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News: Let us become steel shields that defend the ideals of the Glorious Revolution and Taijituan democracy!


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Author Topic: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate  (Read 9560 times)

Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2007, 09:25:28 PM »
It's not the fact that it is easy to join the Senate, it is. But it's the fact that if you don't wish to join, you don't have a say. Having to join an organization to vote is not nearly the same as having to break an egg to make an omelet.

And about the re-writing of the Constitution: Outlawing slavery required a change in the law and amending the Constitution. Because it would be easier to leave it legal, does that mean it should have been? The USSR was getting along fine before Gorbachev's reforms, does that mean they shouldn't have been made?

It's also sad when one places a mere number above democracy in the region. If it slows growth, so what? How many new members do we get on the forum itself that actually stay? Maybe one a month?

"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2007, 09:31:33 PM »
Well as the argument has been made the Senate is open for pretty much anyone to apply to..  Even then it's the same as any other government. I vote for a party in Canadian elections, I don't vote for every action that party takes.
Let me guess, NDP?

As far as I can see it's just you (who has repeatedly refused to join the senate) and I-S who couldn't get their view to be the majorities view, couldn't make a convincing enough argument for his view and as such decided to "take his ball and go home"... as such I'd have to say the problem isn't with the senate wielding power ruthlessly, it's with you and I-S not getting your way and making an issue where none exists.
Again, if you want to argue our platform like an adult, go ahead. If you want to piss over it and talk down to people who have contributed to this region more then you have, then please leave.

The fact of the matter is that there are problems and issues with the Taijituan government.
The Senate acts as an oligarchy. By absorbing SC members it has already safe-guarded itself against being found guilty in the courts of passing unconstitutional acts, even if they do pass such acts. 

Essentially your reforms would require a complete refounding of the region, a rewrite of the constitution and many amendments to the laws of Taijitu.
Yes, it would be. Think of the current Constitution as the Articles of Confederation. It was written immediately  after a huge upheaval. It was a reaction to a regional government that had been truly corrupt. It went to far in its reforms though, scared by the prospect of an other tyrant.
Like the AoC, however, its weaknesses have no become apparent, as the Senate looks to absorb the court and strip the Delegate of even the power they agree he or she has a right to.
A change, a complete overhaul is needed. The current Constitution needs to join the AoC in the dustbin of history.

Can you please show me any proof that such a severe problem exists as to require such action?
The Senate allowing SC Justices to join. How you, or anyone else, can miss this blatant conflict of interests, is beyond me. 
I've had many discussions with the supporters of the current order, and here's what I can tell. They say the Senate is suppose to govern internally, while the Delegate takes care of foreign affairs and military matters.
If that's true, then why did the Senate force the resignation of PoD following the invasion of the RR? If the arguments the supporters of the current order are to be taken at face value, then the entire RR invasion was well within PoD's power as Delegate. Yet the Senate called for its head.
Not only is the system itself fundamentally flawed, but it would seem the Senate is using that system to grab even more power for itself. They're doing this by absorbing the Court and by trying to strip the Delegate of powers even they admit are rightfully his/hers.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2007, 10:15:32 PM »
It's not the fact that it is easy to join the Senate, it is. But it's the fact that if you don't wish to join, you don't have a say. Having to join an organization to vote is not nearly the same as having to break an egg to make an omelet.

Citizens are allowed to vote for the delegate, just as a citizen of Canada I have the right to vote for a party. To become more involved I have to join deeper into the system. I have no control over what laws are enacted over me even if they are enacted by the party I voted for, supposedly I'm one of the most free citizens history has ever seen.

Citizens certainly have a say in the region as they choose to remain in the region, there is nothing keeping people in the region aside from the people themselves.

And about the re-writing of the Constitution: Outlawing slavery required a change in the law and amending the Constitution. Because it would be easier to leave it legal, does that mean it should have been? The USSR was getting along fine before Gorbachev's reforms, does that mean they shouldn't have been made?

