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Author Topic: In the Name of the King  (Read 6191 times)

Offline McMasterdonia

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In the Name of the King
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:19:02 AM »
In the name of King Gulliver, the first of his name, King of Taijitu and the first men, Lord of the seven kingdoms of Taijitu and protector of the realm, I hereby dissolve the Empire of Taijitu and form the Kingdom of Taijitu.

We will await the return of the King, King Gulliver of Taijitu. Until then I will serve as regent of the realm and exercise all of his duties until he is fit to do so.

I hereby dissolve all laws and the constitution. I will enact a new constitution and allow the senate to legislate on laws as it sees fit.

Quote from: the New constitution

The King Regent does hereby proclaim this constitution as the highest law over all other laws in the Kingdom of Taijitu and all holdings of the Kingdom, to stand as the bastion of government in the Kingdom and to uphold the functions of the Kingdom. We the Aristocracy and citizens of the Kingdom of Taijitu, give thanks for the liberty which fate hath so long permitted us to enjoy, we establish the first constitution of The Kingdom to grant these liberties to future generations. In Order to form a more perfect Realm, establish Justice, provide for the common defence, to promote the general Welfare and tranquility of the realm, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the Kingdom of Taijitu. Be it therefore enacted and declared by the King Regents most Excellent and Royal Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Citizens of the Realm and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

Article I The King
A) All powers and authority extended to King Gulliver I of Taijitu shall be extended to his heirs and successors for all eternity, unless otherwise dictated by this constitution and royal decrees of the King.
B) Any and/or all powers, rights and authority wielded by the King of Taijitu may be delegated to a public official to act in his name in order to govern the Kingdom. At the time of the ratification of this document all powers are extended to King Regent McMasterdonia until the return of King Gulliver.
C) The King shall be recognised as the supreme constitutional, executive, judicial and legislative power in the Kingdom of Taijitu, for the purposes of this document.
D) The Queen and/or Crown Prince shall wield all power of The King of Taijitu in any time when The King is incapacitated or unable to attend to such duties or has decreed that the Queen or Crown Prince may act as the Regent of the Kingdom of Taijitu
E) Any imperial decree by The King of Taijitu shall hold precedence over this constitution or any law of the legislative body.
F) The King and Queen as supreme heads of the judiciary are immune from prosecution.

Article II Executive Powers
A) The reigning monarch shall be the constitutional Head of State and Head of Government of the Kingdom of Taijitu.
B) The King shall hold the authority to eject and ban nations from the region as necessary for the preservation of regional security.
C) The King shall hold the right to at any time dismiss any government official, and/or appointment any government official.
D) The King may refuse to grant Imperial Assent to legislation passed by the Senate.
E) The King shall be enabled to delegate executive powers to any citizen of the Kingdom of Taijitu, in order to assure the smooth operation of government.

Article III The Legislature
Section I: General Provisions
A) Legislation must begin in the Senate before proceeding to the monarch for assent.
B) For legislation to be made law, it must pass the senate, and receive Imperial Assent from The King.

Section II: The Senate
A) The Senate shall be the only house of the legislative body of the Kingdom of Taijitu.
B) The requirements for membership of The Senate shall be determined by the statutes of law.
C) The Senate may appoint a Speaker by a majority vote, who shall carry out the operations of Senate  and assure the swift progress of bills.
D) The Speaker shall determine the rules and procedure for the Senate.
E) Legislation may pass the Senate by a majority vote of votes cast.

Article IV The Judiciary
Section I: The Court of the Kingdom of Taijitu
A) The Court of the Kingdom of Taijitu shall be the lower court of the Judicary of The Kingdom of Taijitu.
B) All criminal and civil prosecutions shall commence in this court.
C) The Court shall be under the administration of a Chief Justice as appointed by The King.
D) The Chief Justice will administer the rules of the Court. Where no rules exist, the Chief Justice may use their discretion.
E) The official opinion of the Court in any trial or review will be binding on all Government bodies and officials, providing there is no appeal.
F) Court proceedings shall last no longer than 14 days.
G) All citizens of the Kingdom shall hold the right to file a criminal or civil case with the Court, provided that the Chief Justice find that it warrants a court case.

