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Author Topic: Press Conference  (Read 5027 times)

Offline Prydania

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2007, 01:44:33 AM »
Not as much as you think. Since popular will is not always for the best, in fact it's directly opposite many times, it is therefore an illegitimate foundation for any government.
However, the problem with this is that there is no such thing as an omniscient human being or group of human beings.  Since your standard, apparently, is that a legitimate foundation of government must always be "for the best", it naturally follows that there is no legitimate foundation of government that can be created by human beings.  There is another problem with your standard.  "For the best" is an incredibly vague term, and does not take into account that different groups of people have disparate interests.
The reason that popular will is the foundation of government is not because the citizen is virtuous or because he is omniscient.  It is because a majority of the people have it within their power (though they do not often realize it and hardly ever use it) to topple any existing government and put another in its place.  The NS equivalent is moving out of a region en masse and founding another one, which seems particularly appropriate since that was how Taijitu was founded in the first place.
That's the thing though, there is no perfect government, because no government is omniscient. Rather, we have to strive for the best we can do, we have to look to history and take what works and abandon what doesn't work.
Mob rule simply doesn't work. The more often then not, the majority wants the choice contrary to the popular good.
See Nazi Germany. See the American south during the 1960's. There would still be segregation in the American south had the issue been decided based on the will of the majority.
Even today, look at the stance on gay marriage in the States. Again, popular will runs contrary to what is actually right. Now I'm not saying with adopt a totalitarian dictatorship either. I'm saying the best is a balance between mob rule and authoritarianism. We must have free elections, the right of self-determination. Yet we must also place checks to guard the power of the mob.
Remember, the first priority of democracy is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.

Where did I mention an elite force? The fact remains that "open debate meant to educate the public" doesn't always work. People, as a group, are easily manipulated, and often turn to fire-eaters at the expense of those trying to further debate. Why? Because the public, as a group, doesn't have the attention span for honest debate to have a lasting effect.
I'm sorry, but you have absolutely no warrant for that sort of statement, and such a generalization is impeachable anyway.  Not all "publics" are the same, and you must take into account that the Taijitan public, due to the peculiar sort of person that NS attracts, is in general articulate and intellecutally interested (though one's typing or expository skills might not keep pace with these qualities).  Many of us are in college or in the latter years of high school.  You're transplanting the statements of eighteenth century elites for whom the public was generally illiterate and undereducated, to a place where exactly the opposite is the case.
First of all, the general statement that people, in a group, are easily manipulated is just as true now as when it was first spoken. Nice attempt though.
Yes, it's true that Taijitu, being a NS community, attracts people who you, as you said, are "general articulate and intellectually interested." 
One would think this would protect Taijitu from the mob rule. Sadly, that's not the case. When you get people grouped together, regardless of their intellect, mob rule will become a reality.
Case in point; Germany, a nation that produced some of the world's greatest musicians and scientists, gave birth to the most evil tyrant who ever lived.
Mob rule is human instinct, something that very few are born without, something almost everyone, regardless of intellect, is susceptible to. 

Simply put, the popular will of the people is not always for the best, and many times they support unfair or counter-productive ideals because they are easily manipulated.
No one's calling for an end of honest, open, debate. No one's pushing for the creation of an elite class.
All I'm saying is "the Senate is the will of the people" excuse is no reason not to check the power of the Senate.
And what's the alternative?  Instead of the mass of uninformed, illiterate, drooling lepers that apparantly constitutes the Taijitan public, you would elevate from that mass one person, no better or worse than the rest, to check it?  I'm sorry, but that doesn't make any sense.
I'm saying that trusting the region to simply the "will of the people" is dangerous, even in principal. That power needs to be checked by an elected executive. A person isn't as susceptible as a mass of people is.
A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals (thank you Men in Black).
An exaggeration, to be sure, but the general point is there.

Yes, absolutely. If you were elected Delegate then that would tell me that a majority of Taijituans believe in your vision of how the region should be run.
I'm not outright supporting giving the Delegate a veto. We're examining all possible ways for the Delegate to check the power of the Senate, with the veto being the front-runner.
If, however, you were elected after a point where a veto was given to the Delegate as a check against the Senate, then I would support your right to use the veto, even if I disagreed with what it was you were vetoing.
Pardon? I believe I've been very consistent on this point.