So currently the citizens of Taijitu are slaves? Those reforms were made to correct obvious injustices. Where are these injustices in Taijitu? You admit it's easy to join the senate, and as I've said nothing holds a citizen in Taijitu except for the fact that they choose to remain here. Slaves didn't choose to remain slaves, they were abducted and forced to be slaves.

It's also sad when one places a mere number above democracy in the region. If it slows growth, so what? How many new members do we get on the forum itself that actually stay? Maybe one a month?

So you don't see the growth of the region as a priority? If we go any slower then one it's zero, so as Delegate you have no problem freezing the growth of the region? I see you've ignored my questions about regional security, so if you could answer those it'd be appreciated.

As long as were on the topic of democracy... Where is the support of people for these reforms? These ideas have been discussed and could not be agreed on by any but a small minority? So where is the respect for democracy? If of all the people that become citizens only one of them remains why should all the rest be given a chance to rework the laws and constitution of our region? Should I as a Canadian be able to go into the US and having made a few posts and said an oath to become a citizen of the US be able to make those changes if I'm just going back to Canada in a day or two?

Well as the argument has been made the Senate is open for pretty much anyone to apply to..  Even then it's the same as any other government. I vote for a party in Canadian elections, I don't vote for every action that party takes.
Let me guess, NDP?

Point being?

Again, if you want to argue our platform like an adult, go ahead. If you want to piss over it and talk down to people who have contributed to this region more then you have, then please leave.

Let me guess, NDP?

Could you please back up your claims that you do more for the region then I do Removed Senator? or should I address you as questionable MoF?

So because I disagree I have to "take my ball and go home", how mature is that? Given your "please leave' statement as VD will you seek to have removed from the region those who disagree with you?

The fact of the matter is that there are problems and issues with the Taijituan government.
The Senate acts as an oligarchy. By absorbing SC members it has already safe-guarded itself against being found guilty in the courts of passing unconstitutional acts, even if they do pass such acts.

So how is the senate an oligarchy? You like to throw this around but I see no proof of this statement. No system is going to be perfect but the current system as it stands presents far fewer problems then throwing open the flood gates. Under the proposed system would justices then be preventing from being citizens to prevent the same conflict of interest?

Yes, it would be. Think of the current Constitution as the Articles of Confederation. It was written immediately  after a huge upheaval. It was a reaction to a regional government that had been truly corrupt. It went to far in its reforms though, scared by the prospect of an other tyrant.
Like the AoC, however, its weaknesses have no become apparent, as the Senate looks to absorb the court and strip the Delegate of even the power they agree he or she has a right to.
A change, a complete overhaul is needed. The current Constitution needs to join the AoC in the dustbin of history.

Please provide one ACTUAL example of when a justice has ruled in favour of a law that was a clear violation of the constitution. What of the senate abusing it's powers?

The reforms to the AoC were made because of valid concerns and existing problems, so if it is the same situation you should be able to provide many examples of how Taijitu is being harmed by the act of the senate or the justices.

If that's true, then why did the Senate force the resignation of PoD following the invasion of the RR? If the arguments the supporters of the current order are to be taken at face value, then the entire RR invasion was well within PoD's power as Delegate. Yet the Senate called for its head.

The issue was that people were used in a military action that were not a member of the army and which had not approved their being used in such actions. The guiding spirit of Taijitu was to allow people to play in the manner they want to, as such being forced into military action was a violation of that as well as their rights as citizens. The senate was well within it's rights to call for PoD's resignation as those actions were seen to be an abuse of the authority of the delegate and a violation of his oath of office, the constitution allows the Senate the authority to remove the delegate for such abuses authority or violations of their oath.

Again if the Justices and Senate are so corrupt you should be able to provide examples where this authority has been abused.


