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Author Topic: Foreign Update XVII  (Read 623 times)

Offline AntallicA

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Foreign Update XVII
« on: February 14, 2008, 06:06:51 PM »
Sorry it's a bit late, this is already a bit outdated as Europeia moves so fast :P

[SIZE=10] Europeian Foreign Update[/u][/SIZE]

Jan. 28th/08, 11th Congress, 11th Cabinet, 6th Senate
Population: 86 Nations
Regional Power: High
UN Delegate: Paleomiz
Lt. UN Delegate: Vacant

Executive Government
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy
President: Lethen
Vice President: HEM
Chief Justice: Anumia
Grand Admiral: Allied Alliances
Foreign Secretary: Pez201
Culture Minister: Delvetia
Immigration Minister: Paleomiz
Junior Ministers (Foreign Affairs): Stratus
Junior Ministers (All other departments): Vacant

Legislative Government
Senate Speaker:
Deputy Senate Speaker:
Senate Clerk:
Cordova I

Elections and re-elections
Electons for President and Vice President, and for the Senate, were held on January 21 and the independant faction, with Pineapleboy and Danoboy63, won the Presidential race. Due to a masking problem, with a couple of non-citizens allegidly voting, the opposing Centralist party ticket (led by Lethen and HEM) challenged the result in the High Court. Pez201 ruled that the results of the two elections were void, and ordered a re-vote. The re-vote was held a few days later and the Centralist Party defeated the independant ticket. The elections for Chief Justice were held on the 26th and the incumbent, Pez201, was swept aside by Anumia, who is now the CJ. The final results of the elections can be seen above, with the current members of the Legislative, Judicial and Executive listed.

The problems with the Presidential re-vote has led to Danoboy63 leaving the region and resigning from all his duties, as he accuses the Centralist party of rigging the voting.

Nhlp resigns
Nhlp resigned from the post of Lieutentant UN Delegate a few days ago, but is still active in the University and in the region.

Cordova I resigns as Foreign Minister
Cordova I, who has been the Foreign Minister for six months, resigned from his post a few days ago. He will be sorely missed, and we hope his replacement doesn't mess up too much.

Population problems
The population for Europeia has dropped and is now at eighty-six, which is quite low. A recruitment drive is under way to reverse this trend.

Money growing on trees
The financial Roleplay game has been revived on the forum. Perhaps more respectable than spamming (although we do that as well!), Roleplay games have been known to become inactive after awhile, as it will be interesting to see how these games turn out.

Civilian Action Party
A new political Party, the Civilian Action Party, has been formed by Pineapleboy. The Centralist Party has been the dominant party on the Europeian landscape for some time, so this has been seen by many to be a good development.

Google madness
A user by the name of "google.com" joined and posted that the forum was being removed from the google search engine. Europeians dismissed the user as some weirdo, and ultimatly, no one really cared.

More politicians
A new cabinet position has been created, Cabinet undersecretary. Pez201 was appointed to the post, but the post is now vacant.

Official Update from the Europeian Department of Foreign Affairs
Written by: Cordova I, outgoing Europeian Foreign Secretary and Pez201, incoming Europeian Foreign Secretary

Offline Allama

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Re: Foreign Update XVII
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2008, 07:06:21 PM »
Thanks for the update!  You guys always do have interesting stories to tell of political life in Europeia.  ^_^