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News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.

Author Topic: Update LXII  (Read 1552 times)

Offline Notolecta

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Update LXII
« on: March 28, 2012, 09:31:33 PM »

March 31st, 2012
39th Congress, 39th Cabinet, 34th Senate
Population: 1,589
Forum Posts: 405,000
WAD endorsements: 355
NS Regional Power: Extremely High

Current Government of Europeia

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
President: PASD
Vice President: Skizzy Grey

Chief of Staff: JGlenn
Grand Admiral: Vacant
Foreign Minister: Common-Sense Politics
Interior Minister: Montana Max
Culture Minister: Apollo
Attorney General: Peaceful Llamas

World Assembly Delegate: Vinage

Legislative Government
Common-Sense Politics
Malashaan (Speaker)
Cerian Quilor

City Council Mayor: Lord Chuck Anumia

Judicial Government
Chief Justice: OnderKelkia
Associate Justice: Anumia
Associate Justice: Notolecta
Associate Justice: Hyanygo

Happy Birthday Europeia![/b]

Europeia celebrated the fifth anniversary of its founding with an 8-day festival that featured a series of events designed to celebrate the region's history. Citizens from across the generations gathered to remember, telling humorous stories about past controversies and debating the legacies of various regional politicians. The centerpiece, however, was a series of speeches from senior statesmen and foreign dignitaries.

In his remarks, five-time President Pope Lexus X paid tribute to HEM, Europeia's founder:
    Aside from founding the region we joined,
[HEM's] actions have made Europeia what it is more than any other's. He was our King, but relinquished his power in the name of democracy, our most prized attribute today. The effect of this was dramatic, opening the realm up to make its citizens policy makers and leaders. He paved the way to give nations a fuller experience in Europeia.

Former President Pope Lexus X

Europeia's early days were fraught with obstacles; treason, forum deletion, and more, but HEM led us through and persevered. A clever diplomat, HEM excelled himself in standing up for his new region's decisions when he came face to face with the 1000 nation giant of the day, Gatesville. HEM did not back down and showed his quality even at this early stage of Europeia.

Over our 5 years, he has only stepped in when it has been necessary. Often painted as part of the Old Guard, HEM guided many of Europeia's members with his wise counsel (myself especially!) but HEM always recognized the potential and need for the newer member to take their place. Such was his conviction, that he aided the rising tide of the EFP whose mark on Europeia created a whole generation of statesmen.
[/list]Viktoria Gryfynn, the founder of The New Inquisition, also praised HEM for the risks he took to build Europeia into the great region it is today.
    Starting your own region is a pretty risky thing these days, especially considering how big some of the player created regions are getting. It was pretty risky 5 years ago too. As a founder, I know just how much work needs to be put into a region at the very beginning. At the start, you're the one doing the recruiting, and about twice as much posting as anyone else in order to create activity.

The ravishing Viktoria Gryfynn

HEM, you have proven yourself to be one of the great founders of NS, and keeping this region alive is a great achievement that not a large number of NS regions can boast. I raise my glass to you.
[/list]When HEM's time to speak arrived, he did not dwell on Europeia's greatest moments, but reminisced about its humble beginnings:
    Just over five years ago, a crazy venture was made. A semi-successful politician in Empires of Earth and The Land of Kings and Emperors decided to go out on a limb, and attempt one last time to create his own region.

    This would have been my third serious attempt at this, and speculation abroad was critical at best…. Most saw this a throw away move. A waste of my career, which was advancing with my rise to the Speakership in LKE, the House of Commons in GB&I and Lord High Chancellor in Empires of Earth. What a waste of talent they said. What a waste of players.

HEM, in his most recent incarnation

Their fears were reasonable, and Europeia did not show an explosive start…. I appointed eager resident -- Rotalsia as interim Prime Minister. The Prime Minister's office was a tiny subforum in the Grand Hall, and various Ministers were appointed from the ranks of forum members. Catholic Lousiana was out first Culture Minister, Ratatosk was our first Foreign Minister.

But our region grew in activity. Rotalsia helped me recruit for the region, and he I and Ratatosk spent long nights planning for the future of Europeia. We envisioned a strong, active and proud region. Perhaps they would all be just as surprised as I am….

Alas, inactivity was the plague. After amazing months of almost 3000 posts, we hit a dry spell. In fear of my region I pulled the plug on the monarchy. Today we see -- more or less -- the same system as the one our first Republican Constitution set out.

