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Author Topic: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate  (Read 9552 times)

Offline Myroria

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Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« on: October 19, 2007, 12:57:24 AM »
"I will not resign."

This is a joke goal I set. I'm rather upset that elected delegates have a huge tendency to resign. Well, I won't. But though that goal is a joke, my delegacy will not be one.

Taijituans, with the large numbers in our region comes less of a feeling of a small town, but more of a big city where no one knows your name.

I have always found it gravely disappointing that we need a Minister of Community when Taijituans are supposed to be helpful. I have found it gravely disappointing that unless you're in the Senate, you have one chance to vote: For Delegate. If you vote for me, that vote you were given will extend. My goal is to allow all citizens to vote on all Senate issues. Those in the Senate constantly remind us that "anyone can join". But what if we don't want to join? What if we don't think we could remember to vote? Then, you get booted. Say good-bye to your say, because now you're a citizen. Go to General Discussion or something.

Why is this? How can Taijitu be called a democracy when those who vote are not allowed to vote on anything but the delegacy? Oh sure, you can say your opinion on UN issues. So? What bearing do they have on the region.

My view is that a Delegate is first a leader, then a UN ambassador.

NS is dying. No matter how anyone can deny it, it's true. NS is dying. Its summer slumps never end.

I hate to sound like IP on this one, but Taijitu is a community. Not an NS region. And communities need leaders - ones who are fair.

I know some of you think "Myroria? Fair? Pff, he's an asshole, I won't vote for him in a million years". But think back. Sure, I may be an asshole, depending on your point of view - I won't try to hide it - but have I ever, well, when I was allowed, abused my ops and kicked people because they disagreed with me? Of course not. For those of you who aren't IRCers - take note I am an admin. The law would allow me to ban anyone who's not a citizen. Have I? Of course not, I give people due process of law. You won't find any restrictions or bannings without FULL explanation, and an IMMEDIATE vote by ALL CITIZENS (should they wish to vote) on its legality.

A recent discussion was the TNP-ifying of IRC. The ops always respond "It's Eluvatar's channel, he can do what he wants". But IRC is first Taijitu's, then Eluvatar's. I'm not knocking him, but I hope to institute a program where IRC is integrated into Taijitu law - albeit with a few differences. Everyone is opped until they start a problem - they are then de-opped and given due process of law by all those in the channel - Justices taking precedence. Taijitu is about trust, not guilty-until-proven-innocent.

That's all. Questions can be directed to me now.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 01:58:34 AM by Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria »
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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2007, 02:14:32 AM »
I like your platform.

My question is what do you plan to do to keep Taijitu/NS interesting?
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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2007, 02:59:51 AM »
1. Would you be in favor of liberalizing the induction process for Senate applicants?

2. What would you say to those candidates that advocate barring Ministers and Justices from sitting in the Senate?

3. Do you have any of the other candidates in mind when you say "I give people due process of law. You won't find any restrictions or bannings without FULL explanation, and an IMMEDIATE vote by ALL CITIZENS (should they wish to vote) on its legality"?

4. Wouldn't it be weird if I voted for you?

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2007, 06:52:55 AM »
alright i love the platform.

ok so i have stated many times that of everyone on the forum our views are perhaps the most similar. why do i say this?

what is your standpoint on the Govindia trial?

who do you most admire?

what qualities of leadership do you believe you posess?

would you try and turn Taijitu into a monarchy?

any ideas for any laws you think need to be passed?

any ideas for restructuring the ministries?

what is the most important thing in Taijitu?

why am i no longer a senator even though i could reapply?

what do you think was your worst moment in NS?

would you invit IP to join Taijitu?

what philosophical movement would describe your future delegacy the best?

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2007, 12:45:44 PM »
I find your campaigning for the rights of Citizens to be highly admirable and I simply wanted to let you know that before I started grilling you.  ;D  Off we go!

You say IRC is "first Taijitu's" but I admit to failing to understand the reasoning behind that statement; I have always seen #taijitu as being a chat channel with Taijitu as the subject rather than being an extension of the region itself.  This may be a simple difference in opinion, but could you please explain why, precisely, you feel #taijitu should be brought under government rule?

Secondly, are you aware of the many things the Ministry of Community does beyond simply "being helpful" to members?  If so, why do you feel our existence is "gravely disappointing"?  If not, why would you make such a statement without the knowledge upon which to base it?

Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2007, 07:34:06 PM »
I like your platform.

