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Author Topic: Update LXVIV  (Read 2174 times)

Offline Notolecta

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Update LXVIV
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:06:17 AM »

September 5th, 2012
42nd Congress, 42nd Cabinet, 35th Senate
Population: 1,238 nations
Forum Posts: 445,264
WAD endorsements: 341

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellors: HEM / Lethen
President: Vinage
Vice President: Lethen

Grand Admiral: Apollo
Foreign Minister: Seven Deaths
Culture Minister: Gustavus Adolphus Rex
Interior Minister: Notolecta
Citizen Integration Minister: Elias greyjoy
Attorney General: Vacant

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

Legislative Government


McEntire (Speaker)
Seven Deaths
Elias Greyjoy
Pope Lexus X

City Council Mayor: Swakistek

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: OnderKelkia
Associate Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justice: Malashaan
Associate Justice: the Graz

Election Time is in the Air

Well, elections have come and gone leaving us with a healthy mix of old and new leaders. The first time winner of the Presidential Bid, President Vinage Vinage Grey-Anumia, had an easy time securing his spot against two not so serious opponents, Gustavus Adolphus Rex and StGeorgie. Easily the most contested race of this terms elections was the Senate race which resulted in a run off election between former President Pope Lexus X and Gustavus Adolphus Rex with Pope Lexus X taking home the win. The other winning Senators were McEntire, HEM, Seven Deaths, Drexlore and Elias Greyjoy.

First Portrait of Newly elected President Vinage

Following his confirmation, President Vinage delivered this stirring Inauguration Speech:

The Hard Work Starts here

My fellow Europeians,

I stand before you still in disbelief of the journey I have made to the Presidency. I thank you for your support and your kind words. I also thank my opponents for their unique runs for the Presidency and to outgoing President Sopo for the guidance, advice and opportunities he has given me. Thank you my friend.

At this point I would like to pay tribute to my running mate and now Vice President Lethen. There is nobody like Lethen and there never will be another 'Lethen'. He is someone who has many different levels of expertise and it are those expertise that I, and members of my Cabinet, will be tapping into. Thank you, Lethen, for running with me for the office.... we did it!

So, on with the future...

As I come into office the word reform seems high on the agenda, I do make this pledge to you – any wide sweeping senatorial reform will not be signed by me. I will not sign it but, instead, defer judgement of it to you the Europeian people through a referendum. That is my pledge.

For my Cabinet, Executive Order 83 shall determine their responsibilities and the structure of my Cabinet for this term. The nominations shall be presented to the Senate and I do hope they can be approved with speed so that they may get to work as soon as possible.

In my campaign I spoke frequently of the hard work and grit it is going to take us to maintain and expand our regional population. We have made good inroads here but we cannot simply rest on our laurels and expect that to be the case forever. We can say the same for our other ministries; we have been successful in Culture – but we cannot expect the success to come always. In Foreign Affairs we must continue our growing relations with our Game-Created regional friends. Finally we must be turning new nations into new citizens, Citizenship Integration will need to be working hard to see this happen. No term is ever a walk in the park, it is never easy, but in this term we must be focussed and determined to succeed. Hard work will get us far.

So Europeia I ask of each of you to get your hands dirty and get involved. Be it a few nations welcomed, participation in a Culture-led game or assisting to write the Foreign Update – each of them are duties that need to be done. For any budding politician for the next term, or even this term if we do have a bi-election, get yourself known by getting involved. A big recruiter always does well come election time and each Ministry has something to teach you, so long as your ready to get stuck in.

The hard work starts here. Now Europeia it is time to shine.

Written by Seven Deaths

Smells like Change

The Senate Panel on Legislative/Electoral Reform or PLER officially convened yesterday under the direction of Senate Speaker McEntire. All through out Election Season, reform was a hot button topic. Everyone had their own ideas and they weren't afraid to share them. The panel is meeting to discuss a potential way to reform the Senate elections. A widely discussed idea is splitting the race into two parts having half the Senate elected at the same time as the General elections and the other half at Mid Term. Serving as Co-Chair shall be Senator HEM.

Our first look at the Panel that will change Europeia?

The Senate has also invited Supreme Chancellor Lethen and Mayor Swakistek to serve as extra voices from outside the Senate. It is with this that we hope to have an additional perspective brought to the table.

Written by Seven Deaths

Europeia Under Attack!?!?

The Banner used for the duration of the Contest

A recent zombie hoard was seen just outside Europeia shambling towards various government offices. Citizens are running in fear but a few brave individuals are standing guard, locked and loaded and ready to fight the oncoming hoard. Will they survive?

Well yes, yes they did otherwise this update would be talking more about brains and less about what's been going on around here. In an event organised and run by the Ministries of Interior and Culture, zombies poured into designated offices and a straight up fire-fight ensued between those protecting Europeia and those trying to usher in the zombies. Why usher in zombies? Brains and the lolfactor. That is why.

But, anyway, Europeia was split into two teams and whichever team recruited the most won that day and a description of the events was written up by those involved in Culture. To much amusement to those involved. If I recall correctly in one of the write-ups Vinage was jumping up and down on the Presidential bed, causing some trouble while Sopo wanted to go to sleep. Pretty life-like that. Now, with some serious statistics about it, during the five day event a total of 2,860 telegrams were sent off and the population was increased into the 1140s. Pretty incredible stuff really!

Notolecta sent off the most and was rewarded with the following userbar:

All in all was good fun while doing something serious, and honestly a little bit tedious.

Written by Vinage

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Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Update LXVIV
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2012, 04:36:30 PM »
Thank you for the update!
Ur a towel

Offline Cozulul

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Re: Update LXVIV
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 06:08:43 PM »
Thank-you so MUCH!

Offline Letonna

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Re: Update LXVIV
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2012, 01:54:13 AM »

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Update LXVIV
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 02:43:30 AM »
Ur a towel