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Author Topic: OMG I'M DELEGATE  (Read 2128 times)

Offline Limitless Events

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« on: September 14, 2011, 03:56:02 AM »
First off, thank you to all who voted in the last election. Now then, on to business.

I would like to announce the I-S has agreed to remain MoIA and that Elu will serve as Chief Justice. All other offices will be held by myself until I find people willing to take each position. Those interested may contact me by PM, a post in this topic, or on IRC.

For reference the available positions are:

Minister of Recruitment
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Justice
Minister of Regional Security
Minister of Defense
Minister of Community

I have big plans for this term. As of right now we are just over 150 nations, my goal is to get us at least over 200 before the end of my term. Accomplishing this will require lots of hard work but we've done it in the past and can do it again.

I want to make this as active and exciting term as possible. If we want to grow and prosper then now is the time to act. We have the community and a large enough region to make this happen, its just a matter of hard work and following through to make it happen.

For the Ministry of Defense I want to see the military revived in some aspect even if just to serve as a support militia to aid allies. If we let it sit and do nothing then that is a whole aspect of the game we're missing out on and a potential activity for new players left unused. To that end anyone interested in joining the regional military should go and sign up

In regards to the Ministry of Community we already have a very friendly and welcoming community but more can be done to make things more active, from posts on this forum to the RMB. To this end I hope to introduce weekly topics to discuss on the RMB and look for little things to do to boost general activity.

Justice is one of those tricky areas not really needed most of the time but there is one aspect of the job that can be done regardless of what is going on in the courts. It is the job of the MoJ to train and certify attorneys and to that end I'd like to see this done. From there we can expand and study the laws of other regions and make ourselves the premier place in NS to go should you need a lawyer. We can also decide to hold mock trials to give people practice but also make sure that our laws work to help the region and are sound.

Foreign Affairs is an area we've been lacking in but with a burst of activity this and other ideas should make this a thing of the past. I wish to see us being able to give out weekly updates on what is going on in the region instead of monthly ones people always forget to put together. I want regions we hold embassies with to see all we're doing and get involved themselves. I want to make this region a destination with our FA updates as the travel brochure to lure people in.

As for Regional Security it is a job I hope has little to do. It is my hope that the citizens of Taijitu continue to follow the laws of the region and that we will continue to have no threats to our way of life. Despite this I hope to at least keep the department staffed so that any threats can and will be immediately and swiftly dealt with.

For recruiting the goal is simple: recruit, recruit, recruit. This has always been the strong point of our region, the ability of a dedicated community to put in the work it takes to help the region grow. It is my hope that we will be able to institute some manner of reward for those who recruit and encourage everyone to help as much as they can.

Finally there is Internal Affairs whose job is perhaps the most important of any Minister. It is this department that keeps the government running through overseeing citizenship. I would like to see a close cooperation between IA and Community to actively engage people into becoming citizens and hope to follow through on Elu's idea to restart the economy, even if only in a basic form.

From there I have a few other ideas on things to do, mainly silly things to keep activity up. Once I make progress on putting them into writing I'll let the region know about them. That's all I have to say for now, feel free to ask questions if you have any, I'll also try and remember to add to this at some point in the near future.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 10:52:23 PM by Limitless Events »
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Gulliver

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« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 09:19:59 PM »

Offline Eluvatar

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« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 06:05:55 AM »
Wunderbar :congrats:
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Offline Corgi

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« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 08:52:41 PM »
 :trout: :fight: :drunks: :clap: O:-)
If you strike a thorn or rose,
Keep a-goin'!
If it hails or if it snows,
Keep a-goin'!
'Taint no use to sit an' whine
When the fish ain't on your line;
Bait your hook an' keep a-tryin'--
Keep a-goin'!