Weekly Europeian Foreign Update
Dec.20th/07, 10th Congress, 10th Cabinet, 5th Senate
Population: 100 Nations
Regional Power: Moderate
UN Delegate: Paleomiz
Lt. UN Delegate: Helpfulboots/Nlhp
Executive Government:Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy
President: Lethen
Vice President: Danoboy
Chief Justice: Pez201
Grand Admiral: Allied Alliances
Foreign Secretary: Cordova I
Culture Minister: Pope Lexus X
Immigration Minister: Paleomiz
Provincial General: Vacant
Junior Secretary (Foreign Affairs): Paleomiz
Junior Secretaries (All departments): Vacant
Legislative Government:Senate Speaker: Pineapleboy
Senators: Lethen
Cordova I
Pope Lexus X
City Council DisbandedThe Senate voted to disband the City Council, noting all the controversy and grief that it was causing. The general population agreed with its abolition.
Resignations and By-electionDue to RL and other commitments, NasalivesII resigned from his post as the Provincial General as well as Mayor of City Council. Paleomiz was Deputy Mayor so she succeeded NasalivesII. She resigned shortly thereafter and the City Council was abolished.
Senator Solimaria resigned from the Senate and a by-election was held to fill his vacant seat. Among the candidates are Anumia, Paleomiz and Delvetia.
After a brief stint as Provincial General, Royal Mayorga has resigned.
New political parties EstablishedDue to the need for more competition among political parties, two new parties have been founded: the People’s Progressive Party by Peaceful Llmas and the Europeian Vocational Party by Pope Lexus X.
Winter festival As the Winter Festival draws to a close, the Europeian People’s Choice Awards results are the highlight and the talk of the town. Sunday is the official closing ceremony and the results for the rest of the contests will be announced then.
Republica UniversityThe University is once again very active after a long period of stagnation. New classes and professors were added, such as Music Class taught by Professor Pananida and Language Class taught by Proffessor Cordova I. The University is also implementing a new degree system, decided by Dean Nlhp and the faculty after a faculty meeting. This new system awards academic degrees and certificates to students who complete five assignments and have satisfactorily understood the material.
Nlhp Re-elected DeanAs per university protocol, the dean is elected every 30 days. Nlhp stood for re-election and was unanimously chosen to remain as dean. We wish him all the best.
New Treaty with the New InquisitionAfter negotiations with the New Inquisition, Europeia is successfully pushing forth a military, intelligence and overall friendship treaty in the Senate with the New Inquisition. This will bring our two regions even closer together.
Medals for Members of the Foreign ServiceForeign Secretary Cordova I has decided to introduce a system to honour members of the Foreign Service. Different ranks of stars and crosses will be awarded to those who serve the Department with integrity, merit and loyalty. A special awards category exists as well.
PopulationStill stable.
Official Update from the Europeian Department of Foreign AffairsWritten by:
Cordova I, Europeian Foreign Secretary