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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: Weekly update  (Read 13642 times)

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Weekly update
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:18:13 AM »
Equilism Update
April 28, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Restored Othalla
Population: 209
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
A list of possible regions to open diplomatic relations with has been forwarded to the Chancellory by Lord High Prosecutor, Moo-cows with guns. Currently the Chancellor and Deputy are investigating further into these regions, weighing in on if an embassy exchange would be beneficial. The list had nine regions in all.

Currently the Region of Gay is being considered for an embassy exchange. The proposal has been met with no opposition.

Military Affairs
E-Army soldiers have been spotted in Gaelionica and Brigelle, and were victorious in both battles. Keep up the good work, E-Army!

The College of Equilism
Currently a Collegiate Committee to explore possible programs for better relations with small regions has begun taking volunteers. However, only two have stepped forward: Deputy Chancellor of Foreign Affairs Notherfork and Collegian Flexion, who originally proposed the SIREN project that got this all in motion. The Monarch, Westwind, has offered his assistance to the committee as an adviser.

The Small & Intermediate Regions and Equilism Network (SIREN) and the Military Liaison Program (MLP) are the chief subjects on the collegiate exploratory committee's agenda. They'll also be generating new ideas, as well as possibly proposing legislation.

Deputy Chancellor of Foreign Affairs and Collegian, Notherfork, has drafted a amended version of the "Laws & Procedures of the College of Equilism: Duties, Rights & Votes" after a Judicial review found the document did not allow for public votes. His original draft had some errors and had to be modified, and now it stands before the College for further review.

A proposed War Powers Act has been shared with the College. It was brought up during the discussion on the Laws & Procedures of the College of Equilism by the Monarch after Tse Moana (Chancellor of Intelligence, Advocate General, and Heir to the Throne of Equilism) put forward concerns over the War clause in the procedures.

An amended version of the "Laws & Procedures of the College of Equilism: Committees" has been drafted. This was done after some concerns were expressed that the document was too narrow in its scope, originally only having committees as tools of internal investigations into wrong doing. The new version would give committees further range, including the exploration of possible legislation and actions, as well as to analyze particular subjects, topics, etc for Collegiate review.

The idea for a possible law creating regional holidays has been brought up before the College. Currently it is under discussion, but all seem in favor of such a bill. Currently only three holidays have been suggested: Reunification Day (January 4th), Founding Day (January 13th), and Schism Day (October 20th). Activities have also been suggested for each of these days, such as a single Founding and Rebirth Festival, running from January 3rd through January 13th, and a solemn discussion and reflection on the past every October 20th.

This proposed holidays bill was accompanied by a suggestion for possible honorary titles of nobility to former members. Westwind, the Monarch, said that it would be acceptable if the College petitioned him to give out such titles to former and current members who've achieved much and served the region well. No petitions have been brought forward yet.

The '07 Edition of the Equilism World Cup is finally here! The FEFA, the Federation of Equilism Football Associations, housed on Ambassador Island, is again proud to present this years edition of the Equilism (Football) World Cup!
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5172

Bar & Games
A discussion over the region's current population and standing within NationStates has sprung up. It's been accompanied with some history of the region's fluctuating size.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5114

Good Morning? Good Afternoon? Good Evening? Good Night? Cordial boredom to the extreme, check it out!
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5008

Govvistan celebrated his 1000th post! Join in on the celebration.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5155

Equilism keeps moving along it's musical experience, listening to everything from the elegant to the bizarre. Everyone seems to want to share their love of music, and discuss the latest cool groups.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...=299&st=880

If you're bored and want somewhere to hangout or just want to observe the madness, then drop by the Bar!!

The Spamathlon continues on the Games & Fun forum, Equilism's chief source of diversion.

Also, don't forget Equilism's fabulous arcade! One of the best in NS!

