem, isn't it the entity who controls the Federal Reserve? If so yes, we can see where this is leading, it crashes, but there's something called the law of Lavoisier, the money goes somewhere else, where to? Yeap that's right, those bastards that don't wanna make sacrifices and rather run away. This turns into a snow ball, that's why it's called a crash. That's why if you want to keep your money you should stay away from the stock exchange/banks and store it in a wall. I don't even, even if Obama wins, US government will ever help in any way.

Offline kor

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 03:25:45 PM »
I think you misunderstand what the Central Bank is. The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank, not the US Central Bank. It's the World Bank. The Federal Reserve is not a US agency or Department. It is a privately owned bank, owned by a few greedy men, who own nearly all the banks of the world.

In a FIAT monetary system debt is required. Without debt it would collapse even faster. The money in a FIAT system has no real value other than people agree it has value. Usually based on market confidence. So, putting paper in your wall does nothing. Now, if the money was a Gold Standard or Silver Standard I would agree. The US had this until we allowed the Fed to take over our currency.

Also, usually it crashes faster because the really rich people do bank runs. It happened in 1929 during the market crash an again in 1987. They run in and withdraw all their money and bankrupt the banks. Usually they withdraw it in a more stable currency. The US will have a very difficult time recovering from a depression. During the Great Depression the US pulled through because of our massive manufacturing base. We no longer have that because we outsource jobs to Asia and South America. The generations of indoctrination will be a stumbling block for us too. We've been taught all the wrong things. We have been taught guns are bad and anyone who owns them and hordes stores of food are militants and should be feared. Everyone back then could do gardening and hunting. Very few have those skills anymore.

I'm sorry I'm getting off topic, but this is important. We have to break the indoctrination. There is nothing wrong with being prepared and there is nothing wrong with exercising your rights. Don't be afraid to. This country was once a beacon of hope for the world. Now the world looks at us and wonders what happened to us. I'll even prove my point we've fallen from grace and become complacent and indoctrinated by simply asking a question. Do you think we'd have accepted the Patriot Act in the 1960s? Answer that question and you'll see my point and see it didn't take us long to become complacent.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 03:27:35 PM by korni »

Offline Delfos

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2008, 06:23:05 PM »
If you were talking about US's Central Bank, that may be indeed the US Federal Reserve, I was talking about the European Central Bank.

If you mean people don't have compassion over there as it's a right, sure I've came to that conclusion long ago. Nobody will save anything else but themselves, but it's a question of responsibility, where's that going to fall? Isn't there rules in US that prevent people from losing everything?

Offline The Empire

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2008, 05:18:23 PM »
Um... the guy in the first clip reminds me visually of Kane in C&C... me like!

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2008, 06:05:56 PM »
it's not really my style, and I didn't watch it all...and the message isn't that good, but well..who knows, maybe it can go through.

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2008, 06:21:06 PM »
The message is very good in my oppinion, the world needs to get rid of oversized multinational corporations. They are a threat to human rights, civil rights, environment and life itself on a global scale.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2008, 09:43:57 PM »
you kidding? Some of them are the best employers!!! Who...seize any self adventure of new employers...making them...the only employer...ruler of the employees...? you're damn right, they suck!

Offline The Empire

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Re: A Must See Vid.
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2008, 10:28:03 PM »
When a company's anual profits would theoretically allow them to hire enough mercs to push nations around, then they have been allowed to grow too big and has to pe forcibly split into much smaller entities ASAP.

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