My question is what do you plan to do to keep Taijitu/NS interesting?

I still plan to have the Minister of Community in existance (See this as a short answer to your second question, Al'). We still need one to hyperlink the forum in the RMB and do other things. Right now I think Taijitu's level of activity is at a good position, even if NS' is not. Honestly, this is not at the top of my list because the problem of inactivity on Taijitu's forum does not seem to exist or be a thread.

1. Would you be in favor of liberalizing the induction process for Senate applicants?

2. What would you say to those candidates that advocate barring Ministers and Justices from sitting in the Senate?

3. Do you have any of the other candidates in mind when you say "I give people due process of law. You won't find any restrictions or bannings without FULL explanation, and an IMMEDIATE vote by ALL CITIZENS (should they wish to vote) on its legality"?

4. Wouldn't it be weird if I voted for you?

1. I would prefer all citizens have a right to vote, but since I still have to work in the legal system, I would take this as a viable alternative.

2. "You're all poopy-heads". No, not really. I think that Ministers and Justices should definately be able to serve in the Senate if they feel they can remain active; I don't see any conflict of interest between Ministers/Justices and the Senate. I, however, am not in the Senate, so if you feel there could be some potential problem, feel free to pose the situation and I will work on a possible solution.

3. Please elaborate. Do you mean if non-citizens should vote, or if Ministers and Justices should also be able to?

4. No. I don't see how anyone could NOT want to vote for me. :P

alright i love the platform.

ok so i have stated many times that of everyone on the forum our views are perhaps the most similar. why do i say this?

what is your standpoint on the Govindia trial?

who do you most admire?

what qualities of leadership do you believe you posess?

would you try and turn Taijitu into a monarchy?

any ideas for any laws you think need to be passed?

any ideas for restructuring the ministries?

what is the most important thing in Taijitu?

why am i no longer a senator even though i could reapply?

what do you think was your worst moment in NS?

would you invit IP to join Taijitu?

what philosophical movement would describe your future delegacy the best?

1. We both believe that everyone should be free to do as they please, and that government tends to be a force to be questioned, do a degree.

2. I think that the evidence against him is flimsy, and that it shouldn't be an issue. Yes, he can get on my nerves with his nagging, but overall I think that there was nothing beyond "probable cause" to convict him.

3. Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Martin Luther King, Jr..

4. I don't pussyfoot around. If I have something to say, I don't worry about how it makes people feel. If that attitude keeps me from getting elected, so be it. I won't complain about it.
4b. I'm somewhat paranoid of authority, as Pragmia loves to point out in debates. I think that Taijitu's authority - the Senate - is far too powerful and that they could potentially harm the region, should the best interests of it go infront of the best interests of Taijitu.

5. No. Taijitu should be a democracy, because I think a constitutional (constitutional being, the monarch is restricted by a constitution, not that there is a legislative body) monarchy could only be a viable government on a large scale. Besides, Taijituans are made for democracy. For a monarchy to work, the citizens must accept it and live with it.

6. As I said earlier, laws to make checks and balances against the Senate, and lower its power to a manageable rate. Get rid of the only-Senate-members-can-vote system as a priority, and greatly liberalizing the application process should my first option keep failing in the Senate. A law to make IRC Taijitu's, not Eluvatar's/

7. I often joke that if this growing of the government continues, Taijituans will have to pay taxes. I think that the Ministry of Community should be downsized - not eliminated, it still serves some important functions - but downsized. Combining the Ministry of Regional Security with the Army. Combining the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs into a Ministry of Diplomacy and Citizenship. The MoIA could serve as the MoEA and vice versa, if they so wished or if an emergency resignation would occur. The Deputy Ministers would be eliminated for this post ONLY, because I am on the forums often and the maximum time this crisis would drag on would be like, 16 hours, assuming it happened as soon as I went to sleep and that I sign on when I get home from school.

8. Me. No, I mean the community. Again, sorry to sound like IP, but Taijitu's community is perhaps the most important thing in this region. The Delegacy isn't about deciding on some fascist issues by the UN, but about being the leader of a great community. If everyone in Taijitu hated each other, who would we be?

9. Because you choose not to re-apply, or you've been denied?

10. The Dren Egral A scandal. I realize I shouldn't have removed his citizenship, but I still believed it was overblown, and that the law isn't always concrete. Granted, I won't go denying people rights - but a small little break was way overblown. Police have stopped so that I could jaywalk, why is it any more of a problem here?

11. I wouldn't invite him, but if he wished to join, I wouldn't care. He'd be a citizen or a Senator, and there's nothing the law that says "The Delegate shall not grant any Lexiconian founders rights".

12. I don't know, really. Whatever philosophical movement focuses on the rights of the individual above the rights of a body or organization.

I find your campaigning for the rights of Citizens to be highly admirable and I simply wanted to let you know that before I started grilling you.  ;D  Off we go!

You say IRC is "first Taijitu's" but I admit to failing to understand the reasoning behind that statement; I have always seen #taijitu as being a chat channel with Taijitu as the subject rather than being an extension of the region itself.  This may be a simple difference in opinion, but could you please explain why, precisely, you feel #taijitu should be brought under government rule?

Secondly, are you aware of the many things the Ministry of Community does beyond simply "being helpful" to members?  If so, why do you feel our existence is "gravely disappointing"?  If not, why would you make such a statement without the knowledge upon which to base it?

1. I believe that #taijitu's new rules have failed. The ops have banned people for being annoying, and any discussion of "Hey, that's not right" is answered by "It's not under forum law" or "Complain in #taijituadmin", which is, of course, run by the ops themselves. I think things would improve if people in #taijitu were guarenteed the same rights they were under the Code of Laws.

2. Yes, I realize this. I just find it as a "Help newbies, work on getting people active" ministry. I want to change it to a "Work on getting people active, help newbies" ministry. As I said earlier, I think we still need it, but that Taijituans should be expected to be nice, not a ministry to do it. I think it should be downsized, but under no circumstances done away with.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2007, 07:43:32 PM »
1. So what do you think of the current legislation currently being debated in the Chambers?  Do you think it's adequate or that it should be even further liberalized?

2. What a great position.

3. I was asking if you were implying that other candidates have restricted the rights of citizens or would do so in the future.

4. Fair enough

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 08:08:18 PM »
Combining the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs into a Ministry of Diplomacy and Citizenship. The MoIA could serve as the MoEA and vice versa, if they so wished or if an emergency resignation would occur.

This is a terrible idea in so many ways.

My goal is to allow all citizens to vote on all Senate issues. Those in the Senate constantly remind us that "anyone can join". But what if we don't want to join? What if we don't think we could remember to vote? Then, you get booted. Say good-bye to your say, because now you're a citizen. Go to General Discussion or something.

I'm not sure whether this idea is even worse.

Suffice to say I will not be voting for you, good luck.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 09:02:28 PM »

Campaign Banners FTW!

Hello Taijitu.
For the first time in regional history a Delegate/VD ticket has been officially endorsed by a political party. This is a huge step forward in the evolution of Taijitu politics.

The election at hand. This election is a watershed moment in Taijituan history. It comes at a critical point. It comes during a period when prolonged and useless bickering keep the game from being played properly. It comes during a time when Raiders are persecuted. Most importantly this election comes during a time of a powerful Senatorial oligarchy. It comes during a time when the rights and liberties are eroded by a blurring of the three branches of government into a single block the Senate can control.

The Conservative Party of Taijitu represents the best hope for a return to responsible government.
We need balance and true separation of powers. We need a clear definition of the extent of power each branch has.
As it stands now the Senate has an advantage over the Delegate. Simply put, this is wrong. Both the legislator and the executive should have equal footing. The only way to achieve that is to give each checks against the other's power. The powers the Senate has over the Delegate are numerous. The Delegate needs to be strengthened in order to bring true balance to our government.
For the sake of responsible government, the Delegate must be given a way to check the power of the Senate.

The Senate can be brought to court by any citizen of the citizen feels the Senate has acted in an unconstitutional manner. A very good system indeed. Yet it is being rendered useless to appease the power hungry, arrogant Senate.
The Senate, buy admitting justices of the Supreme Court, has all but guaranteed that the Senate will never be found guilty in any court case; how could they if a majority of the SC sits in the Senate? This conflict of interests, this corrupt bargain, has allowed the Senate to bypass the only current constitutional check on its power. An amendment must be added barring justices of the Supreme Court from sitting in the Senate.

Likewise Ministers in the cabinet of the Delegate must also be barred from sitting in the Senate. I talked about balance between the executive and the legislator. In our current situation the scale tips toward the Senate, which is unhealthy. So would, however, a scenario where the scale tips toward the Delegate.
By having his or her Ministers sit in the Senate, the Delegate can create a powerful voting block he or she could use to sway the Senate. The same amendment that would bar Justices from sitting in the Senate would also bar Ministers from sitting in the Senate.
This "Separation of Powers" amendment would be the main goal of my Vice Delegacy should our ticket be elected.

