Terran: If you do not know, I have recently changed political parties from ProP to TLSP. Under ProP I felt that I must fit in and go for what everyone else said within the political party. During my second term I started to vote for what I believed in and what should have been chosen, however I was outnumbered. Specifically, I would treat [nation]Taijitu Founder[/nation] as my own nation. My own nation has a stunning environment and tries its best to not be cruel towards animals. To answer your question, if I am elected for this term I would keep a look out on all of the environmental issues and choose the best solution to take action with.
Mcmasterdonia: I made a choice to be Minister of External Affairs, and found out that it wasn't the job for me, however I am not complaining. When I first arrived in Taijitu back in January I was on the senate right away, then came my second term, and then it ended. I was mortified! The Senate is my home! It is where I belong!