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Author Topic: Ideas for a FAQ  (Read 3379 times)

Offline Allama

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Ideas for a FAQ
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:50:29 PM »
Here's a thought brought to you by the ladies of the MoC: Taijitu should have a FAQ.  Yes?  No?  Questions?

Seriously, though, I would absolutely love to have as much input about this as possible.  Post any questions about the region that you think would be helpful to new players, or old ones, trying to become familiar with the functioning of our region.  I'm trying to come up with things that would apply to many players new to Taijitu.

The questions you post can be things you already know or have yet to find out - whatever would benefit those seeking information.

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 07:14:45 PM »
oooh a good one.

Q:how come i can't change my signature?

A:use less punctuation, it seems to not agree with the forum signatures.

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Offline Khablan

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2007, 08:14:23 PM »
Very good one, PUR!  I've read that the profile chokes on certain symbols, and ' is one of them.  I'll check on that to see if I can find more specifics on it.


Aha!  Known troublemakers are ' and " in the profile.  We should get more details from Elu when he comes back.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2007, 08:23:16 PM by Khablan »
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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2007, 01:03:08 PM »
Excellent question, thanks PUR!  ;D  Another I've often heard (and once asked myself) is how we determine amounts in RP; i.e. if there is a guide or if someone is supposed to tell you directly for each situation.  This goes for amounts of products that can be sold, budget to be allocated, size of armed forces, etc.  I thought I'd include something along these lines:

Q: What are the rules for the Role Play Section?

A: There are a few general guidelines for our national roleplay, though not specific set of rules.
  • Be reasonable.  Sounds simple, but it's our primary RP principle.  Ex: If your population is 100 million, don't say your army has 5 million active members.
  • No future tech!  We only accept technology that is currently implemented in the real world.
  • Don't RP other players' characters or governments without permission.  Ex: How many of your enemies' soldiers die in your attack should be left up to him to post.

Anything to add?  This is a very rough draft, of course, but I'd like to include this question as a great many players seem confused by it at first.

Offline Khablan

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2007, 05:42:14 PM »
You know I don't participate in serious RP myself, but I've noticed some posts about Economy Stats.  Here's a link that was given for those who wanted something to base things on - http://www.sunsetrpg.com/economystatistics.php
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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2007, 05:52:38 PM »
More RP stuff...

  • Be sure of what you are doing, and be prepared to commit to your actions.  In particular, be aware of the consequences.
  • If you have an interesting idea, plan it out with the other participants.  Not only will it add depth to the story, but it will make it more enjoyable for all concerned.
  • Colonization and imperialism must be RP'd well for it to be accepted by the Mods and Cartographer.  Some important things to take into account are: native resistance, international opinion, and the ability of your country to govern its new colony.
  • Trade agreements are important.  No nation is self-sufficient.
  • Never piss off the following countries: St Oz, Irnotia, Uichi Ryu, Myroria.  They will hunt you down and feast on your flesh.
  • Never stray within a hundred miles of Ryazania if you value your sanity.
  • Have fun.

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Offline Talmann

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2007, 06:17:47 PM »
More RP stuff: (makes sense since we're the mods)

I'd like to add that the last one of G-C's is very important.
  • When reading and/or posting in a pinned thread, read the rules in the first post to avoid others yelling at you.
  • If you have a good idea, but are not sure whether anyone will like it, post a thread in the OOC forum. From there you can gather everyone's opinion without people getting potentially mad at you.
  • A spot on the map is NOT necessary to RP. Just realize that you will have to claim some spot if you want others to join in the fun.
  • Don't be afraid if no one joins in. Making a thread by yourself (for example, histories or colonizations) can be made exciting, and if you do it well, you'll be respected more for it.
  • Don't be afraid to get into detail. Sometimes half the fun in a good RP is character development or extreme details of a battle.
  • Timeframes can change. Everyone uses a different scale by how they think would advance their RP best. So do not think that you can only pick one and stick with it. Feel free to change.
  • REALLY IMPORTANT. Never launch a nuclear warhead without sufficient reason, or it will likely be ignored. In any case, it will likely give your nation a bad reputation by the International community.
  • RP Shops go by what your nation's budget is. This can be determined on Sunset tracker or Jactivism: http://gusto.jactivism.com/steadystate.php
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"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Allama

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 06:54:46 PM »
All very good!  I'm starting to think we should simply post a separate Guide to RP, as we have very few questions concerning other parts of the forum or the region/NS itself and these are all very important tips for new players to remember.  If we do compile one, would that be better placed in the RP section by the mods there or here in the CO with the other guides?

Here's another point to be included (potentially):

  • When RPing a battle, conversation, etc. with another player, don't stretch out your posts over long periods of in-game time.  It isn't reasonable to assume your fellow RPer's character(s) is taking no actions to respond to yours.   (Note to self: this should go right after the "Don't RP other players' characters" tip.)

Offline Myroria

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 07:04:29 PM »
Never piss off the following countries: St Oz, Irnotia, Uichi Ryu, Myroria.  They will hunt you down and feast on your flesh.

For every nation you don't eat, I'm going to eat three. :P

I suppose I better contribute:

Question: Who is the best nation in Taijitu?

Answer: Myroria, and any nation he says is the best.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Khablan

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 07:11:35 PM »
Quote from: Allama
I'm starting to think we should simply post a separate Guide to RP, as we have very few questions concerning other parts of the forum or the region/NS itself and these are all very important tips for new players to remember.

I think that's a very good idea.  An FAQ on RP would contain enough information on its own to warrant its existence as a separate document entirely.

Quote from: Allama
If we do compile one, would that be better placed in the RP section by the mods there or here in the CO with the other guides?

That's a good question.  I would lean toward asking a mod to sticky it in the RP section.  I think it would be more noticeable to RP'ers if it was there.  And that's where all the other RP information is anyway. 

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Offline Solnath

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2007, 09:24:45 PM »
Concerning the signatures, a small amount of testing revealed that 500+ characters won't work.

As for RP...  :shrug:
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Offline Khablan

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2007, 11:04:24 PM »
I have no idea whether there's anyone else who's as acronym-challenged as myself, but we could perhaps include a small list of some that are specific to NS and also to Taijitu in particular.  TNP = the North Pacific, MoEA = Minister of External Affairs, etc.
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Offline Talmann

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2007, 12:38:39 AM »
Hmm... Actually, a question. How one uses the various coding, for instance, embedding a link, or proper way to insert a image. I myself cannot answer, as I don't do it.
Music is the key to the heart.

"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Khablan

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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2007, 05:38:40 AM »
Oh, now that's a good one.  Thanks, Tal.  It'd be useful for everyone.
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Re: Ideas for a FAQ
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2007, 10:00:28 AM »

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