Europeian Foreign UpdateJan. 28th/08, 11th Congress, 11th Cabinet, 6th Senate
Population: 94 Nations
Regional Power: Moderate
UN Delegate: Paleomiz
Lt. UN Delegate: VacantExecutive GovernmentSupreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy
President: Lethen
Vice President: HEM
Chief Justice: Anumia
Grand Admiral: Allied Alliances
Foreign Secretary: Pez201
Culture Minister: Bradshaw the Sceptic
Immigration Minister: Paleomiz
Junior Ministers (Foreign Affairs): Peaceful Llamas, Antallica
Junior Ministers (All other departments): VacantLegislative GovernmentSenate Speaker: Cordova I
Deputy Senate Speaker:Senate Clerk: Senators: Delvetia
Don Corlene
Cordova I
DelvetiaIn a couple of weeks, Delvetia will be retiring from public life in Europeia for some time due to RL obligations. His presence in the Senate, in the Cabinet, in the Foreign Service and on the forum in general will be sorely missed, as Europeian citizens hold him in the highest regard.
Senate by-electionA Senate by-election was held a couple of weeks ago, to find a replacement for Danoboy63. Don Corlene won the vote and duly became Europeia's newest Senator. The unsuccessful candidates were General Amorov, Peaceful Llamas, Antallica and Pez201.
Position scrappedThe position of Cabinet undersecretary, held so briefly by Pez201, was scrapped. No one really seemed bothered by this.
History examsThe final exam for History, led by HEM, is currently being held in the Europeian University.
Europeian Navy in MobiusThe Europeian Navy has been flexing its muscle in the region of Mobius. As expected, our navy has taken over the region and is at anchor. HEM has graciously offered all Mobius natives a home in Europeia, although none so far have taken up his offer.
Public AssemblyAn act was passed through the Senate (The Public Assembly Act), creating the Public Assembly. All citizens who are not in the Senate or the Judiciary automatically become members of the Senate. The Public Assembly will be used by citizens to suggest bills and debate on bills currently being discussed in the Senate.
Regional powerRegional power is moderate, after being high for some time. There are currently ninety-four nations in Europeia.
New ministerBradshaw the Sceptic is the new Culture Minister in Europeia, replacing Delvetia.
EUROPEIAN CULTURETotal forum posts: 34,900
Top ten posters:HEM 4,685
Lethen 4,365
Pez201 2,878
Paleomiz 2,385
Cordova I 2,082
Pineapleboy 1,871
Danoboy63 1,837
Hyanygo 990
nasalivesII 922
The Holy Empire of Coed Showers 862
And honourable mentions to South West England and Desakar, who have each logged over two hundred posts, or something like that, in the last twenty-four hours. They'll tell you exactly how many.
Secret room competitionPez201 won the secret room competition, set up by Pineapleboy. By finding the secret room first, he won... nothing.
Not many playing roleplay Roleplay has lagged a bit (okay, a lot) but spamming activity is as healthy as ever.
Ask BradshawBradshaw the sceptic dispenses his words of wisdom on the citizens of Europeia, answering their questions about anything and everything.
Official Update from the Europeian Department of Foreign Affairs
Written by:
Pez201, Europeian Foreign Secretary