They aren't excluding themselves from anything. If you choose to enter the courts, you're effecting the running of Taijitu through the court. If you become a Minister then you now effect how the region works through the executive branch. You're still allowed to contribute to the Taijituan government any way you wish.
In the interest of keeping the branches separate, however, you shouldn't be allowed to hold positions in two branches. That not only would give one branch an advantage over an other, but it would also create a conflict of interest.
For the sake of balance and responsible government, you shouldn't be allowed to theoretically hold posts in all three branches of government.
Of course, the problem with this is that Ministers and Justices are appointed.  Yes, people have the right to refuse appointments or to resign, but it would seem to me that most people don't want to give up their say in the lawmaking process of the region.  Even the past Delegate wasn't fine with being shut out of the Senate simply because he had chosen to run for an office, and it seems to me very unlikely that people would simply accept being shut out of the Senate because someone else thought they'd be good for a particular position.  There is also the possiblity that, under your system, the Delegate would appoint a person for a random unimportant deputy Ministry simply to remove that person from the Senate.
Also, for your information, one is not allowed to serve in all three branches of the government.  The Constitution specifically says that the Delegate cannot at the same time be a Justice, and while the case hasn't come up to the court yet, I would interpret as saying that one cannot be a Minister and also a Justice (I don't know how the other three would vote, though).
Furthermore, I don't see how, for example, Justices being allowed in the Senate creates a conflict of interest.  If a Justice thinks a bill is unconstitutional, the Justice is likely to argue and vote against it in the Senate, and should it come before the bench, the opinions would likely be unchanged.  Also, allowing a Justice to express his opinion in the Senate means its less likely that when it comes time for the Court to make a decision, the Justice will find their views less tainted by political opinion and will be able to rule solely on Constitutional interpretation.  I know this from experience.
You said it yourself; they don't have to accept the nomination. If a person feels they would be better off serving the region in the Senate as opposed to a Ministry or seat in the SC, they're free to turn down the nomination.
Also, no one is being denied any of their rights. As soon as they leave their seat on the Court, or their Ministry, they're free to resume life back in the Senate. Their rights as Taijiutuans would not be violated, they would just have to understand that for the sake of the sovereignty of the separate branches of government, they can't have their cake and eat it to while they're serving as a Minister or Justice.

There is also the possiblity that, under your system, the Delegate would appoint a person for a random unimportant deputy Ministry simply to remove that person from the Senate.
Every system has room for corruption.

Again, calm down. You've responded in a very angry manner, for no other reason then I disagree with you. So calm down, and realize that I have every right to my opinions, and the CPT has every right to exist as the TCP does.
You're being very defensive for some reason.  I did not challenge the right of the CPT to exist, nor did I tell you to shut up.  All I said was that your statement did not conform to the facts of how the Court is run.
No, I know how the Court is run. You're not getting what I'm trying to say.
Oh, your actions elsewhere indicate you feel differently about the CPT.

As for your statement....
It would be within the Court's power, during the next possible hearing, to change their interpretation of the judicial review to better carry out the check they have against the Senate. I'm not trying to persuade the court, or influence them.
While technically you are right, the other Justices, most notably Eluvatar, hold the principle of stare decisis in far higher regard than I do, and would be unlikely to change a past ruling unless there was a compelling reason to do so.
Then there's no problem. If they Court is happy with its current level of power and influence, then they should just keep on doing what they're doing.

I'm just saying that your initial reasoning is flawed, as it's a simple issue the Court could fix if they decided such a change was necessary.
However, the Court doesn't think it needs fixing.  The Court is perfectly fine with the current state of affairs.
See above.

Furthermore, even in the current state of affairs, the regulations concerning judicial review give the court tremendous power. Every SC in the western world needs to wait for a case concerning a piece of legislation to be brought before them in the form of a case before they can strike it down as unconstitutional.
Again your reasoning is contradicted by actual legal practice.  If an unconstitutional law does no material harm to somebody, it cannot be challenged in Court.  The power of judicial review is thus dependant upon the people, who, by your own reasoning are incapable of just government or even recognizing their interests, to call the attention of the Court to a particular issue.
No, you're confusing a person with the mob. As I said before, a single person is more capable of acting in their best interest then a mob is. Likewise a person is less susceptible then a mob is. So I would completely trust a person to bring a charge against a law to the Court.
Like I said concerning how the Court can declare something unconstitutional; If they're happy with the way the system currently works, great. Stay with it. If, however, the Court wanted to expand its powers, they have many ways to do so that are well within their power. So simply, stop complaining about how the Court can *only* strike a law down if a case is brought to them if you're happy with the way that system works.

