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Author Topic: Update LXVII  (Read 1518 times)

Offline Notolecta

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Update LXVII
« on: July 04, 2012, 05:09:56 PM »

July 2nd, 2012
41th Congress, 41th Cabinet, 36th Senate
Population: 1,310 nations
Forum Posts: 429,484
WAD endorsements: 345
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Sopo
Vice President: Vinage

Grand Admiral: Common-Sense Politics
Foreign Minister: Rachel Anumia
Culture Minister: Lethen
Interior Minister: Apollo
Attorney General: Hyanygo

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

City Council Mayor: Rachel Anumia

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: OnderKelkia
Associate Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justice: Jahka
Associate Justice: the Graz

Election Fever in the Republic

Newly elected President Sopo strikes a pose.

In a tightly contested election, Sopo and Vinage edged out Apollo and Lethen by a vote of 18-14. Upon victory Sopo confirmed his great respect for his opponent and his vision for the republic based on building and sustaining the regions successes. In the Senate,  Malashaan, Versailles-Vienne, Common-Sense Politics, Cormac and Cerain Quilor were elected to the Senate.

Leadership for a Blssoming Republic

"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes."
-Peter Drucker
This very quote is why I stand here before you today. On election day, Europeians were given a choice. They did not choose based on the popularity of the candidates or based on the eloquence of their speeches, but based on the candidate that they thought would bring Europeia the best results. I have great respect for Apollo; he is a man of character and a man of honor. In the moments he was ahead in the polls, I contemplated what an Apollo Presidency would be like. I am proud to say that I have the same faith in the idea of an Apollo Presidency that I do in my own. We do indeed have our differences, different personalities, different ideas, and different passions- but our love for this region is the same. Apollo is a remarkable citizen, and I am excited to work with him again this term in Cabinet.

I take on my teal uniform in much different circumstances than I did nearly a year ago. Today Europeia is strong, united, and blossoming. When I first ascended to this office, Europeia had just seen a Presidential resignation followed by a Vote of No Confidence in the remaining government. I was set to inherit a much different region with much different problems than those we face today.

As I write, Europeia sits at 1,338 nations, something that would have been unheard of only months ago. Our problem is no longer building success, but sustaining it. We need to embrace our progress, streamlining and growing our means to even better ends. The Cabinet I will shortly propose to the Senate for approval has the experience and know-how to do just that, and I have complete faith in the men and women I put forth to aid me in leading Europeia.

Finally, I would like to take a second to thank my running-mate, now Vice President, without whom I would not have been able to come this far. In case any of you have been wondering what kind of a team we will make over the next ten weeks, I present to you this quote from your very own Veep, defining our respective roles:

"You wield the axe while I get drunk."
-Vice President Vinage
Europeia has never seen a duo quite like Sopage. My initial instinct told me that we would do well together, but he has exceeded my expectations at every turn. His lighthearted nature brings me back when I get to managerial, and he backs up his fun exterior with real determination, as we've all seen through his WA work.

All in all, I am thrilled to take to the Goldenblock again, something I thought I'd never say again when I departed from these hallowed halls. I cannot wait to get to work, and I hope you all feel the same- there's much to do.

President of Europeia

Senate Recalled

Citizens unhappy with the Senate voice their displeasure

Roughly 10 days after being elected, former President Skizzy Grey proposed a recall of the Europeian Senate due to inactivity. The petition for recall quickly generated the required number of signatures, picking up seven signatures in only four hours. The measure was not totally unopposed, however, with the likes of President Sopo, Senator Cerian Quilor, and citizen Notolecta publicly and passionately denouncing the referendum for recall. However, before any discussion could be had, the petition passed and the recall was brought to public vote.

The referendum passed twelve votes in favor to seven votes against. (now former) Senator Cerian Quilor said following the vote, "Good luck to whoever the heck wins this time - let's hope you all can satisfy the unrealistic expectations of the Europeian Electorate, so we don't have /another/ recall." Mixed feelings dominate this recall vote. It has yet to be seen whether recalling the Senate will improve the region's activity.

Yarrhhhh! We Be Wantin' S'um Bootay!

Vinage, Lethen, Sopo & Common-Sense Politics get a little too involved with the festivities.

JYarrr! As you've read Europeia has begun a new term and has a new President, this time it didn't take long until the booze was rolled out again. Now, likely a reoccurring theme in our updates, stories about Europeians getting very drunk and that was no different here. In a fun-filled weekend long event, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and organised by Vinage, Europeian's drunk and won gold through games. That's right..... for a short while Europeia has a sliiiiiggghht economy and nobody really noticed. [Editors Note: Somehow I [Vinage] got away with that one]

Anyway Lethen came out as top but the people's champion was Notolecta in a close second place in terms of gold won. A fun weekend full of merriment and ale, what more could you ask for?