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Author Topic: Update LXVI  (Read 1382 times)

Offline Notolecta

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Update LXVI
« on: June 15, 2012, 04:12:39 AM »

June 14th, 2012
40th Congress, 40th Cabinet, 35th Senate
Population: 1,355 nations
Forum Posts: 426,236
WAD endorsements: 334
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: Skizzy Grey
Vice President: Common-Sense Politics

Grand Admiral: Apollo
Foreign Minister: Sopo
Culture Minister: Lethen
Interior Minister: Rachel Anumia
Welcoming Minister: Abbey Anumia
Media Minister: Vinage
Attorney General: Hyanygo

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

Legislative Government
malashaan (Speaker)
Cerian Quilor
Peaceful Llamas

City Council Mayor: Seven Deaths

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: OnderKelkia
Associate Justice: Swakistek
Associate Justice: Jahka
Associate Justice: the Graz

So You Think You Can Euro?

Vinage goes all out to win '"Best Looking Avatar"

Europeia had recently held a regional competition, sponsored by the Media Ministry, in order to find the most talented in several different categories - both fun and serious. These included: Artists [Photography, Drawings etc], Fine Artists [Singing, Dancing etc] and Writers for the serious side of things. While the fun ones included Best 'tash, Hottest Avatar and Stupidest Thing Ever Done. It seems that the following story will be crowned the winner, brace yourselves - stupidity is coming....

Quote from: Vinage
I have a scar on my head from where I thought it was a clever idea to carry a friend while heavily inebriated.

Basically it was...... Face + Pavement = Hospital 3 hours later
Oh dear, oh dear!

Anyway Europeia's has all sorts going on from every corner, and especially from Lethen and his team in the Culture Ministry so, really you guys should check it out! Regular games, Roleplays kicking off [which we'll talk about in the next update] and, well, more!!

Hey, I Just Met You But Call Me Elections

Carly Rae sings for Europeia

On the June 4th HEM called for the General Elections which were to be held on the 15th of this very month. Yet, concentrically, this month fell on the same month that five years ago saw Europeia become a Republic:

Quote from: HEM
I cast an eye to our state five years ago. Chronic inactivity, dire motivation, and political greed at every turn. Our small region was being torn apart at the seams by the elements that wished to control her. However, even the retrofitted government was not enough to stem the tide of inaction and inactivity. Europeia was in dire straits.

The conclusion I came to was a grave one. I had to -- without a doubt -- give up the Monarchy for the common good. It pained me, but I grew more excited and more thrilled at the idea of a Republic. It was my last chance at founderhood, and I was willing to give it everything I got. It worked.

Not because I was the smartest, or the most well equipped, but because I threw everything in and...well...hoped for the best.

My friends, you may not see yourself as ready for public office here. But Europeia may very well be ready for you. I've watched with a sad interest as more and more citizens shy away from the public life. This is -- of course -- the full right of all, but I caution everyone, that this region can be persuasive in calling people to serve.

As we select new Senators, and select a President, allow us to find the strength to embark on the next five years. Craft new tales of boldness, build new cities of valor, and allow Europeia to prevail.

Hail Europeia!

Quickly the race for the Presidency has heated up with two candidates coming out to stand and are currently battling it out. On one side is Sopo/Vinage and the other is Apollo/Lethen; all four being members of the current administration. One of the biggest issues in the race for president has been welcoming, which has quickly become the main topic in Apollo's campaign thread. Current polls show Europeia is in for a tight race and the 'unsures' will be making a huge difference come election day:

Most exciting election ever?

Life After Recruiting Scripts
The entirity of NationStates suffered what appeared to be a setback recently when automatic recruiting scripts were banned. Europeia has fared very well, fighting the tide to stay above 1,300 nations, even posting a gain. The Interior Ministry's success can be attributed to two main factors: 1) proactive work by Minister Rachel Anumia to prep the region for the end of scripts and 2) strong work recruiting by Notolecta and Apollo, among other contributors. Rachel Anumia, a veteran Europeian recruiter herself, managed to bring the Interior Ministry up to date after its only purpose was gathering dust during the era of script recruiting. Even more importantly, she brough together a group of dedicated recruiters, notably Grand Admiral Apollo and Senator Notolecta. While other citizens have recruited as well, these two have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve Europeia. Thus far, Europeia stands to continue growing, even without the automatic script, a feat some thought was impossible.

The fight to raise the Europeian population has personal implications for some members as well. Notable Navy members jumped at this offer from St. George, former United Defenders League member:

Quote from: StGeorgie
If you get 1,900 Europeian nations... I will not only join the ERN, I will pledge allegiance to LKE and Onder publicly.

In fact, StGeorgie's bet has been included in the Ministry's recruiting goals:

Quote from: Milestones to surpass
- 1,609 ~ Record for TGs sent in one Week
- 1,818 ~ All-time population record
- 1,900 ~ Population required for StGeorgie will join our Navy and swear fealty to Onder Kelkia
- 2,120 ~ Population needed to surpass 10,000 Islands

All in all, there's a lot to look forward to in the recruiting world- especially St. George's pledge of fealty to Onder.

Vinage-Onder' Success In The Security Council

World Assembly Gnomes doing a hard day's labour for a change

Just before the passing of Liberate "The United Kingdom of Britain" the following occured....

Quote from: Tue May 29, 2012 4:45 am
1 minute ago: The Empire of Newation removed regional password protection.
5 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation suppressed some posts on the regional message board.
5 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation unsuppressed some posts on the regional message board.
7 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation ordered the closure of embassies between The United Kingdom of Britain and The United Kingdom of Breutchesland.
8 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation ordered the closure of embassies between The United Kingdom of Britain and The Greater German Reich.
9 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation aborted construction of embassies with The United San Diego States.
9 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation aborted construction of embassies with Europia.
9 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation aborted construction of embassies with The United Republican Nations.
13 minutes ago: The Empire of Newation elected WA Delegate (ending The Empire of Grand Britain and Northern Ireland's reign after 61 days).

After a successful emancipation of the region, the password was removed and the Liberation was no longer required. A quickly written Repeal of the text by Vinage and Onderkelkia quickly hit the required number of approvals and a vote was taken. A heavy Foreign Affairs method was led by Vinage which eventually saw to the following ending up in his NationStates nation medals.....

Since then debates have cropped up about what future the World Assembly Delegate has within Europeia - if it should be a Cabinet Minister, a City Council focussed role or if the Senate should have a say in it. Either way times are a-changing in Europeia and its involvement in the World Assembly. Expect an even bigger voice to come soon.

Come Say Hi!