Role Playing & Main Street
Tons of fun is to be had at the E-Bar, and much of Equilism can be found there. Do you want to be having fun too? Then take a seat, order a drink, and relax.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...=70&st=4640

Borealium has been further developing his country, releasing new maps and information on the nation's various regions and social aspects.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=4908

Govvistan has started a thread to share short stories and information about his nation. So far he has only published one story, but more are no doubt on the way.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5148

A lot of the classic threads are still popular on the Role Playing forum, such as Be Nice to the Previous Poster, Attack the Previous Poster, and the last one wins, along with other RPs like Subterfuge and An unidentified object.

Open Debate Board
Egos ready to burst, the debate board still proves to be a place of the rational and the irrational. God, abortion, the media, Libertarianism, homosexuality, political leanings, and the USA seem to be this week's main sources of debate.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showforum=22

Quotes of the Week

While considering the Region of Gay for an embassy exchange...

Why not, as long as their active.

Well, active and not affiliated with terrorists.

Restored Othalla
So, you associate gay people as being affiliated with terrorists...

  I'm a 21st century American - I associate everyone with terrorists.
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 07:19:08 AM »
Equilism Update
May 4, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Restored Othalla
Population: 187
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
Equilism has opened relations with Gay and Taijitu. A request for an Embassy Exchange, made by Liberty Alliance, is being considered by the FA Chancellory. Also, one of the regions which was on the list provided by Moo-Cows with Guns (see last week’s update) is now also under review.

Military Affairs
The men, women and spammers of the E-Army have been spotted in Lazarus. They’ve also been spotted in San Marino; however, the Chancellory of the Military could not confirm if the soldiers were defending or watching Formula-1.

The College of Equilism
- A Committee has been formed (which evolved from the College’s discussion to cooperate in Defender-work with smaller regions, the SIREN-project) to evaluate the Military Liaison Program (MLP), create new and/or adapted/combined ideas for military cooperation with other ideas and possible creation or amending of legislation concerning these areas. The Committee has officially been installed by Lord Chancellor Restored Othalla and will start after the elections.
-    Notherfork has made a “Standard Bill Template”. The aim is to ensure that each piece of legislation has a standard lay-out.
-    The debates about amending the Committee section of the College’s “Law and Procedures” is being wrapped-up and a vote is expected to be held soon.
-    Collegiates are motioning for a vote about the adapted College Laws & Procedures (this is separate from the point mentioned above).
-    Collegiates are discussing about regional Holidays Titles.

The first term for the first government (excluding the Provisional government) of the Realm of Equilism is almost over. On April 30th, Governor General Neo-Conservatism, announced the following:
Nominations for Lord Chancellor will begin in approximately one week from today, on Saturday May 5th.

Members wishing to run for Chancellor of the Realm will have five days to announce their candidacy starting on Saturday the 5th as well.

Bar & Games
If you think Equilismers don’t spam, think again: The Merlion publicly  announced his 3000-postcount milestone. Just a week before, Govvistan reached 1000 posts. Yes dear readers, spamming in Equilism can be a real battlefield – a fun battlefield though.

For the rest, discussions about greetings, what you’re listening to, activity in the region “The Realm of Equilism” and Naivetry’s birthday are taking place.

In the Games and Fun forum, the “Änswer the question with a question” game is proving popular. Meanwhile, Caption Contest number 30 has started, this time with Govvistan providing the following picture:

Role Playing & Main Street
The usual games, such as “Attack the Previous Poster”, “Be nice to the previous poster” and “who will post last?” are still proving popular.

Meanwhile, Govvistan, who has appointed himself “Grand Elf of Equilism”, is being threatened. Several members are determined to “smoke him out” after Govv failed to post a picture of himself with pointy ears. If there are any Swedes around, Govvistan needs your Go to the thread!

Open Debate Board
The big bang theory, Abortion, Saddam Hussein’s execution, the US Missile Defence System in Central Europe and Libertarianism are some of the surprising and less-surprising topics being discussed and debated on in the Open Debate Board.
The United States is being picked on in “Hillary equals France” and “Brits Revoke American Independence”. 