I'm afraid that your concerns of a powerless court under the system I'm proposing are unfounded.
Perhaps the better question would be "why do you support a system where the Executive is castrated of any meaningful power?"
To determine the appropriate level of power for the Delegate, we must first ask "what is the role of the Delegate?"  To my mind, the role of the Delegate is to represent Taijitu to other regions and the UN, and to organize the military of the region.  The Delegate currently has ample power to fulfill these functions, and therefore doesn't really need any more. The purpose of the Delegate is not to govern Taijitu internally....
Yes, in your mind. Since when did we agree whatever you thought would become law?
The Constitution names the Delegate as the Executive branch of the government, correct?
As such he/she is entitled to all the rights and privileges a head-of-state has, including the right to govern internally.

....nor to have any say beyond that of an individual Senator over what goes on on our forums.
Really? Then why did the Senate feel the need to stick its nose in the RR issue? By your own reasoning, what PoD did regarding the RR was completely within his power as Delegate. Yet I remember the Senate calling for his head....
So it seems the Senate wants to strip the Delegate of powers that even they agree he rightfully has.

I knew this would come up. It always does. The habit of the oligarchy of the Senate to scream "tyranny!" any time a discussion for true separation of powers comes up.
Increasing the power of the Delegate at the expense of the Senate? Only so much as to balance the scale of power. As it stands now the Senate has to much power, while the Delegate doesn't have enough. So some power from the Senate must be removed and given to the Delegate to balance the scales.
First, as to your ad hominem attack.  I consider myself first a Taijitan, then a Justice, then lastly as a Senator.  I consider my duty to the Constitution and the principles of justice that it is meant to embody higher than my duty to create statutes as part of the Senate.  So don't try to label me part of "the oligarchy."
Celine Dion considers herself French first and Canadian second, that doesn't make it true.
IMO if you fight for the Senate to continue to hold onto the vast amount of power at the expense of truly balanced and responsible government, then yes, you are part of the oligarchy.

It is a claim that you can't back up and that does absolutely nothing to advance the debate.
See above. You're fighting tooth and nail to keep true power invested in the Senate at the expense of the two other branches.

I would challenge your notion that each of the three branches of government has to have exactly the same amount of power.  Rather, each branch should be apportioned exactly the amount of power necessary to function in its assigned duty.  The duty of the Delegate is enumerated above.  The duty of the Court is to uphold and interpret the Constitution.  The duty of the Senate is to embody the community and enact sensible laws to promote the continued existence and vibrancy of that community.
So now you're telling me what to think. Nice....
I think all three branches of government should hold equal power, you don't. We're not going to change each other's minds, so lets agree to disagree there. Its a matter of opinion, neither one of us is more "right."

I find it funny you accuse me of being a fascist who wants to strip the Senate of all power, when one of the key points I've been pushing is barring the Delegate's Minister from the Senate. I'm advocating that so that the Delegate can't exert his or her influence over the Senate.
You, sir, are putting words in my mouth.  I did not use the word "fascist," nor did I imply that you ever intended to grab absolute power for yourself.  I would argue, and I expect that a majority of my colleagues on the Court, who are supposed to bend their minds to this sort of Constitutional argument, would agree, that it is the right of every Citizen to have a place, if he or she desires, in the Senate.  The rights of Citizenship do not end when one takes a post in the Executive or Judicial branch, that was confirmed when the Delegate was granted a vote in the Senate based on his having citizenship in the region.
Elsewhere, in Myro's campaign thread, you've painted the picture that this ticket is power hungry and authoritarian in nature. I'm insulted by that. Read the program. We want balance between the three branches of government. You're free to think that's a bad idea, but there's nothing authoritarian about it.
Again, just because we want to give the Delegate enough power to actually be effective as a head-of-state doesn't mean we want to turn this place into Nazi Germany.