Europeia has been an amazing experiment. It has allowed me to grow personally, and I am honored to have known all of you. It would not have been possible without the early membership of Europeia, and the resolve we had (Just as tomorrow is not possible but for all the great people we have today!). For despite all the doubts, all the chaos, all the political infighting -- we are still here.

And we shall remain here, and remain impactful here, until the end of Nationstates itself. I truly believe that.
[/list]We agree with HEM – so long as people are playing NationStates, Europeia will be among its most prominent and esteemed regions. Happy birthday to us!!

PASD Goes to Goldenblock[/b]

Sometimes with all the effort and intensity we put into NationStates, it is easy to forget or let slip your mind that this is, at the end of the day, a game and that real life concerns can and will interfere with your ability to do whatever job you may have been elected or appointed to do.

Former President North East Somerset

And such was the case with North East Somerset, who won the last election by a substantial margin with the full intent of seeing out his term and putting all his various plans and proposals into effect. But midway through the term, after giving a speech on the State of the Republic, NES abruptly decided to step down for the good of the Republic.
    When I signed my name down for President, I had no inkling that it was possible that I would receive two job offers within my first two weeks of Presidency. And I’ve shown my email records to a number of people to prove this. The job I have accepted involves long shifts on a 2 weeks on, 1 week off roster, at a remote site, and so maintaining the kind of regular activity required to be President will be impossible as I don't expect to have much time for NS during the periods on site.
Saying that he had "served as long as I can as President," NES made all the preparations a smooth and easy transition of power requires. Expressing confidence in the ability of his Vice President and his Cabinent to carry on for the rest of the term, North East Somerset formally stepped down as President, handing power over to Vice President PASD after handing out a number of awards to distinguished citizens in a variety of categories from overall service, to military, to recruitment, and many other things in between.

His resignation was met across the board from people who voted for him and people who didn't with statements along the lines of those given by PhDre: "I'm sorry that RL has caused you to leave us." The next day, PASD gave a speech of his own as he ascended to the Presidency. He said that he was "humbled" to be given the opportunity to lead Europeia, and he promised to do all he could to make Europeia better.

President PASD

PASD continued by stating his intentions for the rest of the term, which were: "for the most part I will be continuing the work NES laid down." In closing, he said:
    Finally Europeia. Some people are going to say that I am not ready for this job. "PASD’s inexperienced with this kind of work…..He shouldn’t be President….." I know I am going to have my critics. I will tell them now, I will work my hardest for this month I am President. I will not give up on this region. I may not have a full term, but I will do my damnedest to do my best. This region is ours, lets not let Europeia down.

    This is Europeia, and we are strong.
At press time, Europeia was going strong under President PASD's leadership.

By-Election Fever![/b]

With the resignations of Crist Seymour for personal reasons and Apollo Anumia, who was appointed Europeia's new Minister of Culture, the Senate has undergone a small makeover. Two new Senators have taken their place inside the Senatia. Two spots were up for grabs and three people decided to run. The following is a brief rundown of the by-election.

The candidates who ran for the two empty seats were Cerian Quilor, ACKJVR, and Alfie. It was a tightly contested race between those gentlemen and they worked hard to win over Europeian voters until the last minute.

March 5th rolled around and Vice President Skizzy Grey opened the polls. After much back and forth in the polls, the picture started to clear and by the time the polls closed Europeia had two new Senators. Cerian and ACKJVR were elected with twenty and nineteen votes respectively. Alfie finished just out of the running with thirteen votes.

Congratulations to the two new Senators and we wish them luck throughout the rest of the term.

Rachel Anumia Retires[/b]

Rachel Anumia retired from the Europeian Senate and as Grand Admiral of the Europeian Republican Navy on March 12, citing real life time constraints as her reason for retirement. Looking back on her longtime involvement in Europeia, Rachel noted that she considered her time as Minister of Welfare the high point of her distinguished career and said that she was "very proud" of her work with the Navy, "particularly when we did missions with purpose."

Rachel Anumia

As Grand Admiral of the Navy, Rachel initiated needed reforms that aimed for modernization and long-term sustainability and success. She also presided over the ERN's participation in several very successful raids. She will be greatly missed by her friends in Europeia and allies in other regions.

Vice Admiral Common-Sense Politics and Rear Admiral Apollo have taken joint command of the Navy as it transitions to new leadership. Their command has already seen the ERN's involvement in the successful occupation of Soviet Union to mark The New Inquisition's 6-year anniversary. We're sure we'll be seeing even bigger and better things from the Navy's new dynamic duo!

Articles by Skizzy Grey, Cerian Quilor, PASD, and Cormac. Edited by CSP and Cormac.
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