Quotes of the Week

What an utterly useless and brilliant idea!
Flexion responding to Tycholand’s explanation of Spam Day in the Regional Holidays & Titles discussion in the College.

Equilism Goes Hollywoord (continued) – Fantasy Moguls
After having hosted the Equilism Film Festival, Equilism is continuing its love-affair with Hollywood with it’s own Fantasy Moguls! Create your own movie studio and pick some movies which you think are going to be blockbusters. Scores are determined by a number of factors. Tse Moana has created Equilism’s own league in the Fantasy Mogul.
Go to the thread!

Equilism World Cup 2007

After last year’s successful Football World Cup (and we’re talking about European football), Tycholand is yet again organising the Equilism World Cup! Besides the matches themselves, a number of other activities are being organised. The competition is open for everyone, so you’re also invited! And you don’t have to be a football-fan to participate! Interested? Click here!
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2007, 10:34:21 PM »
Ty for the up-date, Naivetry, looks like a very vivid forum-life. :clap:
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 05:01:41 PM »
:D  Thanks, PoD Gunner - we try to have fun.    :trout:

Equilism Update
May 13, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Restored Othalla
Population: 187
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
Currently the regions of Liberty Alliance, Uroca, and the Alliance of Socialist States are being considered for further diplomatic relations.

Military Affairs
All has been quiet on the E-Army front as elections go on. Other than finishing up a few open missions, the E-Army has been mainly confined to the barracks.

The College of Equilism
As elections are underway, activity in the College has slowed.

Currently a discussion about Equilism expanding into Cybernations is underway. This was opened as concerns grew over NationStates' low activity levels. Currently no decision has been reached, but it has been agreed that Equilism needs to start reaching out to other games.

SIREN is still under discussion, as possible candidates for involvement in the program are considered. This will be further developed when the Collegiate Committee setup to investigate the SIREN project gets started during the next term.

All other legislation has been put on hold, though this will end as the next term begins.

In a odd turn of events, the elections ended in a draw! In addressing the region, Nagabeth,  Chancellor of Internal Affairs, released the following summary of the voting...

Dear people of Equilism,

The vote is closed and counted.  From the beginning this was a close race. In the last few hours it seemed that The Merlion would take the lead. But then there was a vote that was found not valid! So people shouldnt be surprised when I announce that there is no winner!! It ended up in a tie ladies and gentlemen! Both Merlion and Notherfork ended up with 5 votes each. Anyhow, Merlion an Notherfork you both did great!
What will happen will soon be determined.

Will there be a second round?? Stay tuned for more news!

The '07 Edition of the Equilism World Cup is still having nations sign up teams. Currently twenty-one nations in all will be represented in the games, and more are still coming forward.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...c=5172&st=0

Tse Moana has begun an Equilism "Fantasy Moguls" league. This will see nations of Equilism compete to produce the biggest blockbusters in the region.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5197

Bar & Games
Equilism proves itself to be a region not bound by age, as more and more members talk about how many years they've been around.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=4767

Felasia and Merlion both celebrated landmark achievements this week, as they celebrate reaching 2000 and 3000 posts!
Read more on Felasia: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5017
Read more on Merlion: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...=4882&st=40

Heard a pin drop? A cow die? Some repulsive J-Pop? Post about it on the "What are you listening to now?" thread!
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...=299&st=920

Voting on Caption Contest No. 30 has opened and all are invited to go and choose their favorite.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5224

If you're bored and want somewhere to hangout or just want to observe the madness, then drop by the Bar!!

The Spamathlon continues on the Games & Fun forum, Equilism's chief source of diversion.

Also, don't forget Equilism's fabulous arcade! One of the best in NS!