Section II: Appeals
A) Citizens may appeal a decision made by the Court to an extraordinary session of the Senate that will be presided over by the King.
B) A majority vote of the Senate shall determine if the appeal is legitimate, and if it shall be heard.
C) Appeals shall last no longer than 7 days.
D) The Senate will determine by a majority vote whether to uphold the decision of The Court or to provide a new sentence or to dismiss a verdict or charge.
E) The King may commute a sentence or pardon a convicted criminal as provided by the law.

Article V Rights
A) All citizens of the Kingdom of Taijitu shall hold the following unalienable rights;
(1) The right to freedom of religion; no Nation shall be persecuted or prosecuted for their choice of religion or lack thereof.
(2) The right to freedom of speech; no Nation shall be persecuted or prosecuted for expressing political opinion and/or any other form of opinion through .
(3) The right to sovereignty; each Nation has the right of self-determination in that Nation's domestic policies, including, but not limited to, issue selection and WA membership.
(4) The right to justice; No Nation shall be held to answer for a crime in a manner not prescribed by the Constitution or the Legal Code. No Nation shall be subjected to being twice put in jeopardy for the same offense.
5) The right to a trial; All nations shall be entitled to have a fair, impartial, and public trial before a neutral and impartial judicial officer. In any criminal proceeding, a Nation is presumed innocent unless guilt is proven to the fact finder by reasonably certain evidence.

Article VI Amendments

A) This document may be amended by a 2/3rds vote of the Senate.
B) Amendments will come into force provided assent is granted by The King.

Article VII Suspension and Emergency Provisions
A) The King may order for the suspension of the constitution by calling a state of emergency.
B) The King must inform both the Senate and the citizens of the realm of the state of emergency, and provide reasoning for its occurrence.
C) A state of emergency may last for no longer than 30 days, after which the constitution must be restored as the supreme law.
D) A unanimous vote of the Senate shall overrule any state of emergency.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:24:13 AM by McMasterdonia »
Ur a towel

Offline Delfos

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Re: In the Name of the King
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 07:56:19 AM »

We set ourselves the ultimate aim of abolishing the Kingdom of Taijitu and all organized and systematic violence, all use of violence against people in general. We do not expect the advent of a system of society in which the principle of subordination of the government to the majority will not be observed.
In striving for direct democracy, however, we are convinced that it will develop into libertarian socialism and, therefore, that the need for violence against people in general, for the subordination of one man to another, and of one section of the population to another, will vanish altogether since people will become accustomed to observing the elementary conditions of social life without violence and without subordination.

Peaceful surrender of power by the tyrants is possible, if it is convinced that resistance is hopeless and if it prefers to save its skin. It is much more likely, of course, that even in small arguments Council of Taijitu will not be achieved without skirmishes, and for that reason the only programme of international Liberation must be recognition of civil war, though violence is, of course, alien to our ideals.

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: In the Name of the King
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 10:54:00 AM »
The Senate would be a direct democracy...
Ur a towel

Offline Delfos

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Re: In the Name of the King
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 01:50:07 PM »
To decide once every few years which members of the ruling class is to repress and crush the people through the Senate — this is the real essence of your "democracy", not only in senate- constitutional monarchies, but also in the most democratic republics.

As long as your Senate remains a means of duping the people of Taijitu, and phrases about “democracy” are used to cover up power swindling and every kind of bribery (the particularly “subtle” brand of bribery your practice with regard to a closed circle of the ruling class, including judges, and others is nowhere to be seen on so wide a scale as in your monarchic senate), we free people are in duty bound to be in this very institution (which is supposed to express the people’s will but actually covers up the deception of the people by the ruling class) to untiringly expose this deception, and expose each and every case of power grabbing and opportunism, against the People of Taijitu.

Direct democracy has no need of Empires or Kingdoms or their supposed ruler.

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Re: In the Name of the King
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2013, 04:01:04 PM »
All Power to the Soviet Council!!

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Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: In the Name of the King
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 05:06:50 PM »
All I am reading is rant rant rant.

This constitution is a start for the new taijitu. The Senate can legislate on any matter and can make any amendment, with my assent.
Ur a towel

Offline Delfos

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Re: In the Name of the King
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 10:56:25 PM »
All I am reading is rant rant rant.

This constitution is a start for the new taijitu. The Senate can legislate on any matter and can make any amendment, with my assent.

You can't even hide it, people won't be fully free under your rule. There isn't different Taijitus so that you can decide to start a new one, Taijitu is it's People, it's time there are no coercive powers beyond it's legislative body. If Senate have full legislative power, then the first order of business shall be the elimination of "your assent", and turn it into a participative democracy.