Gulliver, you're probably right about the code. I kept some raw numbers so that I could lightly experiment with what you were talking about with differing weights, but not all of them. Honestly, I stayed away from code because I'm such a bad coder I think I would've spent more time making the code than I would've saved by using it. Another problem is that I also only counted "successful" motions and seconds, so it would be difficult (especially for my dumb brain) to get a program that recognizes the success of a motion to vote as people sometimes continue threads afterwards. I also think a poll isn't a bad idea for gauging how well this did. I think to get at some of the noise we could aggregate rankings by those who were ranked. I might make one in the following days.
Myroria, looking back you're probably right about the thread starting. That may need to be downplayed in any further rankings, though I will still keep it as the most influential thing one can do. The reason I tried to stay away from too much of whether or not a proposal was successful was my own impatience. There were too many proposals up in the air that I thought were incredibly likely to pass and so I didn't want to wait until March in order to allocate points.
Bustos, you're right it wasn't just you. You just made it really obvious with your "+1" stuff. Also, just to let you know, a lot of the posts you included a "+1" would never have counted even if I didn't distinguish between regular and joke discussion. You posted a lot in things that were not proposal discussions and you posted in proposal discussions that already had finished. The first successful "second" is the last post that received any points in any thread.
Funkadelia, thanks! I'll keep doing it.
Delfos, I completely agree. I just hope that this gets at some of what I was trying to capture, which I think it does. I will definitely have a poll and see how those rankings compare to this. Though I feel like polls are subject to even more issues and problems than the ranking system, if they match up somewhat it's a vote of confidence for both.