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Author Topic: Update LXXI  (Read 1957 times)

Offline Shadowlurker

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Update LXXI
« on: December 07, 2012, 11:30:08 PM »

December 6th, 2012
43rd Congress, 43rd Cabinet, 35th Senate
Population: 1,311 nations
Forum Posts: 469,065
WAD endorsements: 346

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellors: HEM / Lethen
President: Vinage
Vice President: Seven Deaths

Grand Admiral: Common-Sense Politics
Foreign Minister: Elias Greyjoy
Culture Minister: Gustavus Adolphus Rex
Interior Minister: Drexlore Greyjoy
Citizen Integration Minister: Alexander
Attorney General: Peaceful Llamas

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

Legislative Government


McEntire (Speaker)
Gustavus Adolphus Rex
Cerian Quilor

Citizens’ Assembly Chairman:  Drexlore Greyjoy

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: Vacant
Associate Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justice: Skizzy Grey
Associate Justice: the Graz

Brilliant By-Election Brings Interesting Result

Scores Of People Confuse Themselves With The Title Of This Article

So what happens quite often after any General Election? Someone resigns - don't ask me why, it just always happens! I assume a similar situation for you? Either way finally-elected Senator Remsol Greyjoy resigned from his position after a disagreement on policy with several other individuals which opened up a vacant seat that needed filling. Bryan von Richthofen and Drecq quickly announced their intent to run for the vacant seat, both of which being reasonably new citizens. Notolecta later announced his intent to run as he sought to leave retirement behind and dust the cobwebs off him - nobody ever gets NS-fever out of their system!

Initial polls indicated a near-domination of Notolecta for the seat yet there was an undercurrent that Drecq's hard work in Citizenship Integration and Bryan's straight-away involvement in the Citizen's Assembly might slowly steal a few votes off Notolecta. Come the end of the election the polls looked like this...

A near 2-1 domination for Drecq and an almost full reversal of the expected polls! With Drecq focusing on the hard work that he had put in from day one, it captured the voters imagination and he ended up running away with it! Overall the election has taught us that Europeia will always give it's citizens who work hard and give it their all the support they deserve. Be it via an election, emotionally or through the World Assembly - the opportunity and support is always there.

Congratulations Drecq! You'll do us proud I am sure!

Written By Vinage[/i]

A New Chairman of the Citizens' Assembly

And there was much rejoicing.

The Citizens' Assembly (formerly City Council) of Europeia has a new Chairman to lead it, Drexlore Greyjoy! *a small handful of confetti is thrown in the air* Drexlore, concurrently serving as Minister of the Interior, replaces Swakistek as the head of the entry-level legislative body, which has recently undergone a major revitalization. As one of the best ways to get involved in Europeia, the Citizens' Assembly has a major membership, and oversees much of the World Assembly drafting processes, so we want to wish Drexlore the best of luck in his new role!

A Cabinet Full of Awesome

Well, sort of like that, but with more explosions.

With a new term comes a new President and his new slaves region monkeys cabinet! Here's the rag-tag band President Vinage and Vice President Seven Deaths managed to pull together for the term:

Grand Admiral of the Europeian Republican Navy: Common-Sense Politics

In a surprise turn of events, President Vinage has chosen to keep the same effective, constantly-busy Grand Admiral as last term (sarcasm, folks. Was there really any other candidate?). CSP has been working tirelessly on reinvigorating the Navy and leading multiple successful operations over the term. The ERN has seen a boost both in recruitment drives and, as an effect of the former, an increase in recruits. This is CSP's 8th appointment as Grand Admiral.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Elias Greyjoy

Drawing on a successful term as head of the Ministry of Citizen Integration and term as Senator, Elias Greyjoy was nominated for the prestigious post of Foreign Affairs. His involvement in many regions in the world and as constant voice as a figurehead in the World Assembly Security Council makes him an excellent choice for the position.

Minister of Culture: Gustavus Adolphus Rex

GAR (lord knows when the last time was someone used his unabbreviated name!) will serve his second consecutive term as head of Culture. Gus has provided constant entertainment, news, and all-around activity for the region, and we look forward to more of the same in this term.

Minister of the Interior: Drexlore Greyjoy

"It seems those damned Greyjoys are spreading through the Europeian government like....well, something that spreads fast." -Overhead on the streetcorners near the Palatium Manor.

Drexlore Greyjoy, fresh out of a term as Senator, an active Junior Minister of Culture, and constant presence in the Europeian Broadcast Corporation has been appointed Minister for the first time in his up-and-coming career. Recruitment numbers are soaring again under his leadership, and the Recruitment League has been reborn!

Minister of Citizen Integration: Alexander

As his name implies, Alexander is a friendly, amicable sort who enjoys Mumford and Sons and long walks on the beach. In his spare time, however, he is seen overseeing the Minister of Citizen Integration, responsible for making sure new nations in Europeia are welcomed and integrated!

Written By Elias Greyjoy[/i]

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Re: Update LXXI
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 05:14:52 PM »
Thank you for the report, Taijitu looks forward to working with the new government.