The strange error message encountered by many Gatesville troopers
as they tried to play Nationstates last night.
There was consternation in Gatesville last night when Gatesville troopers, ordered in to prop up the crumbling delegacy of Westwind in the North Pacific were found to have gone to the wrong region by mistake, and were in the Userite region of “North Pacific”.
“Look, you morons” thundered Gates to his hapless troopers “we have made this as simple as we can. The boot with a “L” painted on it is your left boot; the boot with a “R” painted on it is your right boot. So when I order you to turn left, TURN BLOODY LEFT!”
Gatesville troopers were left looking bewildered at this outburst; they have been trained to obey, not to think, and therefore it is natural for them to mistake a 53-nation Foundered region for the largest Feeder in Nationstates.

New standard issue footwear for Gatesville Troopers
The Gatesville Militia constantly boast that they are the finest fighting force in Nationstates. Raiders and Defenders across Nationstates must be feeling somewhat amused a this claim today. This reporter has had his conflicts with raiders in the past, but at least he has to admit that they generally can find the regions they are raiding – a skill seemingly evading the Gatesville Militia.
Finally, as an act of public service to Gatesville, we would like to post this notice in as many regions as possible. Perhaps it will help some poor unfortunates find their way home.
Several Gatesville Troopers.
LAST SEEN: Heading towards The North Pacific
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None. They are just like any other players in the game.
If any of these troopers are seen wandering in your region, please contact any official of the Gatesville Army, who will send over a car to take them home.
DO NOT APPROACH FROM DOWNWIND. They are not dangerous, but having been lost for so long they will desperately need a bath.