
Forbidden love in a backdrop of conflict.
Westwind and Gates declare their love.
Scene 1: On the steps of Equilism. The plot is hatched
(Equilism is the once beautiful homeland of Westwind. The southern belle is talking with the twins, New Kervoskia and Dalimbar, at the door step.)
NEW KERVOSKIA: What do we care if Dalimbar was expelled from the delegacy of TNP, Westwind. The war is going to start any day now so he would have left the region anyhow.
DALIMBAR: Oh, isn't it exciting, Westwind? You know those poor Userites actually want a war?
NEW KERVOSKIA: We'll show'em.
WESTWIND: Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war. This war talk is spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream. Besides, there isn't going to be any war.
NEW KERVOSKIA: Not going to be any war?
DALIMBAR: Ah, buddy, of course there's going to be a war.
WESTWIND: If either of you boys says "war" just once again, I'll go in the house and slam the door.
NEW KERVOSKIA: But Westwind honey..
DALIMBAR: Don't you want us to have a war?
NEW KERVOSKIA: Wait a minute, Westwind...
DALIMBAR: We'll talk about this...
NEW KERVOSKIA: No please, we'll do anything you say...
WESTWIND: Well-but remember I warned you.
NEW KERVOSKIA: I've got an idea. We'll talk about the barbecue Nervadar is giving over at Gatesville tomorrow.
DALIMBAR: That's a good idea. You're eating barbecue with us, aren't you, Westwind?
WESTWIND: Well, I hadn't thought about that yet, I'll...I'll think about that tomorrow.
DALIMBAR: And we want all your waltzes, there's first New Kervoskia, then me, then New Kervoskia, then me again, then JAL. Promise?
WESTWIND: I' just love to.
WESTWIND: If only ..if only I didn't have every one of them taken already.
NEW KERVOSKIA: Honey, you can't do that to us.
DALIMBAR: How about if we tell you a secret?
WESTWIND: Secret? Who by?
NEW KERVOSKIA: Well, you know Miss Moo Cows, from The Pacific?
DALIMBAR: Gates' cousin? Well she's visiting Gatesville.
WESTWIND: Moo Cows? That goody-goody! Who wants no secret about him.
NEW KERVOSKIA: Well, anyway we heard...
DALIMBAR: That is, they say..
NEW KERVOSKIA: Gates is going to marry him.
DALIMBAR: You know the Gatesvillians always marry their cousins.
NEW KERVOSKIA: Now do we get those waltzes?
WESTWIND: Of course.
WESTWIND: It can't be true...Gates loves me.
DALIMBAR: Westwind!
(Westwind breaks down, unable to accept the fact of Gates’ marriage. She rushes off)
End of Scene.
To be continued....