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Author Topic: Voting for Letonna, Voting for a Stronger Taijitu  (Read 1050 times)

Offline Letonna

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Voting for Letonna, Voting for a Stronger Taijitu
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:10:42 AM »

     We are have reached a very prosperous time in Taijitu. In this last two terms, we have gained many new forum members, some of which are now very active members of society. Nothing makes me more happy than to see a blooming political scene in Taijitu. Varying opinions, new opinions and most of all, busy elections. As I have in the past, I will always be a strong advocate of a increasing our regional and forum recruitment.
     This being my third term, I can safely say I've gained a good knowledge of not only what our government strides in, but fixes it could use. If I am to be reelected, I will continue to persue, with my fellow senators, a better tomorrow, and a better Taijitu.
     I have never been one to be a stickler about Left and Right and party lines in the senate. Cooperation with everyone, senators or not, rivals or allies, I will always treat everyone, despite their background, as a respected member of our community, and a respected voice in our government.
     So I ask you to cast your votes with me and the TLSP for another term as senator, and I promice to uphold all these values, and all of yours as well.

Offline Terran

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Re: Voting for Letonna, Voting for a Stronger Taijitu
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 04:11:13 AM »
Senator Letonna,

As you are probably aware, the Greenthumb Society has recently released it's grading on environmental issues. In that study, it has given you a score of negative 1 in the category of Animal Rights. How would you address citizens, such as myself, who feel that the environment of Taijitu Founder has decayed to a point that is dangerously unsustainable? Furthermore, what active measures would you take (if any) to ensure that this situation is reversed?

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Offline Letonna

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Re: Voting for Letonna, Voting for a Stronger Taijitu
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 09:25:03 PM »
Mr. Terran,
     I know for a fact that our Eco friendly ratings are not the best, often some of them falling below WA average. I highly respect the need to have a strong and healthy environment in a region. However I also understand that there's a need to have a responsible and competitive hold on economy, research, health, and progress. Although an uncomfortable as it may be to do animal testing, clear cut forests and genetically alter species, we do this responsibly and with region, logic and ethics close in mind. As long as we preserve the environment, it will always be there for the harvesting and betterment of our species.

Offline Terran

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Re: Voting for Letonna, Voting for a Stronger Taijitu
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 10:33:31 PM »
Senator Letonna,

I am deeply concerned with your response to my question. i realize you are answering to the best of your knowledge, and what you truly do believe. However I would like to impress upon you a few facts.

Namely, the result of even the smallest projects of genetic engineering of animals, plants or foods, results is negative (oftentimes drastically so) impacts on the ecosystems and the environment. This is similar to the introductions of new species into an environment. If you'd like a great example of how this is bad, see the Emerald Ash Bore, which is running rampant throughout the Miami Valley and Ohio's forests. It's caused by relocating firewood, and sales of illegal firewood from unsanctioned locations. Even small things like this can destroy forests, cut the food supply to Deer, Ducks, Geese and Other animals and have an overall negative impact on tourism.

So as you can see, when you introduce say, a genetically modified grass or crop, it can sometimes end up where you least expect it. Winds can carry germinated seeds far and away from where they once were, and can over run native flora with ease. Invading weeds in the west sometimes grow several feet per day, strangling forests, yards and lawns of vibrant growth and productivity.

It's important to under that reasonable doesn't mean rejection of most environmental issues. There currently is no reason with the state of our environment. The national animal, a symbol of our pride, is marketed as a meal. This isn't logical, nor rational. I implore you to reconsider your stance, and base your opinions on fact and substance with regards to Taijitu Founder. Thanks for your time, and best of luck with your campaign.

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Member of the Greenthumb Society