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Author Topic: OT's Campaign  (Read 2336 times)

Offline Of Crazed

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OT's Campaign
« on: October 17, 2007, 01:21:34 AM »
This campaign isn't starting off well, for now I don't know when I'll be able to answer your questions, as I'm having problems with the internet(it doesn't seem to like me much seeing as how it won't even load the forums for me, I'll answer questions while I'm at school, or when I'm on a different computer, however for now, ask away.


I will post a little something at a later date, but feel free to ask me anything.

-OC (Mic Rocka)

05/04/2008- Never Forget

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: OT's Campaign
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 03:17:00 AM »
What are your general views towards how the Executive should be run? How do these views contrast with those of your running mates?
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
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Re: OT's Campaign
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 12:24:04 PM »
I'm sorry to hear about your computer troubles, OTUS, and sincerely hope they're resolved soon!  That being said, here are some questions for the two of you:

If elected, do you feel your administration will be able to handle the challenges of working with and improving relations between the seemingly increasingly disparate branches of Taijitu's government?  Do you have any particular thoughts or opinions to express on this issue, especially in regards to the balance of power?

Along those lines, do you feel the fairly recent tensions between elements of our Senate and Executive have formed as part of a naturally evolved problem or one that was "forced" or came into play artificially?  In other words, will you actually need to make conscious policy decisions to resolve the issue or will it fade with time and, perhaps, a fresh face in the Delegacy?

Offline Of The US

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Re: OT's Campaign
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 07:09:46 PM »
If elected, do you feel your administration will be able to handle the challenges of working with and improving relations between the seemingly increasingly disparate branches of Taijitu's government?  Do you have any particular thoughts or opinions to express on this issue, especially in regards to the balance of power?[/qoute]
Yes I do think that we will be able to handle it, not at the moment I will  have to look into it a bit more as I don't know terribly much about it.

Along those lines, do you feel the fairly recent tensions between elements of our Senate and Executive have formed as part of a naturally evolved problem or one that was "forced" or came into play artificially?  In other words, will you actually need to make conscious policy decisions to resolve the issue or will it fade with time and, perhaps, a fresh face in the Delegacy?
It was forced to come into play, I think that a policy will need to be made, if the problem does not resolve its self in the coming weeks
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Offline Of The US

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Re: OT's Campaign
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2007, 07:15:03 PM »
What are your general views towards how the Executive should be run? How do these views contrast with those of your running mates?

The executive should be run in a way that benefits the region not just the rich upper-class rappers, like Soly, though it does seem that my views agree with those of my running mates.
To hold the universe, one must unclench their fist.

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: OT's Campaign
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2007, 07:24:16 PM »
What are your general views towards how the Executive should be run? How do these views contrast with those of your running mates?

My views of what the Executive should do is lead, inspire, and to take the region in a good direction.  As far as hands off or hands on goes, I feel that as long as it follows the constitution and laws, what ever your style is.  I tend to personally do what I think is nessary and anything the community feels needs to be done, try and do that.

 One thing I am really strong about is the Executive really needs to be open with every one to a degree that doesn't compromise the region's security.
05/04/2008- Never Forget

Offline Salty

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Re: OT's Campaign
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2007, 04:39:24 PM »
You could have any historical figures, Taijitu citizens, or any other player in the realm of NS in your cabinet. Who would be where?