"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2007, 10:37:47 PM »
Citizens are allowed to vote for the delegate, just as a citizen of Canada I have the right to vote for a party. To become more involved I have to join deeper into the system. I have no control over what laws are enacted over me even if they are enacted by the party I voted for, supposedly I'm one of the most free citizens history has ever seen.

Unless Canada is drastically different than America, you elect some kind of representative who will hopefully vote the way you want to. Since we don't elect Senators, we need to be able to decide ourselves what we want. The ideas of the Senate are not neccessarily the ideas of us, while the ideas of an RL Senate tend to be, at least those Senators that belong to your political ideology.

So currently the citizens of Taijitu are slaves? Those reforms were made to correct obvious injustices. Where are these injustices in Taijitu? You admit it's easy to join the senate, and as I've said nothing holds a citizen in Taijitu except for the fact that they choose to remain here. Slaves didn't choose to remain slaves, they were abducted and forced to be slaves.

Not being able to vote without being in the Senate is not an injustice? If you were told you had to join a single political party to vote, that's fine? No, that's what you call a "one-party state".

So you don't see the growth of the region as a priority? If we go any slower then one it's zero, so as Delegate you have no problem freezing the growth of the region? I see you've ignored my questions about regional security, so if you could answer those it'd be appreciated.

I would not like the growth of the region to freeze, and I will continue to encourage recruiting, but I find the rights of citizens more important than OMG WE HAVE 1,421 NATIONS.

Secondly, show me a question I was asked about regional security and I'll answer it. In other words, it's impossible for me to answer a question about regional security if I was never asked one.

You want proof of support?

Quote from: Gallipoli-China
Wouldn't it be weird if I voted for you? [I assume this is a token of "I agree with you and I will vote for you if you continue to please me", but correct me if I'm wrong.]

Quote from: PUR
alright i love the platform.

Quote from: Allama
I find your campaigning for the rights of Citizens to be highly admirable and I simply wanted to let you know that before I started grilling you.

And it can be assumed all that vote for me either agree with me or find me the lesser of evils.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 10:40:18 PM by Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2007, 10:44:02 PM »
Let me guess, NDP?

Point being?
Nothing, other then the fact that they bankrupted Ontario, and Mike Harris had to come in to fix Bob Raye's mess.
The NDP had their shot. They can't govern. Besides, where are we going to get all the money for the programs Jack Layton's promising us?

Again, if you want to argue our platform like an adult, go ahead. If you want to piss over it and talk down to people who have contributed to this region more then you have, then please leave.

Could you please back up your claims that you do more for the region then I do Removed Senator? or should I address you as questionable MoF?

So because I disagree I have to "take my ball and go home", how mature is that? Given your "please leave' statement as VD will you seek to have removed from the region those who disagree with you?
I helped found the region, I was one of the ones who stood up to IP in the Lex in defence of my friends.
Good for you, you're active in the Senate. Taijitu is more then a Senate though.
When it comes to developing the RP area of this region, I've done more then you've done region-wide. RP is the reason I play NS anyway, that's why most of efforts have been directed there.
Additionally I'm in the process of producing visual representations of the tai currency as MoF.
So yeah, I would say I've contributed more to this region then you have.
If you take a step down from your pedestal and look in a mirror you'd see you aren't that special.

You call my actions are immature. No, I simply decided to stop wasting my time.

The fact of the matter is that there are problems and issues with the Taijituan government.
The Senate acts as an oligarchy. By absorbing SC members it has already safe-guarded itself against being found guilty in the courts of passing unconstitutional acts, even if they do pass such acts.

So how is the senate an oligarchy? You like to throw this around but I see no proof of this statement. No system is going to be perfect but the current system as it stands presents far fewer problems then throwing open the flood gates. Under the proposed system would justices then be preventing from being citizens to prevent the same conflict of interest?
The Senate's an oligarchy because a few leaders within it have become so influential they sway the votes any way they wish. Given the power of the Senate, these individuals, believing they know everything, have gained control of the Senate, and hence Taijitu.

