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Author Topic: The Emerald Crown  (Read 4534 times)

Offline Rozaria

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The Emerald Crown
« on: March 09, 2008, 04:20:06 AM »
 (adding later)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2008, 12:03:00 PM by Daric Lexus »
Minister of Cretia:

Offline Chairman Steve

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Re: 5 Swords of Aeclt
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 06:49:02 PM »

[In the courtroom. Yumi opened a door.

In the clothing store, Yumi opened a door.

Iru looked up from the comic book he was perusing at the store to find the strangely familiar face of another boy looking oddly at him. Unnerved, he quickly returned to the comic.

"Hey.... Iru?" he heard a timidly inquisitive voice ask. Iru knew that voice... it was Kiri, his long lost friend!

"Do you happen to have any, uh, psilocybin here?" asked Tashin uncertainly to the clerk at the drug store.

The clerk, affronted, shook his head vigorously. "You fool, we don't peddle illegal drugs here. We sell medicine."

"But..." Tashin was confused. "It is a drug store, isn't it?"

The clerk shook his head again. "Stupid boy, you could get arrested! I may call the police, just to get your stupid head off the streets."

"Wait!" Tashin remembered quickly - as a Prophet, he had important religious things to do. "But, I need it for a religious ceremony. I'm a prophet."

The clerk's face brightened and he placed a small box on the counter. "Well, in that case, I suppose you're protected by the ruling in The Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah. Here you go, sorry for haggling you. Didn't know you were a prophet and all that."

Psilocybin in hand, Tashin entered the local arcade. He quickly ingested the contents of the box, and the world became a hazy swirl of colors and phantom sounds. Finding a console upon which to play and inserting a quarter into the slot (which he saw as feeding a panda a delicious rainbow), he began to play, letting the colors wash over his face. He opened a treasure chest on the screen, and obtained its treasure of one million rainbows; He rode the technicolor dragon through the lands, proclaiming his message of peace and hope to all the land... The Gods themselves recognized his heroic deeds: Isanor, God of Water, placed his brow a whirlpool kiss; Enesas gave him a gift of floweres, Ahconeh presented to him the winged gem, Anituruet gave him the Ashes of Creed, and he saw in a brilliant display of color Entinui's Seven Lights of Wenri. The trip, indeed, as far better than was expected.

At the school, Intawa gazed anxiously at the minute hand of the wall-mounted clock as it made its agonizingly slow journey to the apex of his circular path.

I need a refreshing beverage before the quiz that will happen exactly just after noon, he thought wistfully.

As the second and minute and hour hands converged in a temporal syzygy, Intawa began to breathe a sigh of relief. Yet at this instant, suddenly, all time froze, the teacher's hand stilly clutching the chalk to the blackboard.

Intawa looked about, puzzled, for he had done no such chronomancy. Then the wall in front of him exploded, and Kool Aid Man burst through it.

"OHHHHHHHHHHH YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," cried Kool Aid Man, and he handed Intawa a massive straw. "DRINK ME, OH YEAH!" shouted Kool Aid Man, and Intawa, puzzled but relieved, drank his rejuvenating, fruity blood.

"Thanks, Kool Aid Man!" exclaimed Intawa. "You're the best!" And Kool Aid Man with a final "OH YEAH!" departed, bursting through another wall, and time resumed....]
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 06:52:41 PM by Kool Aid Man »

Offline Myroria

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Re: 5 Swords of Aeclt
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2008, 07:08:51 PM »
Yumi stepped upon the clouded steps. At the top, the small boy opened a rainbow door.

"Right this way, good sir."

The fat man's eyes widened. He knew what he had to do upon this clouded castle. He shut the door and backed up. The man's trot turned into a run. He tensed himself, though he had done this many times before. It was noon, and the sun among this sky was shining bright. The rainbow door slammed against the other wall. The man halted immediately and yelled out a great bellow:


There, standing in a circle, were five ghostly humanoids. Standing there in the middle, was Kool-Aid Man's long lost friend. His skin was dark as his katana's handle, but he was lying on the cloud, lifeless.

"Oh yeah?".

The five ghosts could understand what no human could.

"Yes, Kool-Aid Man, this is Hiro."

"Oh...oh yeah?"

"Yes, he is dead."


"But he will return to life. You must find our prophet, Lobster Jesus. Hiro will help you."

"OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!"

Kool-Aid Man and the rigid body of his friend sunk through the clouds. They landed outside a school. As the schoolchildren ran toward him, he wasn't as happy to oblige, and their thanks went on deaf ears. He knew what he had to do.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Gulliver

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Re: 5 Swords of Aeclt
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2008, 07:10:24 PM »
Intawa's stomach suddenly swelled sickeningly and burst in a shower of shimmering rainbow colored bloods and guts and out stepped a cumbersome anthropomorphic pitcher, filled to the brim with his victims nourishing blood. With a demented grin plastered across his smooth, lifeless face he cried "OH YEAH!" proclaiming his twisted domination of yet another unfortunate soul to the world with his blood curdling cry.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 07:13:08 PM by Cornelius Snuffles »

Offline Annex

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Re: 5 Swords of Aeclt
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2008, 07:22:08 PM »
I can hear OHYEAH his bloodcurdling cries slicing through the air daggers on the wind blood oozes, trickling, glistening in the mocking sunlight OH YEAH he sees me drained OH YEAH the acrid laughter, oh the irony, I am oozing, he is oozing sloshing, sloshing, everything is syrupy and red all sliced to pieces..Gloved hand slick and sickening around my arms limp and paralyzed sliding down around OH YEAH? Eyes like coal in burning blackness glimmer what's he going to do? why? why? drops of sweaty, fruity blood spill over pitcher's head eyes widen, widen, black hole sucking in OH YEAH squeezed, squeezed till the pulp comes out sweet and fruity.....Gloved hand slick and sickening around my arms limp and paralyzed sliding down around OH YEAH? Eyes like coal in burning blackness glimmer what's he going to do? why? why? drops of sweaty, fruity blood spill over pitcher's head eyes widen, widen, black hole sucking in OH YEAH squeezed, squeezed till the pulp comes out sweet and fruity OH YEAH he is in me he is me his blood reconstitutes my fruity dessicated powder soul OHHHH YEAHHHH!!!!!!!.

Offline Rozaria

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Re: 5 Swords of Aeclt
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2008, 04:20:16 PM »
Yumi now proclaims, "OH YEAAAAH!" Then for no reason busts through a wall to join his idol, the Kool-aid Man. He now turns to kill you. He misses you.
Minister of Cretia: