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Author Topic: Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!  (Read 1318 times)

Offline Durnia

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Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!
« on: September 16, 2007, 09:38:27 AM »
Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!

'Jinkies!' Limitless Events is unmasked by Byardkuria

Magicality City, The North Pacific: There was triumph in The North Pacific after the rogue endotarter Activini was captured today. The Delegate-wannabe had been led into a trap by following a trail of the finest, imported, glitterific Minineeneeian cookies, he was then hurled by a trebuchet into a pot of glue.

When the alien mask was taken off by Byardkuria; there was shock as it was none-other than Limitless Events! This was a West Pacific Senator and a former Minister of Internal Affairs and Delegate candidate of The North Pacific, who had been disgraced after allegedly trying to rig the Delegate elections and passing on highly secretive information to The Lexicon. Limi had planned to go rogue when elected (with the help of RA members supplied from The Lexicon) and start up his own regime. However the plan was foiled when Lexicon Founder Shoeless Joe defected to The North Pacific and passed this information on. Limi, disgraced, left the region, and was banned from The North Pacific forums on the eve of the elections that he had looked like winning.

That was not the last of the matter however, Limitless Events then returned as Activini months later. Activini were a new nation who gained rapidly in endorsements, rising to third highest in The North Pacific region. However, he soon began carrying out unendorsement campaigns against Delegate Great Bights Mum and his numbers rose even further. Finally Activini was ejected by Great Bights Mum for huge endotarting and carrying out illegal unendorsement campaigns.

However, then using a proxy account, Limitless Events applied to the Regional Assembly as Activini and filed criminal charges against Great Bights Mum in February. However this was not successful and the case never made it to trial.

When 'questioned' by NPIA Director Flemingovia, Limi said the following 'I felt like stirring up an extra bit of trouble just to see how much chaos I could cause in the middle of a delegate election. Apparently the answer is a lot but my favorite part was how I tried to get GBM impeached.' However he did show some remorse, apologizing to Emperor Matthuis for the trouble he caused. When asked about his plans for The North Pacific if he were elected: 'Honestly I did plan to go rogue so that I could change that bloated document people call a constitution. However I did not try to do it through rigging the election by allowing Lexiconians into the RA.' Limi continued: 'I've always thought the best Constitution would be, "This is a community. Don't kick each other." I basically planned on keeping a dictatorship of the kind where no one gets hurt but someone still gets to fiddle around with absloute power to control the delegacy, while letting everyone else run around as they please.'

Written by Emperor Matthuis
Editor of The North Pacific Sun
Disclaimer: Everything mentioned about Limitless Events in this article is true, however the accounts of Flemingovia and Byardkuria are fictionalized. 'Can't say I didn't disclaim myself.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2007, 09:41:52 AM by Durnia »
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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 03:02:57 PM »
He would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

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Offline Limitless Events

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Re: Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2007, 05:56:10 PM »
but I did get away with it until I decided to reveal my secret :P
Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2007, 07:57:06 PM »
I believe that the Government must make sure that those meddling kids get what's coming to them for once!

Offline Of Crazed

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Re: Activini Unmasked As Limitless Events!
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2007, 08:34:34 PM »
Good for him.
05/04/2008- Never Forget