Of course Justices would be allowed to retain their citizenship. Either you're trying to bait me, or you truly have no idea about the program I'm proposing.
Are SC Justices in the US allowed to retain their citizenship? Yes.
Are they allowed to sit in Congress while they sit on the SC? No.
Same principal.

Yes, it would be. Think of the current Constitution as the Articles of Confederation. It was written immediately  after a huge upheaval. It was a reaction to a regional government that had been truly corrupt. It went to far in its reforms though, scared by the prospect of an other tyrant.
Like the AoC, however, its weaknesses have no become apparent, as the Senate looks to absorb the court and strip the Delegate of even the power they agree he or she has a right to.
A change, a complete overhaul is needed. The current Constitution needs to join the AoC in the dustbin of history.

Please provide one ACTUAL example of when a justice has ruled in favour of a law that was a clear violation of the constitution. What of the senate abusing it's powers?
"Lets wait until Hitler starts killing Jews and invading the rest of Europe" before we do anything."
The very fact that the conflict of interest is there is enough of a reason to fix the system.

The reforms to the AoC were made because of valid concerns and existing problems, so if it is the same situation you should be able to provide many examples of how Taijitu is being harmed by the act of the senate or the justices.
The AoC weren't reformed, they were tossed in the trash, and a new constitution written from scratch.
Anyway, I've done so many times. By not providing the Delegate with a check on the Senate, the Senate dominates the executive, when they should be on equal footing.
By allowing Justices into the Senate they create a conflict of interest in which the Senate will never be held accountable to the Courts.

If that's true, then why did the Senate force the resignation of PoD following the invasion of the RR? If the arguments the supporters of the current order are to be taken at face value, then the entire RR invasion was well within PoD's power as Delegate. Yet the Senate called for its head.

The issue was that people were used in a military action that were not a member of the army and which had not approved their being used in such actions. The guiding spirit of Taijitu was to allow people to play in the manner they want to, as such being forced into military action was a violation of that as well as their rights as citizens. The senate was well within it's rights to call for PoD's resignation as those actions were seen to be an abuse of the authority of the delegate and a violation of his oath of office, the constitution allows the Senate the authority to remove the delegate for such abuses authority or violations of their oath.
First off, I was here at the beginning, so don't preach to me about the guiding spirit of Taijitu.
It seems you're promoting a double standard. When the Delegate does what the Senate wants in regards to foreign affairs, then its all smiles, and you say the Delegate's power rests in foreign, not internal affairs.
Yet once the Delegate does something within the sphere you've said his power rests in, you call foul.
Sorry, it doesn't go both ways.
Either the Delegate's power rests in foreign and military affairs, making the RR invasion legal, and the Senate's enquiry into the invasion a breach of it's authority, or the delegate doesn't have any real power at all. Which is it?

Again if the Justices and Senate are so corrupt you should be able to provide examples where this authority has been abused.
The very fact that the Senate is allowing Justices to sit in the Senate is enough proof. Ever heard of the slippery sloop argument?


Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2007, 10:58:47 PM »
Unless Canada is drastically different than America, you elect some kind of representative who will hopefully vote the way you want to. Since we don't elect Senators, we need to be able to decide ourselves what we want. The ideas of the Senate are not neccessarily the ideas of us, while the ideas of an RL Senate tend to be, at least those Senators that belong to your political ideology.

In an ideal world, yes. However one of the issues right now in Canada is the fact that government is increasing not ruling in the interest of the people. But politics in Taijitu and politics in Canada are different, the fact is that not everyone in Canada could choose to become a member of Parliament. In Taijitu everyone can choose to join the Senate....

Not being able to vote without being in the Senate is not an injustice? If you were told you had to join a single political party to vote, that's fine? No, that's what you call a "one-party state".

To join the senate is not to join a political party. We do have many different views in the Senate as well as separate political parties, even within those parties I don't see the party will superseding the will of the Senator.

It's not so much a case of "You have to join the party to have a say" it's more a "If you want to play ball you have to step onto the court, and anyone is welcome to step onto the court". It would be an injustice if we were denying people a vote and the opportunity to get that vote. As it stands we're not denying anyone the right to get that vote, but we are saying you can't play from the sidelines. If you're in the game, you're in the game until you opt to leave or stop playing.

Secondly, show me a question I was asked about regional security and I'll answer it. In other words, it's impossible for me to answer a question about regional security if I was never asked one.

If being a citizen is to have a vote on all actions in the region, how would you address the issues of regional security without crippling the growth of the region?

You can see my confusion as you answered one half of my question but not the other.


Nothing, other then the fact that they bankrupted Ontario, and Mike Harris had to come in to fix Bob Raye's mess.
The NDP had their shot. They can't govern. Besides, where are we going to get all the money for the programs Jack Layton's promising us?

Let me rephrase, point being as it applies to Taijitu's Senate/Citizen relationship. Is trying to insult voters really a good idea?

I helped found the region, I was one of the ones who stood up to IP in the Lex in defence of my friends.
Good for you, you're active in the Senate. Taijitu is more then a Senate though.
When it comes to developing the RP area of this region, I've done more then you've done region-wide. RP is the reason I play NS anyway, that's why most of efforts have been directed there.
Additionally I'm in the process of producing visual representations of the tai currency as MoF.
So yeah, I would say I've contributed more to this region then you have.
If you take a step down from your pedestal and look in a mirror you'd see you aren't that special.

See the responses in the Press Conference thread.

The Senate's an oligarchy because a few leaders within it have become so influential they sway the votes any way they wish. Given the power of the Senate, these individuals, believing they know everything, have gained control of the Senate, and hence Taijitu.

So the senate is corrupt because the senate has control of the senate? Has the senate been blocking admission? Strong handing other senators to vote? Removing certain senators for not being part of this ruling elite? No. So the senate has been about the business of the senate and any are welcome to join... that's not an oligarchy... that's an organization.

Of course Justices would be allowed to retain their citizenship. Either you're trying to bait me, or you truly have no idea about the program I'm proposing.

I ask this under the proposed system of all citizens having a vote in all regional affairs. If right now justices cannot be trusted to be senators because they are part of the organization then what of justices who are also citizens when all citizens have a vote, would not the same conflict of interest exist under this proposed system?

"Lets wait until Hitler starts killing Jews and invading the rest of Europe" before we do anything."
The very fact that the conflict of interest is there is enough of a reason to fix the system.

So we should all be in jail right now because we all COULD commit a crime? Well we all want things we can't afford and stealing is against the law so we should all be imprisoned because the conflict of interests exists there too. Reaction follows action for a reason, hence the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

By not providing the Delegate with a check on the Senate, the Senate dominates the executive, when they should be on equal footing.

So the voice of one should be equal to the voice of twenty some? This is democracy?

How would you structure this check in such a way as to ensure the delegate does not become corrupt?

First off, I was here at the beginning, so don't preach to me about the guiding spirit of Taijitu.

Ahhh yes... non-existent founder powers that some people like to think give them clout...

It seems you're promoting a double standard. When the Delegate does what the Senate wants in regards to foreign affairs, then its all smiles, and you say the Delegate's power rests in foreign, not internal affairs.
Yet once the Delegate does something within the sphere you've said his power rests in, you call foul.
Sorry, it doesn't go both ways.
Either the Delegate's power rests in foreign and military affairs, making the RR invasion legal, and the Senate's enquiry into the invasion a breach of it's authority, or the delegate doesn't have any real power at all. Which is it?

TRR was a matter of the delegate violating the rights of citizens and using non-military people in a military action without their knowledge or consent. The Delegate and the Senate have their powers as outlined in the Constitution. The Delegate does not have the right to override the rights of the citizens, hence the actions of the Senate. It wasn't that the Senate was objecting because the delegate did something that was supposed to be done by the senate, it was because the Delegate violated the rights of citizens.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 11:21:41 PM by Tacolicious »

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"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2007, 11:51:18 PM »
I apologize for overlooking your question on regional security.

I would, of course, want tighter security checks on Citizens to prevent this. However, I would consider my security checks not the long approval times of joining the Senate, as this would make me a hypocrite. In addition, as I see it, the enemy would very much have to sneak in tens of spies without us noticing; I find this unrealistic.

As for the Senate, I see the waiting time more of a useless thing. You wait two weeks, and those two weeks your questions are "Do you like cookies?". If the Senate was drastically liberalized, and the checks and balances implemented, I might very well accept that compromise.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2007, 12:08:47 AM »
By mandating tighter security controls and checks and at the same time combining the MoIA and MoEA positions is there not a risk of 'overloading' that person?

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2007, 12:11:39 AM »
Yes, but as I said earlier, the double-position is completely optional. By optional, I mean "You must be crazy to take both jobs at once". So it would basically be like now, but with a little tighter security in the MoIA.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2007, 01:09:01 AM »
So effectively just a name change?

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2007, 01:14:42 AM »
Yes, that and that it will focus more on sub-ministries than the numerous we have now. Consolidation. But I do have real changes for other Ministries; I'm not all talk.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2007, 07:17:57 AM »
Nothing, other then the fact that they bankrupted Ontario, and Mike Harris had to come in to fix Bob Raye's mess.
The NDP had their shot. They can't govern. Besides, where are we going to get all the money for the programs Jack Layton's promising us?

Let me rephrase, point being as it applies to Taijitu's Senate/Citizen relationship. Is trying to insult voters really a good idea?
I never had your vote, nor would I expect to have the vote of anyone else who votes NDP, due to conflicting political ideologies. So I don't think I lost anything.

The Senate's an oligarchy because a few leaders within it have become so influential they sway the votes any way they wish. Given the power of the Senate, these individuals, believing they know everything, have gained control of the Senate, and hence Taijitu.

So the senate is corrupt because the senate has control of the senate? Has the senate been blocking admission? Strong handing other senators to vote? Removing certain senators for not being part of this ruling elite? No. So the senate has been about the business of the senate and any are welcome to join... that's not an oligarchy... that's an organization.
The Senate is an oligarchy because in reality only a few influential members make policy, and use the vast amounts of power granted to the Senate to pursue those policies.

Of course Justices would be allowed to retain their citizenship. Either you're trying to bait me, or you truly have no idea about the program I'm proposing.

I ask this under the proposed system of all citizens having a vote in all regional affairs. If right now justices cannot be trusted to be senators because they are part of the organization then what of justices who are also citizens when all citizens have a vote, would not the same conflict of interest exist under this proposed system?
Board members who are just citizens don't make policy, Senators do.

"Lets wait until Hitler starts killing Jews and invading the rest of Europe" before we do anything."
The very fact that the conflict of interest is there is enough of a reason to fix the system.

So we should all be in jail right now because we all COULD commit a crime? Well we all want things we can't afford and stealing is against the law so we should all be imprisoned because the conflict of interests exists there too. Reaction follows action for a reason, hence the concept of innocent until proven guilty.
My point is that when you can see something coming a mile away you do something to stop it before it gets out of hand.
No, you shouldn't be arrested just because you MIGHT commit a crime, but if some police officers saw you walking down the street with a butcher knife mumbling "he's gonna pay" then you should probably be placed in the back of the police car.
The same thing applies here. By allowing Justices to sit in the Senate, I see the beginning of a trend that will eventually result in the Senate no longer being held accountable to the Court. I would rather not wait until it gets worse before I try to change it.

By not providing the Delegate with a check on the Senate, the Senate dominates the executive, when they should be on equal footing.

So the voice of one should be equal to the voice of twenty some? This is democracy?
This is balanced and responsible government where branches have equal footing with one and other, and no one branch can dominate any other branch.

How would you structure this check in such a way as to ensure the delegate does not become corrupt?
Under my proposal a Delegate's veto would be overridden with a 65% majority vote in the Senate.

It seems you're promoting a double standard. When the Delegate does what the Senate wants in regards to foreign affairs, then its all smiles, and you say the Delegate's power rests in foreign, not internal affairs.
Yet once the Delegate does something within the sphere you've said his power rests in, you call foul.
Sorry, it doesn't go both ways.
Either the Delegate's power rests in foreign and military affairs, making the RR invasion legal, and the Senate's enquiry into the invasion a breach of it's authority, or the delegate doesn't have any real power at all. Which is it?

TRR was a matter of the delegate violating the rights of citizens and using non-military people in a military action without their knowledge or consent. The Delegate and the Senate have their powers as outlined in the Constitution. The Delegate does not have the right to override the rights of the citizens, hence the actions of the Senate. It wasn't that the Senate was objecting because the delegate did something that was supposed to be done by the senate, it was because the Delegate violated the rights of citizens.
No one's rights were violated.
Citizens take an oath of allegiance to Taijitu. They are therefore required to serve in the military if the region's interests demand it.
Seeing as the military is a power reserved for the Delegate, it's the Delegate who decides what's militarily in the best interests of Taijitu, and therefore is allowed to call on and force citizens to serve in the military and uphold their oath of loyalty.
The RR invasion was completely within the Delegate's power, by the Senate's own argument concerning the power of the Delegacy. Yet because the Delegate at the time, PoD, did something the Senate didn't like, the Senate forced itself on an issue it had no authority over.

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2007, 04:03:00 PM »
What is your greatest weakness?

Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #43 on: October 21, 2007, 04:11:34 PM »
My temper.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2007, 04:34:31 PM »
The Senate is an oligarchy because in reality only a few influential members make policy, and use the vast amounts of power granted to the Senate to pursue those policies.

By that logic I'm one of these mystical few because I've created and had passed pieces of legislation. Ultimately any senator can propose legislation and if the legislation has a valid purpose get it passed. Ultimately anyone can join the senate. It's not some cloak and dagger world controlled by a puppet master.

No, you shouldn't be arrested just because you MIGHT commit a crime, but if some police officers saw you walking down the street with a butcher knife mumbling "he's gonna pay" then you should probably be placed in the back of the police car.

So the local butcher coming back from having his knife sharpened and talking on a hands-free cell phone is in trouble then as our our non-corrupt justices? If the justices were corrupt (or handling more then two cases per year for that matter) I could see some reason for concern.

No one's rights were violated.
Citizens take an oath of allegiance to Taijitu. They are therefore required to serve in the military if the region's interests demand it.
Seeing as the military is a power reserved for the Delegate, it's the Delegate who decides what's militarily in the best interests of Taijitu, and therefore is allowed to call on and force citizens to serve in the military and uphold their oath of loyalty.
The RR invasion was completely within the Delegate's power, by the Senate's own argument concerning the power of the Delegacy. Yet because the Delegate at the time, PoD, did something the Senate didn't like, the Senate forced itself on an issue it had no authority over.

Quote from: Citizen
I, [forum name], do slomenly swear that I shall at all times obey and respect the laws of Taijitu, that I shall do nothing to imperil the safety and well being of the region or any of its members, and recognize that should I fail to comply to this oath that my citizenship and the immunities and privileges it entitles may by due process of law be forfeit.

So allegiance and blind obedience are the same thing then? Where in that oath do you see the clause which quashes the right to choice in military involvement? If all citizens are military pawns to be shuffled about, why do we have a separate and voluntary military?

