Cookie Thief: Investigation Launched
A distraught Khab looks on as a yet unidentified man steals cookiesOutside the Senate Building, Taijitu: Terror struck Taijitu today as an assailent mercilessly robbed Moma Khab of her cookies today. Khab, known throughout Taijitu for giving out free cookies and milk to all Taijituans, was set-upon as she carried her cookie-tray out on her rounds.
Instead of taking just one, the man, already dubbed 'The Cookie Monster' by the press, snatched the whole lot, and swallowed them with one gulp, which we all know does not allow one to savour the flavour.
Regional Security Minister Eluvatar has urged all Taijituans to be on the lookout for a large, balding man who speaks with a North Pacifican accent. However the population must also be warned this man is dangerous and should not be approached. Emergency supplies are on their way to Taijitu in a specially guarded convoy, and the Taijitu Army has been deployed to reassure anxious cookie lovers.
Claims that this monster is non-other than our very own Supreme Court Justice Durnia have been been denied, speaking from his East Pacific mansion he said:
These allegations are ludicrous, I was nowhere near the scene of the crime! Anyway, even if it was me, you can't prosecute a Judge can you?!'Written by
Emperor Matthuis