Look, you asked me six good questions, questions which I answered truthfully. You didn't like what I was saying, and you got a little nasty.
If you want to continue to discuss the platform of the Myro/I-S ticket, I'll be more then happy to join. If you're just going to yell at me for having opinions different then your own, however, I won't have anything to do with it.
You're making me out to be far more shrill than I'm being, and at no point did I try to communicate that I was "yelling".  I don't think I was nasty, rather, I found several points in your program, philosophy, and logic either flawed or inapplicable and took pains to point them out.  I attribute this bit of miscommunication to the inherant flaw of the Internet, that it can't show emotion. 
Probably. Could this board use more smilies, perhaps to better convey emotions and tones? Yes.
Yet I interpreted your previous response as overly aggressive and nasty. I'm glad to know that wasn't the case, but I'm not going to apologize for defending myself and my point of view when at the time I felt they were under attack.

But if you think that I'm not going to express my real and profound disagreement with your program, or that I will do it in such a way that will limit the scope or extent of my critique, then you have another think coming.
No one's asking you to. I know all to well you and I will disagree on many sociological, historical, political, and economic topics.
Above all though, I hope you recognize that the problems you see in the program I'm advocating are mostly there due to your own personal preferences, as in they're just your opinions.
Likewise the strengths I see in my program are a result of my opinions.
What I see as a fundamental flaw in your line of thinking, isn't a flaw at all, it's just my opinion. I try to recognize this.
The reason I was getting defencive was because I felt you were taking your opinion and presenting it as a fact.

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2007, 01:30:42 PM »
I have asked a similar question to this in Myroria/IS thread, so I do not mind if you only answer it once.

There are a number of jobs to do as delegate, and I am concerned that you are currently up for removal from the senate due to inactivity.

If you could not be bothered to fulfill your duty as Senator, how can we be absolutely confident that you will not bring the same attitude to the delegacy?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2007, 03:31:33 PM »
I have asked a similar question to this in Myroria/IS thread, so I do not mind if you only answer it once.

There are a number of jobs to do as delegate, and I am concerned that you are currently up for removal from the senate due to inactivity.

If you could not be bothered to fulfill your duty as Senator, how can we be absolutely confident that you will not bring the same attitude to the delegacy?
Well I'm not running for the Delegacy, I'm running for the Vice Delegacy.

As for the question at hand....
It wasn't that I couldn't be bothered to fulfill my duty as a Senator, far from it.
What happened was that after debating two key issues, issues which are now planks of the Myro/I-S  platform, it became apparant to me that I was severely outnumbered in the Senate.  As it was, I had no chance of ever affecting any meaningful change, as the majority would always be against me.
Why bother taking the time to write out long, passionate posts defending my beliefs, when in the end the majority of the Senate would discard what I had to say?

The result was that I became disillusioned with the Senate and it dropped on my priorities as a result.
I'm not saying the Senate should have all converted to my line of thinking. I'm not saying that at all.
I'm saying that it soon became clear that the Senate was not the best place for someone who held the beliefs that I do.
If you're questioning my commitment to the Senate, please read the debates where I argued passionately for my beliefs.
After being shut down so many times I had to ask myself "why bother?"

As Vice Delegate you can rest assured that the program which I've outlined here and in the official campaign thread will be pursued to the best of my abilities for as long as my term lasts.

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2007, 04:48:09 PM »
If we're just going to agree to disagree, I'd just like to make one last point.

Pardon? I believe I've been very consistent on this point.
That was a joke. :shrug:

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2007, 07:52:03 PM »
After being shut down so many times I had to ask myself "why bother?"

As Vice Delegate you can rest assured that the program which I've outlined here and in the official campaign thread will be pursued to the best of my abilities for as long as my term lasts.

And if as vice delegate you are unable to pass the outlined programs what then? Will that too slide on your list of priorites? What will you do should you actually be able to pass those priorities? It would seem your campaign is a two trick pony, what are your long term goals for improving your region (assuming it survives your "improvements")?

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Offline Prydania

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2007, 09:10:36 PM »
After being shut down so many times I had to ask myself "why bother?"

As Vice Delegate you can rest assured that the program which I've outlined here and in the official campaign thread will be pursued to the best of my abilities for as long as my term lasts.

And if as vice delegate you are unable to pass the outlined programs what then? Will that too slide on your list of priorites? What will you do should you actually be able to pass those priorities? It would seem your campaign is a two trick pony, what are your long term goals for improving your region (assuming it survives your "improvements")?
No, because as VD I feel I would have a better overall chance to pass my program, it would give me the leverage I would need push for its implication. If not, at least I'll be able to say I went on fighting 'till the very end.