Role Playing & Main Street
Tons of fun is to be had at the E-Bar, and much of Equilism can be found there. Do you want to be having fun too? Then take a seat, order a drink, and relax.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...=70&st=4640

Unleash the dogs of war! Once again, the trigger happy region is kicking over ant hills and loading their rifles.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=5221

A battle of fantasies has broken out during Govvistan's declaration of Grand Elfness.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?sh...mp;#entry156446

A lot of the classic threads are still popular on the Role Playing forum, such as Be Nice to the Previous Poster, Attack the Previous Poster, and the last one wins, along with other RPs like "An unidentified object."

Open Debate Board
Egos ready to burst, the debate board still proves to be a place of the rational and the irrational. Conservatives calling people "French," abortion, British revoking of American Independence, the big bang theory, and capital punishment seem to be this week's main sources of debate.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showforum=22
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 05:15:05 PM »
 Thanks for the up-date,  Naivetry.
I took a look at SIREN in your forums (:D nice abreviation), could be interesting. Keep us informed on the elections.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2007, 06:16:12 AM »
SIREN is an idea from one of our newer members - who, unfortunately, seems to have just been the victim of a poisoning attempt in Naga's Teahouse (someone switched his tea with detergent).  As soon as he's feeling better and the cabinet is up and running, the College should be considering the SIREN proposal in committee.  And speaking of the new cabinet, here is a special announcement regarding the elections:

Equilism Special Update
May 17, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 180
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Election results!
After the tie between Notherfork and Merlion, a debate followed in the College on what to do next. The result: a second round, and here are the results!

Notherfork – 8 votes (57.14%)
The Merlion – 4 votes (28.57%)
Abstain – 2 votes (4.29%)

Result announcement by Governor-General Neo-Conservatism:
The run-off is now over and Notherfork is the winner with 57% of the vote. Congratulations to all of the candidates and good luck in the next term.

Not long after the results were published, Notherfork took the Oath of Office:
I do solemnly swear to execute the Office of Lord Chancellor of The Realm of Equilism, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of The Realm of Equilism.

After that, the selection of the Chancellors for the second Cabinet of the Realm of Equilism can begin and we will keep you updated in future updates.

This is also the time where we say goodbye to Restored Othalla’s Cabinet. Restored Othalla has done a wonderful job of leading Equilism after the reunification and much has been accomplished. Thank you!
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 03:38:46 PM »
Equilism Update
May 19, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 185
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
Diplomatic relations have been established with Liberty Alliance. The FCSTO has expressed its wishes for closer ties with Equilism.

Military Affairs
WATCH OUT! E-Army soldiers have been spotted crammed in a van in A Van Down by the River, acting idiotically in Random Idiots and marching in neat rows in The Legion. Conclusion: one minute they’re organised, the next minute they’re party animals…

The College of Equilism
The following topics are on the College’s agenda:
- College Laws and Procedures
- Amending the Committee and Procedures part of the College Laws and Procedures
- Cybernations
- And congratulations have been flying around the College with Noth’s election as the new Lord Chancellor.

Chancellor of the Realm
The Chancellor of the Realm elections (the elections for Equilism’s UN-Delegate) have been won by Felasia.
The announcement was made by Governor-General Neo-Conservatism:
By margin of 20-17, Felasia has won the position of CotR. Congratulations to all the candidates. The delegacy transfer is effective immedietly.
Felasia ran against Govvistan and the election remained exciting right until the end.

Nations are still invitied to participate in the Equilism Football Cup 2007. Interested? Click here!

Bar & Games
Post counts, the number of forum members reaching the 1000, what you’re listening to now and age are all hot subjects in our good ‘ol Bar.

The vote for Caption Contest number 30 has ended! Here is the image with the winning caption:

"Mowgli couldn't wait to be home and start making his new IKEA car." (Haken)

In the Games & Fun forum, the classical games are still very popular. Spam is also popular, but that is very old news.

Role Playing & Main Street
The classical RP-threads are still popular.

Crime in Seriphyn has risen dramatically due to immigration. Click here to read the topic.
New developments have been going on in Subterfuge. Click here to read more.

