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Author Topic: Foreign Update XII  (Read 854 times)

Offline Charabzhahb

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Foreign Update XII
« on: November 26, 2007, 09:03:29 PM »

Weekly Europeian Foreign Update

Nov.26th/07, 10th Congress, 10th Cabinet, 5th Senate
Population: 98 Nations
Regional Power: Moderate
UN Delegate: Paleomiz
Lt. UN Delegate: Helpfulboots/Nlhp

Executive Government:
Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice Supreme Chancellor: Lethen
President: Lethen
Vice President: Danoboy
Chief Justice: Pez201
Associate Justice: Jay
Grand Admiral: Allied Alliances
Foreign Secretary: Cordova I
Culture Minister: Pope Lexus X
Immigration Minister: Paleomiz
Provincial General: NasalivesII
Mayor of City Council: NasalivesII
Junior Secretary (Foreign Affairs): Paleomiz
Co-Junior Foreign Secretary (Foreign Affairs): NasalivesII
Junior Secretaries (All departments): Vacant

Legislative Government:
Senate Speaker: Pending
Cordova I
Pope Lexus X

This time around, the race for both branches of government was very close. Lethen is now the President, by a vote for 8-7 over Danoboy. Danoboy becomes the Vice-President.
The Senate vote was also very close and the above seven members were elected.

Tie-Breaker for President
Due to an error in the votes, the Presidential race is tied at 8 to 8. According to the constitution, the former Senate would have to vote to break the tie. The Senate voted and Lethen is still President.

Active University
The University is once again active! After the Culture Minister threatened to sack professors if they did not start posting soon, Biology, Space Exploration, NS History as well as NS Debate Class are back in session.

Harry Potter Mania!
To spice things up, Founder HEM has decided to put us all into “houses,” similar to those in the Harry Potter series and each house would earn points. There would be competitions and fun galore!

Treasury and Finance Minister Position Abolished
After a vote in the Senate, the Treasury and the Finance Minister Position have been abolished. Citizens realized that an economy would not work in Europeia.

New Cultural Event
Former Culture Minister Gladius has made a Gladiator Arena and an Emu Temple for our enjoyment. The new Culture Minister Pope Lexus X has created a new event called the Winter Festival. We are all looking forward to that.

Remains stable

Official Update from the Europeian Office of Foreign Affairs
Written by: Cordova I, Europeian Foreign Secretary

« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 09:05:28 PM by Danoboy63 »

Offline kor

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Re: Foreign Update XII
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 11:09:55 PM »
Thanks for another wonderful update, Dano!  :drunks:

Offline Charabzhahb

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Re: Foreign Update XII
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 12:29:34 PM »
Thanks for another wonderful update, Dano!  :drunks:

Always for my friends at Taijitu! :D