Well seeing as this I'm running for Vice Delegate, and this originally started as a thread for me to defend my term as MoF so....
1) As VD I would generally leave the long-term program up to my running mate, Myroria. If you truly want to know about it, as opposed to getting in a cheep shot or two, ask him.
I see my nomination as a VD candidate as a way to push for specific issues that are important to me.
2) If you would like I have some ideas concerning the long term goals and plans, but this, not being an official election thread, is not the place for them.
3) If you have a legitimate question, I'll answer as truthfully as I can, but I refuse to be talked down to by someone who's contributed to this region less then I have.

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2007, 09:30:19 PM »
After being shut down so many times I had to ask myself "why bother?"

As Vice Delegate you can rest assured that the program which I've outlined here and in the official campaign thread will be pursued to the best of my abilities for as long as my term lasts.

And if as vice delegate you are unable to pass the outlined programs what then? Will that too slide on your list of priorites? What will you do should you actually be able to pass those priorities? It would seem your campaign is a two trick pony, what are your long term goals for improving your region (assuming it survives your "improvements")?
No, because as VD I feel I would have a better overall chance to pass my program, it would give me the leverage I would need push for its implication. If not, at least I'll be able to say I went on fighting 'till the very end.

Well seeing as this I'm running for Vice Delegate, and this originally started as a thread for me to defend my term as MoF so....
1) As VD I would generally leave the long-term program up to my running mate, Myroria. If you truly want to know about it, as opposed to getting in a cheep shot or two, ask him.
I see my nomination as a VD candidate as a way to push for specific issues that are important to me.
2) If you would like I have some ideas concerning the long term goals and plans, but this, not being an official election thread, is not the place for them.
3) If you have a legitimate question, I'll answer as truthfully as I can, but I refuse to be talked down to by someone who's contributed to this region less then I have.

So let me see if I have this right... This thread in the elections board is not the place for question on the election? How so?

In addition to that my questions are somehow not legitimate? As one running for VD you have no need to know the long term policies of your running mate or need none of your own? What if you were required to step up and take the role of delegate? As one running for VD is this not a legitimate concern?

How exactly would being VD give you a better chance to have your legislational goals approved by the Senate? (A legitimate question to one who has admitted that the reason they stopped participating in the senate was because they were unable to convince the senate of their views)

How do you figure I've contributed less to the region then you? Even though I've disagreed with my fellow senators in the past I've been able to remain active in the senate and in my duties as a deputy minister my performance has never been so questionable as to warrant a thread to defend my actions in that role.

Additionally how exactly are these cheep (baby chicken noise? oh wait... cheap) shots? I think given the fact that you've let your duties slide in the past it is perfectly reasonable to question if this trend will continue in the future should you not get your way. I've only heard two issues from you and Myro, so how is your campaign not a two-trick pony? Finally how is it cheap or illegitimate to ask about your policies and long term goals?

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Offline Prydania

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2007, 09:50:20 PM »
So let me see if I have this right... This thread in the elections board is not the place for question on the election? How so?
It was started as a means for me to defend myself against Soly's accusations that I had ruined the bank, accusations he posted in his campaign thread. So I figured this was the appropriate place to post my defence.

In addition to that my questions are somehow not legitimate? As one running for VD you have no need to know the long term policies of your running mate or need none of your own? What if you were required to step up and take the role of delegate? As one running for VD is this not a legitimate concern?
I know Myro's long-term goals, but I don't feel it's my duty as the VD candidate to go into them in great deal. That's Myro's job. Long story short, your question regarding this ticket's long-term goals is illegitimate because you asked they wrong guy. It's not my place to answer those questions, it's Myro's.

How exactly would being VD give you a better chance to have your legislational goals approved by the Senate? (A legitimate question to one who has admitted that the reason they stopped participating in the senate was because they were unable to convince the senate of their views)
You're a riot. I didn't leave the Senate because I wasn't able to convince them of my views, I left the Senate because I realized I would forever be in the minority.
Answer me this; Why should I have stayed in the Senate, continued to write long, passionate posts, when the Senate would always disregard them?
Nice to see you're twisting my actions into some selfish, evil practise though.