Tension on the north-western continent of Terra Ora has risen. Several nations are threatening to attack Govvistan after the Grand Elf of Govvistan refused to post a picture of himself with pointy ears. Several nations chose to take Govvistan’s side while several others are threatening him. There are also nations who expressed that they will remain neutral in the conflict. Tensions are threatening the south-western continent as well, as two nations on this continent have also chosen sides in this conflict.
Click here for the conflict-thread. 
Click here for the thread containing the reason for the conflict.

Open Debate Board
Another week goes by, more debate happens. God, faith, the pope, and the Semantics of Enslavement seem to be this week's main sources of debate.
Read more: http://www.equilism.org/forum/index.php?showforum=22
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2007, 11:19:19 AM »
Ty for the up-date,Naivetry.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 07:21:57 PM »
You're quite welcome.   :)  Here, have another one.   :P

Equilism Update
May 26, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 177
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Military Affairs
E-Army soldiers have been spotted in Disney’s theme park in the region of Florida (yes, they’ve been dressing-up as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse…) and Gilmerica.

The College of Equilism
No news has been heard yet of a new Cabinet. The Chancellors from Restored Othalla’s Cabinet are still in in office until the appointment of new Chancellors.

Topic of the College include:
-    A proposal for regional holidays and titles
-    Proposal for a new War Powers Act
-    The SIREN-project
-    The Committee-section of the Laws & Procedures of the College has been amended with all votes in favour.
-    Another amendment of the Law & Procedures of the College has been voted on, with the majority voting in favour.

Sign-up for the Equilism World Cup closes in a few days! Hurry if you still want to join:
Click here!

Bar & Games
A funny video, age, Cybernations and what you’re listening to are hot in The Bar.

Tse Moana and Nagabeth will be hearing the results of the story-writing competition they entered tomorrow, Sunday the 26th. We all wish them luck! Hopefully they will post the stories on the Equilism forum. If they do, we’ll be sure to include a link in next week’s update!

On the Games front, our usual/classical games are still very popular. Yes, we do love spamming!

Role Playing & Main Street
The usual games in the RP-forum are still popular.

On the RP-front, things are still looking pretty active.
-    On the War! Front – caused by Govvistan’s Grand Elf’s refusal to post a picture of himself with pointy ears - it looks like the first major battle is not far away. Tarricoe’s fleet attacked one of Tycholand’s ports, but Tycholandian ships attack from behind and Tarricoe escaped. Ships from Westleism arrived and it looks like he and Tarricoe will attack Tycholand. Meanwhile, Tycholand is threatening the life of Tarricoe’s second-in-command, Ixtapa, who was captured in the first attack. President Cowley of Flexion has called for a peace summit and many nations will attend.
-    On the Subterfuge-front – the RP where a Tycholandian airliner was shot down – things are also heating-up. Seriphitican forces are in pursuit of the commando’s who entered a paramilitary base where they managed to recover a hard-drive which possibly contains evidence related to the shooting-down of the aircraft.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 07:23:43 PM by Naivetry »
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2007, 09:12:29 AM »
Oh, you are spoiling us!  :P
Thank you Sir, may I have another one, Sir?!
E-Army soldiers have been spotted in Disney’s theme park in the region of Florida (yes, they’ve been dressing-up as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse…) and Gilmerica.
wicked camouflage!  :D
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
*Home of GMT* / www.nationstates.net/nation=red_kagran

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2007, 12:08:53 PM »
Well, since you've asked so nicely.... :P

And indeed, the E-Army prides itself on its highly sophisticated camouflage technology.  =

Equilism Update
June 2, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 167
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
The Chancellory of Foreign Affairs is considering diplomatic relations with The New Inquisition.

Military Affairs
E-Army soldiers have been spotted in Greater Antarctica, Neoseeker, Indian Ocean and Massassi Jungle. 

The College of Equilism

The new Cabinet, the Second Cabinet of the Realm of Equilism, has been announced!

Quote from: Westwind
Quote from: Notherfork
I submit the following appointment for the review of the College and approval of the Monarch.