We need balance and responsible government. Not a dictatorship or a Senatorial oligarchy.
Thank you.

Combining the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs into a Ministry of Diplomacy and Citizenship. The MoIA could serve as the MoEA and vice versa, if they so wished or if an emergency resignation would occur.

This is a terrible idea in so many ways.
Forgive me for not seeing what you're getting at, but from where I stand if anything it would streamline the way our government works.

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 09:04:42 PM »
That's your opinion, you're entitled to it.

1. So what do you think of the current legislation currently being debated in the Chambers?  Do you think it's adequate or that it should be even further liberalized?

2. What a great position.

3. I was asking if you were implying that other candidates have restricted the rights of citizens or would do so in the future.

4. Fair enough

1. Ideally, I would want everyone to be able to vote, but it is adequate until either that happens, or, as I said, my proposals repeatedly get struck down.

3. I can't say if other candidates would restrict the rights of citizens, but it seems many delegates have either slipped up or intentionally just barely followed the law, i.e. the Govindia case.
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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2007, 09:32:26 PM »
Oh holy Pha, there are so many wrong things in here that I will have to wait till Monday to make a list and ask questions.
Combining the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs into a Ministry of Diplomacy and Citizenship. The MoIA could serve as the MoEA and vice versa, if they so wished or if an emergency resignation would occur.
<-- That, however, is special. I can't even believe that's not a joke.
I-S, this certainly isn't the first time that a ticket has the support of a party.
I sincerely am rather disappointed by how this platform is looking. You can't find anything worth changing and instead you have invented twisted alternatives and insulted other Taijituans' work, like in the case of the MoC.

*shakes head*
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2007, 09:35:49 PM »
I said "If they so wished". If one minister volunteers to do both jobs, fine. If they don't want to do both jobs, we have two ministers for that ministry. We don't need so many obscure ministries doing jobs that could be combined into one.

Secondly, I said time and time again I'm knocking how we NEED a minister to be friendly, not the ministers themselves.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2007, 09:36:45 PM »
I know that our ticket is a long shot... and this is the closest thing I've made to a political speech since I don't know when, but this region is so full of idiocy that something has got to be done. This is NOT what I had in mind when I signed on to help make this place, and the Taijitu of my first Delegacy, and what it is now, couldn't be more different.

 We've got a senate that thinks it knows everything, people being chastised just because they're pro-raider. I just seen something sad but amusing on our WFE.. and that's that the latest UN Resolution is to Repeal The "Common Sense Act" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean, I don't usually waste time with those things. But someone from Taijitu musta drafted it, because if I've ever seen a repeal of common sense, it's here.

We need separation of powers.

We need Checks and Balances against ALL BRANCHES of the Government

We need to make it clear that being here is not a right, it's a privilege, and that people shouldn't be allowed to act like morons and make complete pests of themselves. This place is... frankly... too damned tolerant! The Soly's the Ranholns, Delfoses, Govindias.. the colossal pains in the ass that just make you scratch your head and say 'what the fuck?!" People like that have no need to be here.

This region needs it's balls back, by God! If I coulda done it as a Delegate, I think each and every one of you knows I would have. I'm as much to blame for this problem, perhaps more so, than anyone else. Lord knows though, I never saw this shit comin' or I woulda put a stop to it way back when I had a chance.

Nationstates is frankly, dying. People would rather sit on their asses and debate endlessly than to actually play the fuckin' game. It absolutely reeks of stagnation. PoD Gunner tried doing something about that.. and look where it got him! A bunch of whiney asses screaming for his head on a platter! This region can be great in ways other than just numbers and post counts. It's up to CPT to make it happen, as i think it's the last shot this place is gonna have.

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2007, 09:43:59 PM »
Oh, and thank you for pointing out that situation, I-S. I've flipped-flopped reconsidered by position: Justices should not be in the Senate because of a conflict of interests, but I still don't see why Ministers, legitimate citizens, cannot.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2007, 09:45:44 PM »
Oh, and thank you for pointing out that situation, I-S. I've flipped-flopped reconsidered by position: Justices should not be in the Senate because of a conflict of interests, but I still don't see why Ministers, legitimate citizens, cannot.
A check on the Delegate's power. He or she could use the Ministers as a powerful voting block, undermining the independence of the Senate from the Delegacy.