Anyway, as VD I would have more of an opportunity to work with the Senate face-to-face, rather then from within. In my opinion that would give me a better perspective when presenting these issues to the Senate. Worst case, I foresee some sort of compromise. Which would be a step in the right direction.

How do you figure I've contributed less to the region then you? Even though I've disagreed with my fellow senators in the past I've been able to remain active in the senate and in my duties as a deputy minister my performance has never been so questionable as to warrant a thread to defend my actions in that role.
What exactly are you deputy minister of anyway?
Besides, I had to start this thread to defend my actions as MoF because I'm running for office. When you do that you have to defend all your actions, regardless. Especially when an opponent criticizes you for them. You've never had to start a thread defending your actions as a deputy minister because you've ever run for office. Simple. All though even if you were, I don't suppose you'd have to. I'm not sure how anyone could attack you for not doing anything....
Anyway, yeah, I have contributed more to this region then you have. I helped found it, I was one of the ones who stood up to IP in the Lex in defence of my friends.
Good for you, you're active in the Senate. Taijitu is more then a Senate though. When it comes to developing the RP area of this region, I've done more then you've done region-wide. RP is the reason I play NS anyway, that's why most of efforts have been directed there.
Additionally I'm in the process of producing visual representations of the tai currency as MoF.
So yeah, I would say I've contributed more to this region then you have.
If you take a step down from your pedestal and look in a mirror you'd see you aren't that special.

Additionally how exactly are these cheep (baby chicken noise? oh wait... cheap) shots?
Aw, mocking an opponent's (commonplace) spelling mistake, the calling card of the virtual jack-ass.

I think given the fact that you've let your duties slide in the past it is perfectly reasonable to question if this trend will continue in the future should you not get your way. I've only heard two issues from you and Myro, so how is your campaign not a two-trick pony? Finally how is it cheap or illegitimate to ask about your policies and long term goals?
No, I agree. Calling up my senatorial record is perfectly reasonable, and asking about our long term goals (for the goals, however, I maintain it's Myro's place to discuss them, not mine) are legitimate questions. My issue with you is your condescending, liberal, "I'm better then you" attitude.
For the question at hand, yes, I let my duties as a Senator slide in the past, if you want to use such language.
All I can say is that it won't happen if I'm elected VD. I don't have a "What-If" machine, so I'm not sure how I would go about proving that to you.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 09:56:25 PM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2007, 10:42:53 PM »
Long story short, your question regarding this ticket's long-term goals is illegitimate because you asked they wrong guy. It's not my place to answer those questions, it's Myro's.

So your name being on the ticket you have no business answering questions?

You're a riot. I didn't leave the Senate because I wasn't able to convince them of my views, I left the Senate because I realized I would forever be in the minority.

You're a riot. A <> B + C, A = C + B!

Either way B + C = A

Answer me this; Why should I have stayed in the Senate, continued to write long, passionate posts, when the Senate would always disregard them?

Perhaps because input is always of value, you may not win people over all the time by expressing your views, but you'll win over more then if you had never expressed them at all. Answer me this, why if you decided to leave the senate did you not formally resign instead of just bailing out with no word and eventually having to be voted out for inactivity?

Anyway, as VD I would have more of an opportunity to work with the Senate face-to-face, rather then from within. In my opinion that would give me a better perspective when presenting these issues to the Senate. Worst case, I foresee some sort of compromise. Which would be a step in the right direction.

So you assume people disregarded your long passionate posts because of your station rather than your content? In past Senate discussions I've been able to reach compromise without having to have a bigger title, such is the value of rational discussion I suppose.

What exactly are you deputy minister of anyway?

DMoIA, this information is easily accessible. Will you put as much vigor into your role as VD as you have into your research?

I'm not sure how anyone could attack you for not doing anything....

I get done what need be done and I'm an active member of the community.

Good for you, you're active in the Senate. Taijitu is more then a Senate though. When it comes to developing the RP area of this region, I've done more then you've done region-wide. RP is the reason I play NS anyway, that's why most of efforts have been directed there.

And I've done plenty for the Senate and the community which is why I focus most of my efforts there. Stick to RP, you seem to get too emotional when confronted with conflicting views... this is quickly turning into Nuclear Iran again except this is an election.

Additionally I'm in the process of producing visual representations of the tai currency as MoF.