Chancellor of Internal Affairs : Govvistan
Chancellor of Foreign Affairs : Tycholand
Chancellor of Defense : The Merlion
Chancellor of Intelligence : Tse Moana

I'm pleased to sign my approval for these appointments for the Second Cabinet of The Realm of Equilism. We have a great resource of College members to choose from.

Signed this 29th day of May 2007
His Benevolent Majesty Westwind, Monarch of The Realm of Equilism

Congratulations to Notherfork and his new Cabinet! We wish them all the best during their 3 month-term.

Meanwhile, discussions are still going on about the War Powers Act and “Defender Cooperation Committee” has started work.

Equilism has voted 6-0-0 for “International Trade Currency”.

Bar & Games!

A funny video, your last meal, age, Wagger’s absence, Homeland Security signs, last books, what you’re listening to and your thoughts are hot in The Bar.

Happy birthday Zel! Equilism’s Father of Spam is another year older!

Results are in from the writing competition Nagabeth and Tse Moana entered. Although they didn’t come in at first place, Equilism is waiting in suspense for them to translate their stories!

In the Games & Fun department, all the classical games are still in favour with the spamming public.
The vote for Caption Contest 31 has opened.

Role Playing & Main Street
Hostilities still continue in the “War!” conflict has The Merlion captures one of Govvistan’s hidden elf-cities.
Meanwhile, in Chateau Mercure in the Flexion highlands, President Cowley of Flexion is still attempting to make peace. So far, it looks like little progress has been made.

A proposal has been made for the West Equilism Trade Association, or WETA. This initiative is meant to stimulate cooperation on various aspects between the nations located on the north-western and south-western continents in Equilism.

Equilism World Cup 2007

The Equilism World Cup 2007 (football) is set to start in about a week! The first actual matches will be played on June 9th. However, some of the related competitions have already started.
Stuff surrounding the World Cup include a betting office, a caption competition, a cheerleader competition (with pictures!) and a writing competition. One or two more competitions are still in the works.
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2007, 04:44:59 AM »
Equilism Update
June 8, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 159
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
The New Inquisition’s request for an Embassy exchange is being considered by the FA Chancellory, while relations with Genosha have been closed. New relations have been opened with the region of Uroca.

Military Affairs
Think E-Army soldiers and the kitchen don’t go together? Think again! E-Army soldiers (yes, including some male soldiers) have been spotted in NationStates Cook Book. No-one has been caught in the “act” though… :P

In a Commissioning Ceremony, new ranks have been distributed and officers appointed.
Tse Moana – Lieutenant of the E-Army
Notherfork – Lieutenant of the E-Army
Astarial – Captain of the E-Army
Neo-Conservatism – Captain of the E-Army
Moo-cows with Guns – Captain of the E-Army
Tarricoe – Captain of the E-Army and Deputy Chancellor for Defence.

Monarch Westwind officially appointed the people mentioned above and handed out the new shining badges!

The College of Equilism

-    The Equilism Civic Holidays Law is up for vote now. Those days might just be a good excuse for the Lord Chancellor to sit in his office and drink whiskey. Yes… that must be the real reason. Oops, I said too much! *sees a black van pull-up in front of the house*
-    Westwind has signed the new College Laws &Procedures.

UN-resolution Voting
Equilism voted 6-0-1 for “Disease Prevention and Control”.

Bar & Games
Almost 160,000 posts in the forum, age, greetings, postcounts, how young everyone is, what you’re listening to now and your thoughts are hot in the bar.

Happy birthday Yorna! A fellow Equilismer turns a year older!

The good ‘ol classical games are still popular in the Games & Fun forum, so there’s nothing to report on that front. Those of you who are wide-awake will just have noticed that I did report something on that front.

It was Westwind’s turn to launch Caption Competition 32, as he won 31. This is the image:

Role Playing & Main Street
While the classical games are still popular, the war surrounding Govvistan’s High Elf’s picture continues. Despite President Cowley’s best efforts, fighting is still going on, although it is less intense than it was. A cease-fire is in the works. The only battle is between the fleets of Tycholand and Tarricoe, with fleets from Westleism and Thoughtful Ideas close-by.

