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Author Topic: Keep from becoming a pill!  (Read 5550 times)

Offline House_Of_Harley

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Keep from becoming a pill!
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:08:56 PM »
There are those of us who walk about during the day, going to school or work. We come home and complain about the day, then go to sleep at night (middle class). Then there are the ones who don't have to work at all, the rich one's, who live in places with bathrooms big enough to play baseball in, and have people who wait on them hand and foot (upper class). And then, even more, there are the one's who are homeless, and wander the streets aimlessly, looking for more in their life before they die (lower class). But they all have one thing in common; they all have to escape the evil that hunts them.

Character Relations: It's the first person to post a bio get the character. The only character you my know is the other character in your class. You may know of others but never talked to them. None of the characters are very close. For the very beginning of the RP (before our characters meet up) you can have other minor characters (so you will have something to do in the beginning)

Location: We're all in different parts of California

Powers: You have all just recently discovered (6 months or less) your power and have not reviled them to anyone yet.

Bad guys: Somehow others know about our powers, and they want to capture you and turn your powers into pills to sell to other countries for war. (I'll be doing most of the bad guy stuff, but if you are 'in a one on one battle then you can control the bad guy(s) your fighting'

Rules: (Not many but please obey them)
~ No godmodding
~ If your going to post out of character please use ()
~ If you are going to post please have at least two sentences, not required, but it would be nice...(if it's not required, is it a rule? LOL)
~ Have fun
(I'm new at this whole 'rule' thing, so veterans, did I forget any big rules?)

I need you to post something for the  'Personality' 'Short Bio' and, if you have anything, the 'Other' or if you have anything to add to the 'Power Use' You may have noticed I have posted little things for some of the characters.

Name: Tierce Crete
Age: 19
Gander: Female
Status: Upper Class
Power: Faster than most (not Flash fast, but faster than the normal person) and has very fast reflexes.
Power Use: Tennis and other sports she plays
Short Bio:

Name: Micah Hilmar (DRAKE)
Age: 15
Gander: Male
Status: Upper Class
Power: Can read peoples thoughts, and a little bit of technopathy
Power Use: Discover where people have hidden things. Blackmails people For stuff they have done But not for money.
Personality:He will do any thing for attention. willing to help any one He Will let people use him.He has Mommy & daddy issues.
Short Bio: Raise by his Butler who has recently pass away. every scenes he mostly take care of his self. His parent act like they Don't notice him until he does something bad. 
Other: He says what on his mind at the time. He like girl that are old the him. He has a high I.Q. that tend to be why he get in so much trouble He like all type of rock music. He found out about being able to move stuff when he got mad one day then, Stuff went flying. he found out about his technopathy, He started to hear voices & no one was talking, then he realize that was the thought of the people around him.

Name: Tristan Piper (me, Harley)
Age: 17
Gander: Male
Status: Middle Class
Power: Ghost powers; possession & and walk through objects thinner than one inch
Power Use: Embarrass people who harass him
Personality: Shy, never had many friends so many people think he's kind of a nerd. They only think that because he'd rather spend time on the computer, read, listen to his music and do something by himself, than spent time with others. He really is a nice guy, but he also has a very devious mind.
Short Bio: He has always been in the middle class of life, due to the fact that his father left his mom when he was little. Now it's just his mom and him. He works at a book store just so he doesn't have to ask his mom for cash.
Other: He's very intelligent due to all the books he's read and the websites he's been on. Lives in LA.

Name: Evie Thompson (PUR)
Age: 14
Gander: Female
Status: Middle Class
Power: Can erase someone's short term memory (half an hour) and perform a bit of telekinesis
Power Use: Get's her parents to give her more money
Personality: Outgoing and somewhat energetic. Her power is slowly making her somewhat self-centered. She enjoys being able to spend money frivilously but mostly on gifts for her friends. She enjoys dressing in what she deems to be fabulous apparel. A bit of the lover type she quite enjoys wearing and generally being around color. She tends to be attracted to older men.
Short Bio: Lives with her parents but rarely spends any time at home aside from the moments she hits up her parents for cash. She once convinced her mom to buy her a vespa so she usualy winds up tooling around on that.
Other: Discovered her powers a few months ago, now she seeks to actively control them for her own benefit.

