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Author Topic: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!  (Read 2532 times)

Offline Poliz

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The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:59:41 AM »
Apologies for the gratuitous use of Aliteration folks, but welcome to this Press Conference starring... The One, The Only (Delegate in the past 3 years who wasn't Kor).......... POLIZ!

No applause? None? Not even a golfclap? Oh! I haven't opened the door and let anyone in yet! Silly me! Hold on! Ah! There we go!

That's it, file in, take a seat, any seat's fine, just sit down, all of you.
No, that one's reserved for my supporters.
So is that one. And that one. And that one too, sorry. Actually, could we just have the first 3 rows vacant while the people who actually plan to vote for me choose which ones they want? What's that? We only have 3 rows of seats? Oh.. umm... In that case.....

JUST KIDDING FOLKS, Sit down wherever you want! You can even sit on the ground, if it's part of your culture, or you just like blocking fire exits!

Anyway, welcome to this press conference regarding my campaign for Delegacy, and hey, just to save your eyesight, I'll avoid posting the Taijitu New Blood Party's (TEMPORARY) logo, so you can better ogle your Potential Delegate. Oh wait, I forgot to mention that that the image of my face is likely to send you blind, char your your mind AND scar your soul forevermore. Also, sorry any ladies out there, I'm taken  :-P

So. Any questions regarding my push for Candidacy will be answered candidly, any questions about my private life will be answered privately, and I hereby throw the door open to any mud-slinger or hero-maker out there with a pen and a chip on their shoulder.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 12:23:21 PM by Poliz »
=Taijitu's Forum Aussie=

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2010, 04:17:27 PM »
*stretches on 4 chairs in the front row and snickers* I hope there's beer around here someplace.

Anyways, heya Poliz. I'd be interested of hearing your plans about reviving Taijitu and also some of your NS background, haven't been around for a while and I guess I missed out on things.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2010, 04:59:34 PM »
What would your relationship with the Senate be like if you were to be elected?
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 06:27:42 PM »
Who is your choice for Vice Delegate?

Offline Khem

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Offline Poliz

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2010, 04:46:19 PM »
*stretches on 4 chairs in the front row and snickers* I hope there's beer around here someplace.

Anyways, heya Poliz. I'd be interested of hearing your plans about reviving Taijitu and also some of your NS background, haven't been around for a while and I guess I missed out on things.

Ohhh, I get it! Just because I'm an Aussie, there /has/ to be beer, huh? :P

Well, on the subject of my plans for Taijitu's rebirth, I will say here and now that Foreign Affairs and rebuilding our reputation will be paramount considerations. Alongside direct recruiting, word of mouth should work wonders for swelling the ranks of our region to what it used to be, and diplomacy is highly likely to lead to allies, and having allies is likely to end with enemies, or at least enemies of friends.

And how do you keep people active in a game? You keep them interested :)
And how do you keep people interested? You give them a goal.
And what's a great goal to give the general population? Destroying some jerks!
Taiji Nationalism and a sense of community will do the forums wonders, and if we can accomplish it through making friends and then enemies, then I'm all for it.

I also plan to propose the creation of a Propaganda ministry which takes submissions from Citizens, as well as creates its own material, publishing it in a fortnightly or monthly release, again hopefully adding to activity and just something to look forward to every so often.

Apart from increasing the population and growing the culture and atmosphere in Taijitu, at the moment I believe that the Constitution provides for a stable nation, and there will be no attempts to change it during this Delegacy if I'm elected.

So above all- Grow a vibrant, active community and sustain growth throughout the Delegacy, while re-gaining our name on the world stage, and hopefully jogging a few dust-coverd memories about who we are.

