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Should we implement the Emergency Government Act?

6 (66.7%)
3 (33.3%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: November 05, 2012, 10:27:57 PM

Author Topic: Vote: Emergency Government Act  (Read 2429 times)

Offline Delfos

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Vote: Emergency Government Act
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:27:57 PM »
Voting will start immediately therefore October 29th through Sunday November 4th.

Petition proposal approved here.

Quote from: Emergency Government Bill
Emergency Government intends to overcome deadlocks on democracy through absence of legal or legislative authorities.
Section 1: Parameters
1. Emergency Government can only be initiated if the Chief Justice of the Court of Taijitu is missing and the Senate of Taijitu cannot act through legal constrains for a period over 14 days.
2. Emergency Government can only be initiated by an elected Delegate.
3. Emergency Government will cease when the Senate and Chief Justice are lawfully established.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities
1. The elected Delegate will run Emergency Government until it's ceasing.
2. The elected Delegate will use Emergency Government to achieve the establishment of a democratically elected legislative branch.
3. The elected Delegate will cease Emergency Government when the democratically elected legislative branch and the head figure of the judicial branch are established.
4. After the cease of Emergency Government the terms of all branches are reset and have to swear oath accordingly as they were just elected or nominated.
5. All established citizens elected for legislative branch and nominated for judicial branch during Emergency Government will have full recognition as members of Senate and Justice accordingly after the cease of Emergency Government.

Section 3: Overrides
1. During the Emergency Government, this bill will override the following legislation: Election and Referendums Act Section 1.1, Section 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and Section 4.
2. Legislation listed in this bill Section 3.1 will be substituted accordingly by the articles in this bill Section 4.

Section 4: Emergency Articles
1. Any present law that hasn't been listed for override will be in effect.
2. Nominations for the Senate will be opened by the Delegate;
3. Voting will begin as soon as the Delegate starts the poll, and last for 4 days;
4. The ballots will be collected through a poll in the Regional Forums and the voters will be known after the poll has expired;
5. The description for any such poll will contain:
 a) Any submitted platforms;
 b) Visible disclaimer that this poll is created under Emergency Government bill to ensure lawfully elected legislative branch
6. Results will be displayed when the poll expires by Regional Forums.

Offline Letonna

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Re: Vote: Emergency Government Act
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2012, 02:50:52 AM »
I've heard both sides for this bill, and both are both very reasonable. The reasons AGAINST it are:
 1. Delfos is insane 2. this bill is poorly written 3. what?! 4. this bill is to extreme
the reasons I've seen FOR it are:
1. well it's something
2. well the incumbent government is inefficient, incomplete and questionably active

I agree with all these points, so it's indeed hard to choose. I still hold my vote FOR because it is, indeed something

Offline Delfos

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Re: Vote: Emergency Government Act
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 03:34:56 AM »
I refute all points against.
1. Insane is to let this region die by only showing your face to criticize when your power is questioned and running away when your power is needed.
2. This bill is the best we have, if you want better then act, pull your sleeves up, criticize activity only defends your way: Inactivity.
3. What?
4. This bill is extreme because the situation is extreme. We have no active people, no Senate, no nothing, if I was to be as inactive as you are, we'd have 0 activity for half a month.

Funky tried and couldn't pass reforms by either dysfunctional Senate or inactive people, ironic coincidence it included people voting for Inactivity.
Eluvatar tried and couldn't pass his bill to keep the region alive.

I hope you can't find more people to raise from the dead to vote against this bill, I hope I can find enough citizens to be able to act. My hands are tied, you can untie them yet your only actions is to vote and promote against the only activity left in this forum. Prove me wrong and I'll be happy, prove me right and you'll let the whole region down.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Vote: Emergency Government Act
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2012, 07:21:45 PM »
This bill has passed.

Offline Letonna

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Re: Vote: Emergency Government Act
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2012, 02:18:51 AM »
huh, I didn't expect this to pass

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Vote: Emergency Government Act
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2012, 03:59:55 PM »
While I'm very sorry I wasn't here, this referendum was held 10 days too early.

Please discuss.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 04:25:17 PM by Eluvatar »
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