Name: Lucas Monrow (St Oz)
Age: 17
Gander: Male
Status: Lower Class
Power: Invisibility and can make one temporary copy of himself (lasting half an hour at the most)
Power Use: Breaking into places for food and shelter
Power Use: Breaking into places for food and shelter
Personality: Sly and quiet. Mostly he only steals and breaks into places for necessity and the necessity of others. He usually travels alone around the city and tries to avoid those who are significantly richer than he is
Short Bio: He was abandoned by his parents when he was 9 and spent his times roaming around the city and getting an education from an old woman who owns a small book store. She is somewhat his motherly figure and he has also managed the store a few times. Now that he knows his powers he hasn't shown anyone but he uses them to help himself get food and around places without getting caught by the police.
Other: carries around in his bag the book, "the stranger" all the time

Name: Annie Martin (Allama)
Age: 16
Gander: Female
Status: Lower Class
Power: Fire
Power Use: Heat for herself
Personality: Annie is very withdrawn and shies away from physical contact.  She is reluctant to allow anyone to get close to her emotionally and keeps to herself as much as possible.  Easily frightened and tending to feel morose and worthless, her intellect is all that keeps her moving from day to day.
Short Bio: Growing up with a split family the way she did, it's no small wonder Annie doesn't warm up to people.  Her penniless parents abandoned her as an infant and she spent her youth being shifted from one obscure relative's care to the next as they grew tired of supporting a child they didn't choose to have and couldn't afford to feed.  Her great aunt kicked her out shortly following her sixteenth birthday, leaving her to fend for herself.  Having run out of relatives willing to take her in, she now lives on the streets.
Other: She discovered her powers by accident while trying to start her great aunt's flimsy old gas stove, and blamed the subsequent explosion on a faulty line.  The police bought it, but her aunt maintained that it was her fault until the day she made Annie leave.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 11:07:32 PM by House_Of_Harley »
Musical Quote of the Week: Popular - Wicked

Don't be offended by my frank analysis
Think of it as personality dialysis
Now that I've chosen to be come a pal, a
Sister and adviser
There's nobody wiser
Not when it comes to popular

Offline St Oz

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2007, 06:46:06 PM »
Name: Lucas Johnrow (Can you change it to Lucas Monroe?)
Age: 17
Gander: Male
Status: Lower Class
Power: Invisibility and can make one temporary copy of himself (lasting half an hour at the most)
Power Use: Breaking into places for food and shelter
Personality: Sly and quiet. Mostly he only steals and breaks into places for necessity and the necessity of others. He usually travels alone around the city and tries to avoid those who are significantly richer than he is
Short Bio: He was abandoned by his parents when he was 9 and spent his times roaming around the city and getting an education from an old woman who owns a small book store. She is somewhat his motherly figure and he has also managed the store a few times. Now that he knows his powers he hasn't shown anyone but he uses them to help himself get food and around places without getting caught by the police.
Other: carries around in his bag the book, "the stranger" all the time
« Last Edit: June 19, 2007, 07:28:01 PM by St Oz »

Offline Allama

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2007, 07:17:58 PM »
Name: Annie Martin

Personality: Annie is very withdrawn and shies away from physical contact.  She is reluctant to allow anyone to get close to her emotionally and keeps to herself as much as possible.  Easily frightened and tending to feel morose and worthless, her intellect is all that keeps her moving from day to day.

Short Bio: Growing up with a split family the way she did, it's no small wonder Annie doesn't warm up to people.  Her penniless parents abandoned her as an infant and she spent her youth being shifted from one obscure relative's care to the next as they grew tired of supporting a child they didn't choose to have and couldn't afford to feed.  Her great aunt kicked her out shortly following her sixteenth birthday, leaving her to fend for herself.  Having run out of relatives willing to take her in, she now lives on the streets.

Other: She discovered her powers by accident while trying to start her great aunt's flimsy old gas stove, and blamed the subsequent explosion on a faulty line.  The police bought it, but her aunt maintained that it was her fault until the day she made Annie leave.

Offline Khem

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2007, 09:53:13 PM »
Name: Evie Thompson
Age: 14
Gander: Female
Status: Middle Class
Power: Can erase someone's short term memory (half an hour) and perform a bit of telekinesis
Power Use: Get's her parents to give her more money
Personality: Outgoing and somewhat energetic. Her power is slowly making her somewhat self-centered. She enjoys being able to spend money frivilously but mostly on gifts for her friends. She enjoys dressing in what she deems to be fabulous apparel. A bit of the lover type she quite enjoys wearing and generally being around color. She tends to be attracted to older men.
Short Bio: Lives with her parents but rarely spends any time at home aside from the moments she hits up her parents for cash. She once convinced her mom to buy her a vespa so she usualy winds up tooling around on that.
Other: Discovered her powers a few months ago, now she seeks to actively control them for her own benefit.

