Europeian Foreign Update
March 1 2008, 11th Congress, 11th Cabinet, 6th Senate
Population: 103 Nations
Regional Power: Moderate
UN Delegate: Cordova I
Lt. UN Delegate: VacantExecutive GovernmentSupreme Chancellor: HEM
Vice-Supreme Chancellor: Pineapleboy
President: Lethen
Vice President: Pineapleboy
Chief Justice: Anumia
Grand Admiral: HEM
Foreign Secretary: Pez201
Culture Minister: Bradshaw the Sceptic
Immigration Minister: Vacant
Junior Ministers (Foreign Affairs): Peaceful Llamas, Antallica
Junior Ministers (All other departments): Don CorleneLegislative GovernmentSenate Speaker: Cordova I
Assembly Chair: Desakar
Senators: Gen. Amarov
Don Corlene
Cordova I
Peaceful Llamas
IN THE NEWS:Paleomiz leaves!In one of the biggest events in recent Europeian history, UN Delegate Paleomiz (known as "Paleo") left the region without any announcement on the Europeian forum.
Senate by-electionsWith the resignation of Stratus, Delvetia and the leaving of Paleomiz, three positions in the Senate opened up. A by-election was held and Gen. Amarov, Peaceful Llamas and Pez201 were the three candidates running, and not suprisingly, all three got in.
Public AssemblyThe Public Assembly, created to give all Europeian citizens a place to debate on bills in the Senate, and to suggest bills for the Senate, has been very active.
Europeian NavyNow lead by HEM, who takes over as Grand admiral from Allied Alliances, the Europeian Navy is still at anchor in Mobius.
Regional PowerRegional power is moderate, and the population is 103.
Passed lawsThe Senate has passed two laws since the last foreign update in mid-February: The State Prosecution Act, where a Europeian citizen is appointed to the position of State Prosecutor and prosecutes in all Europeian court cases (except where there is a conflict of interest). The second Act is the Ministerial Directive Act, which gives ministers greater autonomy in their departments.
On February 21 Stratus, former Senator, gave his opinion on Europeia:
"Europeia is about as generic of a region as you can get. Its really nice, but... no."Social Liberlandia, who had a nation in Europeia, has been telegramming forum people asking them to join in "the revolution", or something like that. As Social Liberlandia isn't on the forum, no one really cares.
EUROPEIAN CULTURETotal forum posts: 37, 730
Top ten posters:HEM 5,078
Lethen 5,059
Pez201 3,019
Paleomiz 2,443
Cordova I 2,227
Pineapleboy 1,897
Danoboy63 1,837
Hyanygo 1,010
nasalivesII 929
The Holy Empire of Coed Showers 862
Lethen closes the gap on HEM in the post count. HEM has been in first place since, well, forever... but can he hold on now?
Funniest quote:Squish fish make Des angry! DES SMASH SQUISHY FISHY!
INTERVIEWFor this Foreign Update, Pez201 interviewed Pope Lexus X about his views on... stuff.
Pez: You were the Europeian Culture Minister for awhile. What did you do in your time to enhance Europeian Culture?
Lex: Well I ran an unsuccessful festival, let someone else run the university and gave Lethen some ideas as to what I should actually be doing... I would say I had a rather productive term
Pez: If you'd created a thinktank, and created a bureau to oversee the thinktank, and a committee to oversee the bureau, you would have made a fantastic minister in RL... and in Europeia, HEM would have loved you.
Lex: Like a son..
Pez: What is the role of the Europeian Culture Minister in regards to the University?
Lex: I never did anything with the university, as I saw it as the Dean's domain. Nlhp never needed encouragement either, so I couldn't do anything with it if I wanted to...
Pez: Ah, so it was all under control.
Lex: Or maybe thats just what I want you to think..
Pez: What regions were you active in before you came to Europeia and what regions are you active in now?
Lex: I began in Gatesville, moved to Cingeta and Jethnea, then I went to the Great Green Federation. I retired for a time, and then came back to join with all the others and Europeia, Lazarus, and Novus Orsa. Currently I'm in Novus Orsa, Jethnea and of course Gatesville. What can I say? I get around
Pez: I can't even imagine being in so many regions!
Lex: and I'm fairly sure I've left one or two out as well..
Pez: Do you believe that NS is dying, and the game will one day cease? Or is there a resurgence around the corner? Your thoughts.
Lex: NS doesn't die. I know I made a large number of speechs about the "Fact" that it was, but it isn't the truth. NS goes through periods of decline, generally around the holiday seasons of summer and Christmas. We experienced a pretty bad one last year, and things did seem bad, but in reality if we all decide the game is dying, it will. What needed to be done was for someone to stand up and do something big, and having suitably freaked out the feeders by the Neutral Territory conference, and the drama of TNP, activity seems to be returning. As for maintaining that, my simple request of all NS'ers is to just go nuts. Be spontanious, and random, and make activity. If you don't it probably will decline again. Make things interesting for the new people. Don't make it stressful though, make it fun.
Pez: Very true (yes, I read the entire paragraph :lol: ). If you had to select one citizen of Europeia to be sedated for 24 hours, who would you pick, and why?
Lex: I would sedate HEM for a day and make Anumia the Supreme Chancellor with your good self as Vice Chancellor. Just think of the possibilities!
Pez: The possibilities are... frightening. Tell us one thing about yourself in RL that we don't know.
Lex: I am actually the Prince of Wales' alternate ego.. Didn't see that coming did you?
Pez: Why are your ears so big?
Lex: All the better to hear you with...

Official Update from the Europeian Department of Foreign Affairs
Written by:
Pez201, Europeian Foreign Secretary
And thanks again Allama for coming round the other day