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Author Topic: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate  (Read 9535 times)

Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2007, 09:47:30 PM »
Yes, but you see, if the delegate and his cabinet is that corrupt, he either shouldn't have been elected or he should be impeached. I can understand with the Justices; you can't charge someone for not wanting to incriminate themselves, but with a Minister going the delegate's way, every time, it's rather obviously corrupt.
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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2007, 10:10:07 PM »
BUT WAIT!  I smell a logical inconsistency.  You want to streamline the Ministry organization, correct?  This would mean that the "Delegate's voting bloc" would get smaller, less able to influence the outcome.  Furthermore, I see no evidence that the Delegate would use the Ministers in that way (they haven't in the past), particularly if one of your oh-so-virtuous selves was elected.  Unless you're impeaching your own character...

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2007, 10:12:05 PM »
Was that directed at me or...
* Libertarian Monarchy of Myroria puts on politicians face

My colleague?
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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2007, 10:15:02 PM »
Your colleague.  I wasn't aware that you had made a prior post.

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2007, 10:33:15 PM »
"I will not resign."

This is a joke goal I set. I'm rather upset that elected delegates have a huge tendency to resign. Well, I won't. But though that goal is a joke, my delegacy will not be one.

I'm rather upset at the inference of that statement. I, as Delegate, had to resign. Real life became, unexpectedly, a lot more tough only a couple of weeks after I won the election. No one, not even the smartest of us, can predict Real Life. There is always the possibility that, if you won the election, life could decide to make things damn hard for you, and you might not be able to serve the region as you had intended.

You say you won't resign? Well, if you're saying that, should you end up with an indefinitely lasting real life issue that means you can't get online and act as Delegate, you wouldn't resign? Or at least turn over the Delegacy to your VD? Because I know that resigning was one of the hardest decisions in NS I've ever made but I had to do it because it was in the best interests of Taijitu and would do it again. Personally, I would have far more respect to someone who would say - "I will do what's best for the region; no matter what it means." - than someone who stays in charge just to fulfill an election platform.

Secondly, your idea about the merging of Ministries. I don't agree, but then, what'd be the point in elections if everyone saw things the same way - but I have to ask, what gave you the idea of merging those two particular ministries - it would seem to me they are probably the two most active ministries... Also, wouldn't lowering the number of people on the cabinet reduce the wealth of experience that the cabinet can offer you as Delegate?

Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2007, 10:42:04 PM »
I apologize for offending you, but, as I said, it was a joke.

As I said earlier, the MoEA/MoIA would be completely volunteer. If you don't want to be both, you don't have to. If you feel you're up for it, volunteer and you'll get double the salary you normally would.
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Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2007, 10:54:08 PM »
BUT WAIT!  I smell a logical inconsistency.  You want to streamline the Ministry organization, correct?  This would mean that the "Delegate's voting bloc" would get smaller, less able to influence the outcome.  Furthermore, I see no evidence that the Delegate would use the Ministers in that way (they haven't in the past), particularly if one of your oh-so-virtuous selves was elected.  Unless you're impeaching your own character...
The very fact that the Delegate COULD use his Ministers as a voting block is enough reason to change the system.
If I'm impeaching my own character, why would I be pushing for this separation of powers? If Myro or myself were as corrupt as you're implying, I wouldn't be pushing for this change; I would want the broken system to stay broken so I could abuse it when I gained power.

Offline Flemingovia

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2007, 01:28:14 PM »
My question is for Inglo Scotia.

MY own experience has shown that there is a good possibility of a vice delegate eventually having to take up the duties of delegate. there are a number of jobs to do as delegate, and I am concerned that you are currently up for removal from the senate due to inactivity.

If you could not be bothered to fulfill your duty as Senator, how can we be absolutely confident that you will not bring the same attitude to the delegacy?

Offline Prydania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2007, 03:33:32 PM »
My question is for Inglo Scotia.

MY own experience has shown that there is a good possibility of a vice delegate eventually having to take up the duties of delegate. there are a number of jobs to do as delegate, and I am concerned that you are currently up for removal from the senate due to inactivity.

If you could not be bothered to fulfill your duty as Senator, how can we be absolutely confident that you will not bring the same attitude to the delegacy?

I have asked a similar question to this in Myroria/IS thread, so I do not mind if you only answer it once.

There are a number of jobs to do as delegate, and I am concerned that you are currently up for removal from the senate due to inactivity.

If you could not be bothered to fulfill your duty as Senator, how can we be absolutely confident that you will not bring the same attitude to the delegacy?
It wasn't that I couldn't be bothered to fulfill my duty as a Senator, far from it.
What happened was that after debating two key issues, issues which are now planks of the Myro/I-S  platform, it became apparant to me that I was severely outnumbered in the Senate.  As it was, I had no chance of ever affecting any meaningful change, as the majority would always be against me.
Why bother taking the time to write out long, passionate posts defending my beliefs, when in the end the majority of the Senate would discard what I had to say?