Taco, you're an ass. Plain and simple. I thank Pragmia for standing up for me there.
Drawing pictures in paint shoppe pro?
Listen space-waster, this entire election, the entire notion of the Taijitu government, is just as useless as those pictures I've been churning out in and calling it currency. All of this, the senate, the delegacy, the constitution, the courts? It's all make-believe.
All I've been doing with the tai system is giving a useless currency a visual representation, which is ultimately within the entire useless system of the concept of a Taijituan government. My work as MoF hasn't been any less meaningful as this election, or your work in the Senate. It's all made-up. It's all for fun.
You said I should have made the Ministry matter? None of it matters. It's all a game we play, in the end, for fun. Given that, I simply did all I could as MoF. I made useless pictures for useless currency for a useless government and society.

Maybe I should stick to RP? That was the plan, actually. Then Myro asked me to run as his VD candidate. I decided to because I consider him a friend, and because I thought it would be a good opportunity to bring awareness to issues I felt were worth at least addressing and discussing.
In fact, I'm carious as to why anyone would join NS without at least planning on taking part in some RP. Do you even have a NS nation? If not, why the heck are you here?

No, I don't get overly emotional when confronted by conflicting views, any one else here, or anyone else who I have debated with in RL will tell you that.
My problem is you. Not your ideas or what you stand for, you. You exemplify everything negative associated with those who tilt left on the political scale. You're so self-righteous that you simply dismiss those who disagree with you as unintelligent or brainwashed. You're so convinced that you're in the right that you come off as arrogant, and self-righteous.
You take that to a whole new level when you develop a personal grudge with someone, your arrogance gives way to cheap shots and an ever greater feeling of self-superiority.
I mean come on, you accused me of "not getting it" when you found out I've read many of the same works you have. You openly told me that I must be an idiot because I didn't come away from those works with the same world view as you. Fuck you. It's your arrogance immortalized.
"If you don't think the way I do, then you don't 'get it.' "
It's called difference of opinion. Deal with it.

Why didn't I just resign from the Senate? Honestly, I never thought of it. Me deciding to wash my hands of the Senate didn't just happen one day, it was slow and gradual, to the point that I didn't even think of it at all when logging onto the forums. It just never occurred to me.
If you want to crucify me for inactivity in an ultimately useless legislator, go ahead. You can stay crouched over your keyboard, unable to see the forest for the trees, unable to see that in the end this is just a game, not a matter of life and death.

Point being, this is all pretend. My pretend currency, your pretend senate, this pretend election. It's all just for fun. Don't sit there and pretend any of this has any use. You think that I should have made the MoF useful? I did, as much as I could in a pretend world.

I started this as a way for me to defend my actions because I was partaking in an election.
Taco, however, took it upon himself to try and humiliate me here tonight. To him I say fuck you.
Go, take this game way to seriously, go try and degrade those who's opinions differ from yours, go find someone else who you can pretend to be brighter then.

I see Taijitu as a game, a game that can be made better. You see it as this holy beacon of freedom and equality that should never be changed. Enjoy your perspective on all of this, I'll enjoy mine.

Sorry to have to drag this into this thread, but you hurled a bunch of insults and then closed the thread before I could even respond...

If this is all so 'useless' as you describe it then why are you here? I've found a use for it, the use is fun and hence I remain. Now it's all well and good to say that Tai and everything else here is useless, but you could have also tried finding a use for it as MoF. Be it in making new games instead of just continuing the lottery your predecessor thought up, in making new services which require Tai (specialty title tags, new pay use emoticons, etc etc). You've gone on the assumption that because it's useless now it's useless forever and as such you've done nothing to try and improve it.

Yes it is all a game, but in a game when presented with a bunch of pieces that have no use, I create a use for them and that is part of the fun. So if you find everything here useless and come up with no creative solutions (or questioned other about ideas for that matter) as MoF, what will that say in your time as VD?

In answer to your question of:

In fact, I'm carious as to why anyone would join NS without at least planning on taking part in some RP. Do you even have a NS nation? If not, why the heck are you here?

Yes I do have a NS nation, it's linked in my signature.

And I do take part in some form of RP. I guess I just do it a little too well for some to see.


"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party