Sweeping Changes in Pacifica
Pacificans climb onto the roof to hear the new PremierFrancograd, The Pacific: In the past few weeks, The Pacific has evolutionized into the next stage of the Revolution. The Delegate of The Pacific shall now be known as Comrade Premier Moo-Cows with guns. The announcement was surprisingly followed by the resignations of Senator of Media Affairs New Kervoskia and the Censor of The Pacific Karpathos.
In a dynamic and reassured speech to all Pacificans, Comrade Premier Moo-Cows said this:
Francoism is not an ideal of one or two people. It is not a concept fixated upon a singular event or personality. Francoism is the Truth that lights the way in the darkness of NationStates. It is the light that shines upon The Pacific, and leads us away from the darkness of the past, and the confusion of the Userites.
Unlike the ideals held by those that have recently resigned the Revolution, Franoism is not a stagnant concept that remains fixated upon the past. Comrades, we live in a dynamic world. The Pacific is ever striving to achieve the perfection of ADMIN, though the foundations of Francoism towards a brighter future for us all.
The new stage in The Pacific saga has been buoyed by the return of Comrade Ivan Moldavi, who was named Grand Inquisitor, and Comrade Risellia. Further evidence of the change in Pacifica is the appointment of the greatly experienced Party Member Haor Chall, to Senator of Diplomacy, for dedicated service Al-Kassad is named Commandante of the Grand Army of The Pacific. For his devotion to delivering justice both on the forums and RMB, Laws and Bylaws was established as High Judge and Commissar of Justice for The Pacific, assisted by Comrade Blamange who was appointed Grand Prefect of the Praetorian Guard. Former Francoist delegate of The North Pacific and recent founder of The NINN news network Emperor Matthuis was named as Editor-in-Chief of the PNN, and John, for his service to the region and knowledge of economics was decreed as Governor of The Pacific Bank. The newly established Francoist Party is gaining new members by the day, fuelling a new generation of Pacificans.
Those recently appointed have gone straight to work. Haor Chall has revitalized the ambassadorial department producing updates and assigning diplomats to spread the light of Francoism all over NationStates. The PNN has began producing world-renowned articles once more, and the Grand Army of The Pacific is undergoing major structural changes; to develop it into the greatest army in NationStates again.
Certainly, it is clear that those who foolishly maintain that that
The Pacific no longer follows its ideals of Francoism are irrelevant and greatly misguided. Instead all true Pacificans shall proudly continue our glorious march on from the August Revolution to peace, strength and greater prosperity.
Written by
Emperor MatthuisEditor-in-Chief of The Pacifican Telegraph