That's the useless number on the left side right? I'd think finding an actual use for Tai before booting up a copy of Paint Shop Pro and drawing pictures of what they are imagined to look like would be the more effective role as MoF. Unusable pictures for useless currency.... woo!

For the question at hand, yes, I let my duties as a Senator slide in the past, if you want to use such language.
All I can say is that it won't happen if I'm elected VD. I don't have a "What-If" machine, so I'm not sure how I would go about proving that to you.

I'll let the track record stand then.

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2007, 01:16:43 AM »
Quote from: Tacolicious
That's the useless number on the left side right? I'd think finding an actual use for Tai before booting up a copy of Paint Shop Pro and drawing pictures of what they are imagined to look like would be the more effective role as MoF. Unusable pictures for useless currency.... woo!

I-S may be my opponent, but even I have to say that was kind of a cheap shot. Of course it is ultimately pointless; this entire forum is, because in the end it's all really just for fun. Besides, it really isn't I-S's fault if the ministry he was appointed to had little value or purpose.

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2007, 01:52:30 AM »
The obvious answer is to find a way to make it useful  :D

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Re: Press Conference
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2007, 06:53:31 AM »
The obvious answer is to find a way to make it useful  :D
Taco, you're an ass. Plain and simple. I thank Pragmia for standing up for me there.
Drawing pictures in paint shoppe pro?
Listen space-waster, this entire election, the entire notion of the Taijitu government, is just as useless as those pictures I've been churning out in and calling it currency. All of this, the senate, the delegacy, the constitution, the courts? It's all make-believe.
All I've been doing with the tai system is giving a useless currency a visual representation, which is ultimately within the entire useless system of the concept of a Taijituan government. My work as MoF hasn't been any less meaningful as this election, or your work in the Senate. It's all made-up. It's all for fun.
You said I should have made the Ministry matter? None of it matters. It's all a game we play, in the end, for fun. Given that, I simply did all I could as MoF. I made useless pictures for useless currency for a useless government and society.

Maybe I should stick to RP? That was the plan, actually. Then Myro asked me to run as his VD candidate. I decided to because I consider him a friend, and because I thought it would be a good opportunity to bring awareness to issues I felt were worth at least addressing and discussing.
In fact, I'm carious as to why anyone would join NS without at least planning on taking part in some RP. Do you even have a NS nation? If not, why the heck are you here?

No, I don't get overly emotional when confronted by conflicting views, any one else here, or anyone else who I have debated with in RL will tell you that.
My problem is you. Not your ideas or what you stand for, you. You exemplify everything negative associated with those who tilt left on the political scale. You're so self-righteous that you simply dismiss those who disagree with you as unintelligent or brainwashed. You're so convinced that you're in the right that you come off as arrogant, and self-righteous.
You take that to a whole new level when you develop a personal grudge with someone, your arrogance gives way to cheap shots and an ever greater feeling of self-superiority.
I mean come on, you accused me of "not getting it" when you found out I've read many of the same works you have. You openly told me that I must be an idiot because I didn't come away from those works with the same world view as you. Fuck you. It's your arrogance immortalized.
"If you don't think the way I do, then you don't 'get it.' "
It's called difference of opinion. Deal with it.

Why didn't I just resign from the Senate? Honestly, I never thought of it. Me deciding to wash my hands of the Senate didn't just happen one day, it was slow and gradual, to the point that I didn't even think of it at all when logging onto the forums. It just never occurred to me.
If you want to crucify me for inactivity in an ultimately useless legislator, go ahead. You can stay crouched over your keyboard, unable to see the forest for the trees, unable to see that in the end this is just a game, not a matter of life and death.

Point being, this is all pretend. My pretend currency, your pretend senate, this pretend election. It's all just for fun. Don't sit there and pretend any of this has any use. You think that I should have made the MoF useful? I did, as much as I could in a pretend world.

I started this as a way for me to defend my actions because I was partaking in an election.
Taco, however, took it upon himself to try and humiliate me here tonight. To him I say fuck you.
Go, take this game way to seriously, go try and degrade those who's opinions differ from yours, go find someone else who you can pretend to be brighter then.

I see Taijitu as a game, a game that can be made better. You see it as this holy beacon of freedom and equality that should never be changed. Enjoy your perspective on all of this, I'll enjoy mine.