Well, about 3 days after my nation was created, I was recruited by The Queendom of Jazzy Spazzy to Taijitu, and The Imperium of Poliz in all its forms over the years has existed right here. I was highly inactive on the forums over time, and I believe my membership lapsed at one point. Since then I've payed less and less attention to the other browser games I waste my time on, and so, Nationstates has come back as a lightweight, low-time-consuming option for my nation simulating hunger, i guess :)

The highlight of my NS career was accidentally becoming the 'illegitimate' Delegate of Taijitu for a little bit, spraypainted grafitti all over the Welcome Message and then of course created those infamously crap forums that caused the nose-breakingly dangerous facepalms that lead to the revival of these forums (That's my story and I'm damn well sticking to it :P)
So that essentially makes me look like an experienceless wort. However, I will tell you that in Cybernations (gasp! A swear word!) I served as a Foreign Minister for two alliances, a Diplomat and as an Acadamy Prefect, and I have had dealings with some members of the New Pacific Order in in CN as well (although I doubt I would be remembered... they /are/ pretty up themselves)

Anyhoo, it's 2:30am, I'd love to continue with more detail, but I'm going Cross-eyed and getting spam emails from 'New York' atm, hahahaha.

What would your relationship with the Senate be like if you were to be elected?
An important question; Seeing as all of the actions required by the Delegate require Senate Approval, I will try my best to maintain a cogent, collegegial working relationship with the Senate based on collusion and comprimise to discuss, determine and execute what is best for Taijtu and to act with the Citizens and the contiguity of our great Region in mind.

However, I've just done a course at University on the Politics of Late Republican Rome, so I'll apologise now if I've come accross as all Tiberius Gracchus on y'all asses before, hahaha.

Who is your choice for Vice Delegate?
Unfortunately still TBA. YHowever, I will make this information available almost before I even know it myself :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Ud3V9NPw8   ???????????????????????????????????????

Ahhhhh, 2003... I was just starting high school and my friend showed me that for the first time... To this day, I still say 'WTF Mayte?" when a situation warrants it :)
Seriously though, our nuclear war plan is to hide under Ularu. (The big red rock in the middle of Australia. Don't tell Indonesia that though :))

Wow, that was a lot of typing, what is this, an essay? :/

Well, Im gonna need a beer, please feel free to continue on with the questions........ IF YOU DARE!
=Taijitu's Forum Aussie=

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2010, 04:18:06 AM »
When did you become a citizen? After a thorough search of government archives, I was unable to find any post where you registered.

Offline Poliz

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2010, 07:14:24 AM »
When did you become a citizen? After a thorough search of government archives, I was unable to find any post where you registered.

Would have been years ago, I think i actually de-registered or something shortly afterwards, haha. I was wondering why none of my posts were here myself actually... >.<

It was back when the Citizen tag thingys were cyan. And you could buy stuff with Tai. And Amy was still around...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 08:00:15 AM by Poliz »
=Taijitu's Forum Aussie=

Offline Gulliver

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2010, 09:42:53 AM »
Your profile says that you didn't register on the forums of May 27th this year, well after when you say you first registered as a citizen. Why is this?

Scratch that, as I had hoped Elu has answered this question for me and undone all confusion I was experiencing. I am assuaged.

I will however take this opportunity that you still need a Vice Delegate.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 12:55:45 AM by Gulliver »

Offline Poliz

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Re: The Delegacy Pre-Poll-Press-Postathon-Pertaining-to-Poliz!
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2010, 08:43:36 AM »
Your profile says that you didn't register on the forums of May 27th this year, well after when you say you first registered as a citizen. Why is this?

Scratch that, as I had hoped Elu has answered this question for me and undone all confusion I was experiencing. I am assuaged.

I will however take this opportunity that you still need a Vice Delegate.

It's all good. I can sometimes be a very conpuzzling person to be around >.<

However, I do in fact have a running mate now (Yaaaaaay, a playmate! Soon I'll have /real/ friends! :D)
But yeah, My VD (Not Venereal Disease >.<) Will be Achamenia. Just as soon as he registers on the forum...
=Taijitu's Forum Aussie=