News: Be vigilant: Anticitoyens could be behind any corner.
What are some ways you think that the senate can help improve the region, not strictly in terms of legislation, in a more general big picture sense?
1. What is the capital of Burkina Faso?4. What are the four pillars?6. Can you name the 3 ancestors of Taijitu?8. What is the eightfold path?9. When has the number of supreme court justices of the united states not been nine and why?10. Why is the earth an oblate spheroid rather than a sphere?12. What is the difference between a laplace integral and a gaussian integral?14. What numbers am I skipping? 15. What game doth thou deem this word list play?16. What game's this sentence entertaining?
Quote from: Sovereign Dixie on June 03, 2011, 02:11:49 AMWhat are some ways you think that the senate can help improve the region, not strictly in terms of legislation, in a more general big picture sense?Senate. Improve region muchly! Community, respectability. Fun?Quote from: Eluvatar on June 03, 2011, 02:31:33 AM1. What is the capital of Burkina Faso?4. What are the four pillars?6. Can you name the 3 ancestors of Taijitu?8. What is the eightfold path?9. When has the number of supreme court justices of the united states not been nine and why?10. Why is the earth an oblate spheroid rather than a sphere?12. What is the difference between a laplace integral and a gaussian integral?14. What numbers am I skipping? 15. What game doth thou deem this word list play?16. What game's this sentence entertaining?Wast... relevant. Questions... irrelevant. Confusion? No. HIPPO?