Open Debate Board

God doesn't work, faith is a trick

We're still hammering away on this, but we might be heading off topic:
Quote from: Canada6, Apr 13 2007, 09:54 AM
Sorry to interrupt, but I have something to say about Chaucerin's blog.

Frakkin' Ron Paul, Yo!

The Philosophes asks:

Quote from: the Philosophes, Jun 3 2007, 03:04 PM
Just who is Ron Paul?
and so far he's gotten a tirade of responses. We'll have to keep an eye on this fella...

2008 US Elections

As the subtitle says, "let's start even earlier...". Chaucerin is leading the charge on the elections, still a good 17 months away.


It's been a slow week on the ODB. Still, there's been some great quotes and avid debating, despite a drop in post numbers.

Quote of The Week

This weeks award goes to Chanik Hooker, with this beauty:
Quote from: Chanik Hooker, Jun 5 2007, 04:10 AM
CanuckSix and I agree on sumtin'! It's amazing! It's a miracle! It's... hold on, there's a funny noise outside....

And I have a Mr. Lucifer on the phone complaining about an air conditioning malfunction...

Equilism World Cup 2007

Equilism World Cup 2007
Ready for launch

Ladies and gentlemen – welcome to this year’s edition of the Federation of Equilism Football Associations Equilism World Cup 2007!
Twenty-four nations will be competing for the World Cup trophy. The opening match will be on Saturday between host-nation Felasia and Govvistan.

Numerous activities surrounding the Equilism World Cup have been organised – and you don’t actually have to participate in the actual playing of the matches to join-in a bunch of these activities!

- Caption Competition
- Betting on the outcome of the matches (Big Betting Business)
- Cheerleader competition
- Writing competition
- The Golden Goal café, for talking about football-related stuff
- The World Cup Stock Exchange

Come and join in the fun! Click here to go to the Equilism World Cup 2007 forum! Enjoy!
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2007, 09:48:57 PM »
Equilism Update
June 16, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 155
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
Equilism has just opened diplomatic relations with Evermoore and is considering opening relations with The New Inquisition.

Military Affairs
E-Army soldiers have been spotted wearing orange-coloured clothes in Ukraine, surfing in The West Pacific, flying starships at warpspeed through Space, acting cool in Amazenien, The New White Islands and Anime and generally being a nuisance for invaders.

The College of Equilism
- The College is discussing ideas about writing-down the history and politics of Equilism.
-    The Equilism Civic Holidays Law has been approved by the College and signed by the Monarch:

Thank you Lord Chancellor, it is indeed my honor and privledge to sign the Equilism Civic Holidays Law.

Signed this 14th day of June, 2007
Westwind, Monarch of The Realm of Equilism

Chaucerin resigns
Chaucerin has resigned all the offices he holds with immediate effect: the Lord High Advocacy, Member of the Triumvirate of Guardians, soldier of the E-Army and Admin. Chaucerin faces a busy real-life, but also wants more say for the newer members of Equilism. Chaucerin is a long-term member of Equilism and has held numerous positions. He will, thankfully, not be leaving Equilism. His announcement was met with much sadness and thank-you’s. Thank you for all you’ve done for the region, Chauce!
Read the Announcement

Bar & Games
When Squirrels Attack is one of the hot subjects in the bar. Click here for the story!
Zorn Uzkul has made an announcement in the bar: baby Zorn has taken his first few steps! Congratulations! Zorn is one proud papa!
In other bar business: other hot topics are the Last Book, Your thoughts here, Yourna’s birthday, member’s blogs, greetings, how everyone is, the fact that there are almost 160,000 posts on the forum and postcounts.

In the Games & Fun section, all the classic games are still popular.

