For those newer to the region, please describe your political history in NS.
Be my pleasure. I started in the Lex, and rose to the position of Minister of RP/Top RP mod, a post I held until "The Exodus" that resulted in the creation of Taijitu.
I was one of Taijitu's founding members, I've been here since day one.
I've been a consistent RPer, and prior to my latest respite I provided the service of free flag/coat of arms/etc.... creation for any RPer interested.
On a region wide scale, I've served as Minister of Finance/President of the Bank, a term that was marred by a sudden drop in interest in the Lottery as well as the Tai currency in general. I responded by creating visual representations of the currency, trying to inject a bit of fun into something that had more or less died away.
I've served in the Senate and run as a VD candidate twice before, once as SD's running mate and once as Myroria's. During my VD campaigns and my service in the Senate, I advocated for the separation of powers, hoping to bring real balance to Taijitu's political system.[/quote]
PS. These guys are awesome... and would get my vote if I still had a nation.
Well thank you, your support is appreciated non the less.
How do you propose to simplify government?
See, this is the interesting part. I guess "simplify" really isn't the best term to use. For the Taijitu government to function efficiently we don't have to do much in the way of changing the structure. The structure isn't the problem. We've seen this government work efficiently on this system before, and we believe it can do so again. The problem isn't the government's structure, it's the attitude, and in some cases the people, behind the scenes.
We need efficiency. We need commitment. We need community. We need to jump start the workings of the government, not rebuild the government.
So how do we do this? Simple; Action.
Lets take the recruitment situation as an example. The current situation is abysmal. We need to aggressively recruit recruiters. Find those who are willing to do the job, and then make sure they do the job. If they're not doing what they're suppose to do, they're kicked off the recruiting team, and we find someone who's willing to contribute.
An other example, the courts. Lets face facts folks, the Govinda trial was and continues to be our source of humiliation in the NS community.
Under a SD/I-S Administration a trial tacking three months just to start won't be tolerated. If we see a defendant is trying to dictate terms to the court we'll take action. If the Prosecutor is allowing the dependent to get away with dictating terms to the court we'll simply dismiss him and bring in someone else who's willing to do the job. If the Justices are allowing the problem to continue we'll sit them down and tell them to get the damn trial on the road. No ifs ands or buts.
I promise you one thing. The Govinda Trial would have been over in a month at the most if a SD/I-S administration had been running things.
Action, the willingness to simply put the bureaucratic BS aside and GET THINGS DONE. That's how we plan on simplifying the Taijituan government. That's how we plan on jump starting this region.
I welcome back the SD-IS ticket, good luck with it guys, I'll pop back in to shoot some questions at ya. 
Glad to be back. Still feels like home. I look forward to the questions.