News: Let this region resound with the song of the Kitten Paw Happy-time, and be permeated with the smell of catnip and pine!
An Invitation to attend the NationStates World Fair 2015The NationStates World Fair is back - with an expanded committee and great plans for 2015! The NationStates World Fair Committee would like to cordially invite all regions to participate in the festivities of the World Fair.The NSWF provides a great opportunity for a wide variety of regions from across NationStates to come together in celebration of the year, to participate in various discussions, and to hear lectures from highly respected players on a wide variety of topics. The NSWF is opening application for bids to host the World Fair for 2015. Applications are open right away and will close on the 11th of November 2015. Unlike previous world fairs, hosts of the fair will have a greater say in the organisation and management of the events. This will include input into the design and layout of the forum for the event, input into the lectures, including selecting some of their own lecturers for the lecture series, greater input into general entertainment aspects of the forum, and the opening and closing statements of the World Fair. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate what your region has to offer, and we hope to see as many applications as possible. To find out more information, including how to apply to be the host of the NS World Fair, please see this thread -> for a regional booth should be made within that thread.Additionally, if you are interested in lecturing as part of the World Fair Lecture Series please contact McMasterdonia.For any further inquiries, please contact Todd McCloud, or one of the other committee members:Eluvatar, McMasterdonia, Astarial, Sopo, or Almonaster. Thank you!
I hope I'm speaking for everyone when I say that I'd love for Taijitu to attend!
Anyone want to volunteer to coordinate a Taijitu booth?