Role Playing & Main Street
The classic games in Role Play are still popular.
There are updates surrounding the crisis of the Govvistan’s High Elf’s refusal to post a picture of himself. Tycholand was faced in Thorough Port against Westleism, Thoughtful Ideas and Tarricoe, but reinforcements arrived on time. Tycholand wanted to let the enemy fleets depart, on the condition that rhey signed a cease-fire. Meanwhile, a cease-fire in the Peace Summit, hosted by Flexion’s President Cowley, still has to be signed and the conditions agreed upon. After the first day, everyone has retired for the night.
Discussions are still going on about the West Equilism Trade Association (WETA).

Zorn Uzkul’s Weapons World has opened in Main Street. That guy sells some serious firepower!

Quote of the Week
By Lord Chancellor Notherfork:
Due to illness, the role of your Lord Chancellor shall be played by...


Equilism World Cup

The Equilism Football World Cup 2007 has commenced! In the first round, twenty-four nations divided into six groups battled-out who would go to the Quarter Finals. Those lucky twelve are: Tarricoe, The Lavender Menace, Cernun, Borealium, Westwind, Felasia, Haken Rider, Kangawawa, Thoughtful Ideas, Neo-Conservatism, Restored Othalla and The Merlion. The Quarter Finals start tomorrow!
Equilism World Cup
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.

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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2007, 09:07:39 PM »
Ty for the excellent up-dates, Naivetry!!!  :clap:
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Naivetry

  • Regina Magistra de Latina
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Re: Weekly update
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2007, 08:44:59 PM »
Thank you for the very hospitable reception!  Hopefully I'll be able to do more than just update here, after the next couple of weeks.  :)

Equilism Update
June 22, 2007

Monarch: Westwind
Lord Chancellor: Notherfork
Population: 145
Regional Power: Very High
Forum Link: http://www.equilism.org/forum
Equilism Wiki: http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Category:Equilism

Foreign Affairs
The only news that is to report on the FA-front is that Equilism has rejected an Embassy exchange request with The New Inquisition.

Military Affairs
Equilism loves Canada! E-Army soldiers have been sighted in Canadian Goose Land and in Canadian Scottish Alliance. They’ve also been spotted helping-out Fort Azure. Our soldiers have also been hammering invaders with hammers and poking them with sickles in the mass-battle in Marixst Leninist Party.

The College of Equilism
The only activity in the College at the moment is about new members joining and about the Regional Holidaus & Titles.

UN-resolution Voting
Equilism voted 4-4-0. Our UN-Delegate voted against the proposal.

Bar & Games
In the Bar & Games section, postcounts was everything the past week! Nagabeth reached 3000 posts and The Merlion and Tycholand both reached 4000 posts. This after a competition between The Merlion and Tycholand on who could reach 4000 posts first: the spamming largely took places in the Games & Fun forum (Tycholand won). Other topics in the Bar are what you’re listening to, your thoughts, Chaucerin’s resignation, blogs, the CTE’ing of Astarial, Zorn Uzkul’s announcement, When Squirrels Attack! and the last book.
Also, Tse Moana pointed us to the hilarious http://youtube.com/watch?v=YgnloJgui1U]Human Tetris![/url]

Role Playing & Main Street
The traditional games in Role Play are still popular.
In Merl’s Live Music Pub, people are waving around guns, talking about guns and wanting drinks.

Equilism World Cup

In the Equilism World Cup, the Quarter Finals and the Semi-Finals have passed. Four nations progressed from the Quarter Finals to the Semi-Finals (Tycholand, Felasia, Westwind and Restored Othalla) resulting in the matches Tycholand vs. Felasia and Westwind vs. Restored Othalla. Felasia and Westwind won their respective matches and will continue onto the Final on the 24th of June!
The Quarter Final was complicated by the CTE’ing of Cernun, which meant that Tycholand was allowed to come into the Quarter Final (see Match Schedules and results thread for more information).
Equilism World Cup
Visitor from Equilism
[11:40pm] Soly: Violence is a poor solution.