The result was that I became disillusioned with the Senate and it dropped on my priorities as a result.
I'm not saying the Senate should have all converted to my line of thinking. I'm not saying that at all.
I'm saying that it soon became clear that the Senate was not the best place for someone who held the beliefs that I do.
If you're questioning my commitment to the Senate, please read the debates where I argued passionately for my beliefs.
After being shut down so many times I had to ask myself "why bother?"

As Vice Delegate you can rest assured that the program which I've outlined here and in the official campaign thread will be pursued to the best of my abilities for as long as my term lasts. Should the situation arise where I would have to take the reigns of the Delegacy I would pursue this program with even more vigour then I would as VD.

Offline Flemingovia

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2007, 05:32:22 PM »
I am not concerned about how you would pursue your programme. The question in my mind remains how you would pursue your duties.

Commitment to one's beliefs, and commitment to one's office are not the same thing, as you have displayed.

But thank you for answering my question.

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2007, 05:47:23 PM »
I am not necessarily in agreement with your views on the Senate, and I-S's views on the separation of power. So I have two requests.

Try and convince me to go along with your plan.

In the off chance that that doesn't work, tell me what else makes you better than the other candidates for Delegate.
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2007, 05:57:35 PM »
Right now the Senate is the sole law-making body in Taijitu. If - and this is just hypothetical - the Senate passed a law, say, really banning avatars, it would be legal, no matter how much the rest of Taijitu disagreed with it. If a system where all citizens can vote is made, then all citizens may vote on the said hypothetical law, which allows for a greater representation of the people. This is true democracy, even true republican democracy (By this I mean that in a real republican democracy the people can still vote on referendums and who gets to join the Senate. The latter is impractical here; I don't have any plans on pushing for its implementation).

As for your second question, I don't think I'm better than anyone. But I am more of a progress than the others. Pragmia has been Speaker of the House for what, two terms? And everyone knows running the Senate virtually means you run the region.
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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2007, 07:21:25 PM »
The very fact that the Delegate COULD use his Ministers as a voting block is enough reason to change the system. If I'm impeaching my own character, why would I be pushing for this separation of powers? If Myro or myself were as corrupt as you're implying, I wouldn't be pushing for this change; I would want the broken system to stay broken so I could abuse it when I gained power.

So let's use this COULD theory.... technically an open vote for all citizens COULD be used to allow outside influences to take over the region.... technically it COULD be used to alter the constitution to pervert Taijitu into a fascist region. You could say it's unlikely, but then again so is the idea of a ministry voting block.

If you stopped being active in the senate because you weren't able to affect your will on two issues what would happen were you unable to enact your proposed changes to the region? Would you then quit being delegate?

On that matter, how will you go about making these changes since any such changes would have to be approved by the senate, which as you have said, does not support these changes?

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Offline Myroria

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2007, 08:50:46 PM »
technically an open vote for all citizens COULD be used to allow outside influences to take over the region

If they literally swarmed us with spies and we never noticed.

technically it COULD be used to alter the constitution to pervert Taijitu into a fascist region.

Not unless the citizens LIKE to be oppressed.

On that matter, how will you go about making these changes since any such changes would have to be approved by the senate, which as you have said, does not support these changes?

Politics, and working with the Senate.

To answer your first question in full:

As I said, my situation was highly hypothetical. Maybe the Senate would prefer to do something not as absurd that people disagree with; like more checks against the Delegate or more Senate-only actions. Does that mean that we should have to be in the Senate to decide, and that our opinion should mean nothing simply because we don't feel like we want to join the Senate?

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Campaign - Myroria for Delegate, I-S for Vice Delegate
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2007, 09:14:11 PM »
Well as the argument has been made the Senate is open for pretty much anyone to apply to..  Even then it's the same as any other government. I vote for a party in Canadian elections, I don't vote for every action that party takes. Any citizen is allowed to make comments or express their views is senate discussions, but yes, if they want to vote they have to join the senate. If you want a vote in Parliament you have to be elected... if you want to dance you have to go onto the dance floor... if you want to make an omelet you have to break an egg...

So where are all these disenfranchised people who feel they are being abused and marginalized by the senate?

As far as I can see it's just you (who has repeatedly refused to join the senate) and I-S who couldn't get their view to be the majorities view, couldn't make a convincing enough argument for his view and as such decided to "take his ball and go home"... as such I'd have to say the problem isn't with the senate wielding power ruthlessly, it's with you and I-S not getting your way and making an issue where none exists.

Essentially your reforms would require a complete refounding of the region, a rewrite of the constitution and many amendments to the laws of Taijitu. Can you please show me any proof that such a severe problem exists as to require such action? Additionally how would you reword these new documents. I'd think that such sweeping changes should be a little more worked out then a rough idea of essentially abolishing the Senate, what would be the process for introducing, voting and enacting legislation? If being a citizen is to have a vote on all actions in the region, how would you address the issues of regional security without crippling the growth of the region?

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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