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Author Topic: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate  (Read 9556 times)

Offline Osamafune

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #60 on: October 22, 2007, 11:54:36 PM »
Why are you being so confrontational? Taco's attitude shouldn't provoke you to act in this confrontational way.
Taco's attitude is that of an arrogance and a superiority complex. He thinks his way of looking at the world is the only legit view, and all others are either brainwashed or idiots. I have a general dislike for people so full of themselves, people who think they're that high and mighty. Having dealt with Taco before, this election only fuelled my dislike for him. He didn't make it any better by attempting to humiliate and degrade me rather then honestly discuss the issues at hand.
Hmm... let me rephrase the question: Why did you stoop to his level?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2007, 12:27:57 AM »
Why are you being so confrontational? Taco's attitude shouldn't provoke you to act in this confrontational way.
Taco's attitude is that of an arrogance and a superiority complex. He thinks his way of looking at the world is the only legit view, and all others are either brainwashed or idiots. I have a general dislike for people so full of themselves, people who think they're that high and mighty. Having dealt with Taco before, this election only fuelled my dislike for him. He didn't make it any better by attempting to humiliate and degrade me rather then honestly discuss the issues at hand.
Hmm... let me rephrase the question: Why did you stoop to his level?
Well I guess that goes back to this question....
What is your greatest weakness?
I'm easily baited. I'm a very emotional person, and when someone acts like Taco was toward me, I tend to overreact.
Did I, in this case? Yes. I also give Taco props for accomplishing his goal.
Do I apologize? No. He set out to humiliate and degrade me, rather then debate the issues.
I'll apologize to other Taijituans I may have accidentally offended, but as far as Taco goes, I regret nothing.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #62 on: October 23, 2007, 03:08:55 AM »
Again, you're not all that and a bag of chips.

I know I'm not. Technically as a Taco I'm all that with a side of guacamole.  :-P

1) where would these special member titles go, as the area reserved for things like that is already crowded?

In place of the current tags, they wouldn't be a status symbol, they'd be yet one more way to personalize one's appearance and at the same time an additional use for Tai.

Your arrogance knows no limits does it?
"I guess I just do it a little too well for some to see"? Get over yourself.
You're using a separate account for RP. No worries, that stuff isn't frowned upon here, I've got one two, I control the DSA as well as I-S.
I've opened up and shared, it's your turn.

You just proved my point. Do you honestly think that somewhere in this world a person named "Tacolicious Spicy Grande" is sitting at a keyboard being only himself. Taco is my RP character, I'm just always in character when I'm on the forums. My real name is Kris, I'm a geek/hippie/philosopher, a beloved Uncle and a damn good cook. While elements of my personality may be exhibited in Taco, Taco <> Kris. Think of me like the Taijitu answer to Stephen Colbert.

Anyways, blame me for being a negative starter if you want (I'll let people read over this thread and the press conference thread (and nuclear iran for good measure) and make their own decisions about who started what exactly) .

Funny how I can have civil debates with everyone else here but you, so clearly it must be all my fault [/sarcasm]
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 07:33:34 AM by Tacolicious »

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"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Allama

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #63 on: October 23, 2007, 03:03:16 PM »
Furthermore, all of this negativity began with Taco, who's aim wasn't to bring about intelligent discussion of my ticket's platform, but rather to humiliate me, mocking our platform even before I could defend it.
Have I been harsh regarding Taco? Yes, but I do not apologize for it.
If you want to return all of this to a state of pleasantness, please look at your friend before you come to me.

It was not only responses to Taco in which you behaved rudely, but even if it had been so 'He started it!' does not hold up as valid justification.  Again in the post I have quoted above, you have replied rudely to someone who was attempting to engage in civil debate.  The "Please look to your friend" sentence is clearly impolite and vaguely provocative.

Secondly, you are running for office and therefore it is your conduct that is a proper subject of conversation in this thread.  Kindly do not suggest to me a course of action that is not in keeping with the purpose of discussion as though I have been somehow improper in my conduct by failing to call someone else to task off-topic.

I'm easily baited. I'm a very emotional person, and when someone acts like Taco was toward me, I tend to overreact.

I will ask a question here, and please know that I am not trying to be contrary or personal... this is a very serious and (I feel) legitimate concern:  As VD, you stand a very real chance of becoming Delegate.  Why should we vote someone who has displayed and even admitted to an unwillingness to control his anger in the face of unpleasantness into an office where he would represent our entire region to the rest of NS?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #64 on: October 23, 2007, 04:52:24 PM »
Furthermore, all of this negativity began with Taco, who's aim wasn't to bring about intelligent discussion of my ticket's platform, but rather to humiliate me, mocking our platform even before I could defend it.
Have I been harsh regarding Taco? Yes, but I do not apologize for it.
If you want to return all of this to a state of pleasantness, please look at your friend before you come to me.

