Will you vainly try to stop the juggernaut that is the NationStates Apocalypse?
If by "apocalypse" you mean "huge, raging party" and by "vainly" you mean "with make-overs", then yes... yes, I will.

In all seriousness, now, I'll try my damnedest to keep our region alive and afloat, and to stimulate excitement in NationStates itself. I want this game to survive and will keep trying to make that happen for as long as such remains possible. Some say it's a vain attempt; I've heard many people predicting the doom of NS and of particular regions. I don't, however, believe that it is a foregone conclusion that we fold. I'll admit it will be extremely difficult to keep everything going given the way they look now, but I refuse to give up. A dreadful stubborn streak is lodged somewhere in my brain that won't let me abandon something I care about.