Alright, people, we'd like your input! Currently, the region is suffering from a dreadful case of news-neglect. A few months ago, there was an attempt made to resurrect the defunct regional newspaper, but it fizzled back into obscurity.
And so, the CO has decided that it's high time to rectify that situation!
I don't see a formal newspaper as having a high chance of success here, nor is it really needed, considering there are certainly other ways of going about it.
So here is everyone's chance to voice any thoughts, ideas, and opinions!
What sort of news would you like to see here?
Serious interviews on weighty matters?
Silly interviews for entertainment value only?
Regional coverage?
Inter-regional coverage?
RP news, such as new ones in the making?
On the spot news flashes as new items come in, or a summary at the end of the month?
Other tidbits that didn't come to mind as I wrote this?