It was not only responses to Taco in which you behaved rudely, but even if it had been so 'He started it!' does not hold up as valid justification.  Again in the post I have quoted above, you have replied rudely to someone who was attempting to engage in civil debate.  The "Please look to your friend" sentence is clearly impolite and vaguely provocative.
Secondly, you are running for office and therefore it is your conduct that is a proper subject of conversation in this thread.  Kindly do not suggest to me a course of action that is not in keeping with the purpose of discussion as though I have been somehow improper in my conduct by failing to call someone else to task off-topic.
It's a valid justification, as far as I'm concerned. I'm not going to take lip from someone who's own self-righteousness allows him to justify his actions concerning me.
If you think Taco was attempting to engage in civil debate, then you're blinded by your friendship to him.
I can understand sticking up for your friend, I really can. IMO, however, he's the aggressor here, and I'm not apologizing for any of my actions concerning him. He's a self-righteous, arrogant, beatnik with a major superiority complex.

This is a guy who told me flat out that I didn't understand Des Cartes,  Locke, Hobbes, and Nietzsche for the simple fact that I didn't look at the world the same way that he does after I had read them. That is arrogance in it's most blatant form. He basically said "if you don't think like I do, you're an idiot."
If he wants to parade that around and call it civil debate, that's his problem.
I, however, will not stand by while he uses it as a means to attempt to degrade and humiliate me.
Furthermore, I will point out his wrong-doings when someone decided to rest the outcome of them squarely on my shoulders. If you want to come here and scold me for not playing nice I'll kindly tell you, at the very least, that Taco shares an equal amount of guilt as I do.

I'm easily baited. I'm a very emotional person, and when someone acts like Taco was toward me, I tend to overreact.

I will ask a question here, and please know that I am not trying to be contrary or personal... this is a very serious and (I feel) legitimate concern:  As VD, you stand a very real chance of becoming Delegate.  Why should we vote someone who has displayed and even admitted to an unwillingness to control his anger in the face of unpleasantness into an office where he would represent our entire region to the rest of NS?
Two pronged answer here...
1) When placed in an appropriate situation I can, and have many times, controlled my anger.
2) Maybe after months of imposed PC rule we need someone in a higher office to shake things up?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #65 on: October 23, 2007, 05:25:31 PM »
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 10:05:44 PM by Prydania »

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #66 on: October 23, 2007, 06:32:24 PM »
Time for one last shallow attempt to grab votes heartfelt campaign speech ;D

The time is now. The plans for oligarchy and and the extinction of responsible government have been put in place.
We have a choice. To stand by and allow these plans to play out, extinguishing our best hope for good, responsible governance, or we can stand up, and fight.

As we speak the Senate is allowing Justices of the Supreme Court, Justices who's nomination is approved by the Senate. The web is being strung.
How much longer until the Senate appoints Justices willing to follow their agenda, and then giving them a seat in the Senate to boot? How much longer until the Senate is no longer responsible to the Court, so far the only body legally allowed to check it's power?
By seating the Justices in the Senate, the legislative body of this region is assuring itself protection from the very institute charged with checking it's power?
The web has been strung, no doubt about it.

The Senate has gone so far as to interfere in the Delegacy's military and foreign affairs decisions, the very realm the Senatorial elites claim the Delegate reigns supreme in.
The Senatorial elite have written themselves tremendous power in the form of the current Taijituan constitution, a document ratified in a heat of the moment revolt against a true tyrant.

Yet the Senate craves more. They have undermined and dictated terms to the democratically elected office of the Delegacy. They have removed any responsibility they once had to the Supreme Court. They have leached onto our judiciary and our executive, and have begun to suck the life from them.
We can see these plans in motion, so when do we act? Do we wait until the office of the Delegacy is nothing but a Senatorial puppet? Do we wait for the day when the Supreme Court hands out rulings, not based on fair, impartial interpretation of our rights, but based on the Senate's wishes?
Personally, I would rather not. I would rather we stop the flood of corruption now, before it extinguishes the flame of responsible government, and not wait until the day when that flame can no longer be re-lit.

The symptoms of the Senatorial oligarchy are clear. The cures are simple. A veto for the Delegate, a veto the Senate can override with a 65%+ majority, a barring of Supreme Court Justices from sitting in the Senate, and for the extra matter of restraining the Delegate's authority, barring Ministers and Deputy Ministers from sitting in the Senate.

Taijitu is sick, and the medication is responsible government, a true separation of powers, with a real system of checks and balances. Let no one branch dominate the other two. Vote Myroria/Inglo-Scotia to bring balance back to Taijituan politics. Vote Myroria/Inglo-Scotia to bring an end to Senatorial oligarchy.
Vote Myroria/Inglo-Scotia for true republican democracy.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #67 on: October 23, 2007, 07:00:56 PM »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #68 on: October 23, 2007, 07:21:10 PM »
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 02:50:32 AM by Prydania »