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Offline DRAKE

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2007, 01:58:53 AM »
Name: Micah Hilmar
Age: 15
Gander: Male
Status: Upper Class
Power: Can read peoples thoughts, and a little bit of technopathy
Power Use: Discover where people have hidden things. Blackmails people For stuff they have done But not for money.
Personality:He will do any thing for attention. willing to help any one
He Will let people use him.He has Mommy & daddy issues.
Short Bio: Raise by his Butler who has recently pass away. every scenes he mostly take care of his self. His parent act like they Don't notice him until he does something bad. 
Other: He says what on his mind at the time. He like girl that are old the him. He has a high I.Q. that tend to be why he get in so much trouble He like all type of rock music. He found out about being able to move stuff when he got mad one day then, Stuff went flying. he found out about his technopathy, He started to hear voices & no one was talking, then he realize that was the thought of the people around him.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2007, 06:27:17 AM by DRAKE »

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2007, 06:40:17 AM »
Name: Tierce Crete
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Status: Upper Class

Power: Faster than most (not Flash fast, but faster than the normal person) and has very fast reflexes.

Power Use: Tennis and other sports she plays

Personality:An optimist at heart, she is still innocent about how cruel the world can be and is over idealistic due to her sheltered life. She is very popular at school and is a deeply caring person who tries to avoid clique politics in favour of making good friends with people because she likes them, not because they're popular or cool. Although she is not gifted with great intelligence she is still quite intelligent and driven. She has learnt to study well and to dedicate the time required to accomplish her goals.

Short Bio: From her early childhood Tierce has been pushed to succeed in all her endeavors by her parents so that she can be groomed to take her place in the family business. Until recently she has gotten along well with her family, but in seeing glimpses of the rampant poverty in the world compared to her family's excessive wealth she has begun to get into more arguments with her parents on the nature of wealth and the ways of the world. She would gladly give away her money to see those who truly need it have it. She is a month or two away from finishing high school as an honour student and is being pushed by her parents to go to university for economics and law, however she would rather spend the next few years traveling through the third world working with various NGO's to help the disadvantaged. Her parents have refused to allow her to do this and have threatened to cut her off completely if she disobeys them. She is torn between her love for her family and her idealistic goals.

Other: Tierce has yet to realise she has a power and just considers her self to be a superior athlete
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 08:43:21 AM by Tacolicious »

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2007, 01:22:34 AM »
*Tierce stood alone on the soccer field* I wonder when the games going to start. *Tierce began kicking the ball around the field warming up until the game started*

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2007, 03:43:05 AM »
Name: Karo
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Status: Upper Class

Power: Teleportation and Feeling Detection: can detect a person's emotions and general feeling of their thoughts

Power Use: Avoiding people he doesn't like, Convenient travel, Finding out peoples opinions

Appearance: Tall, Black hair, Brown eyes

Personality: Has come from rich parents that are 'too busy to see him'. He spends most of his time hanging out with his friends or at sports. He plays soccer. Tries to make friends with everyone who seems nice, and shrugs off cliques to bee with people he thinks are worth hanging out with. Sticks up for friends, but hates fighting. Is intelligent, but most of the time gets bad marks in school because he considers it a waste of time. He helps his friends and anyone who seems to need help.

Short Bio: Parents have mostly ignored him through life, so he puts his various nannies and caretakers as his family. He is almost finished high school and intends to become an engineer for cheap power sources that everyone could afford. He has a huge crush on Tierce, but is too afraid of being rejected to admit it.

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2007, 03:45:25 AM »
Karo casually ran down to the soccer field. The game was supposed to start soon, and he didn't want to be late.

He looked ahead and saw Tierce kicking a soccer ball around.

Should I just leave now? I'm going to end up embarrassing myself in some way...

He decided to go ahead anyway and ran onto the field.

"Hi. Wanna play pass?"

Offline Rozaria

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Re: Keep from becoming a pill!
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2007, 10:14:46 PM »
(can i join?)
Name: Leon Tevin
Age: 17
Gander: Male
Status: Upper Class
Appearance: (Normal Appearance)
Power Use: To get away from teachers and other various things
Personality: I am driven and spunky. 
Short Bio: My parents aren't home much and I hate taking care of my little brother Raiden(We Call him Rain(don't know why though)).
Other: I have an athletic build. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I have a tattoo of an Eagle going down my back. I usually wear black jeans and my Fire Red T-shirt. I love soccer!
« Last Edit: November 01, 2007, 10:26:29 PM by Darius Kissenger »
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