Statement from the Government of Osiris
Regarding the Peace Agreement with Gatesville IncWe have made it clear since day one that our sole ambition during this conflict was a swift restoration of Osiran control over the Delegacy. Although other regions mean well when they question our acceptance of the agreement between the former occupying force and the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, we would like to remind them of the following:
While many of our friends and allies have made invaluable contributions during this trying time, in other cases we have been left asking: With friends like these, who needs enemies? Those who claim to know better on how to fight a GCR war are, more often than not, either burying their heads in the sand or parking them in the clouds, depending on their persuasion. By and large, these are the same people who have hindered progress on a clean military victory, and thus their opinions on the matter are not in our interests. If we complied with their asinine ideas, there would be little chance of Osiran control over the Delegacy again anytime soon.
To those who are confused by this peace agreement, we wish to make a few matters clear. The United Imperial Armed Forces (UIAF) were and are present in Osiris with the approval of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, working strategically with Osiran High Command to leverage their military force as a means to open up a diplomatic solution to this conflict. In no sense is the UIAF guilty of supporting the overthrow or occupation of our region, nor have they sought to undermine the sovereignty of Osiris. The Kemetic Republic of Osiris thanks them for helping to shorten the occupation by weeks, if not months.
We would also like to take this time to thank our allies in Balder, Lazarus, and The South Pacific, whose patience and understanding throughout this ordeal have facilitated smooth cooperation between the Kemetic Republic and the UIAF. We also thank our treaty allies in The North Pacific and Equilism, as well as friends from the following regions and organizations whose dedicated contributions helped sustain and uplift our community throughout this occupation:
The East Pacific
FRA Rangers
The Pacific
The Rejected Realms Army
What is needed now in Osiris is the opportunity to dust ourselves off and move forward together as a community. We can only do this with the cooperation of those who regard themselves as our friends and allies. We will not consider irrational and misguided statements of condemnation against Osiris to be hostile at this time, in the heat of the moment, but we strongly request that those who are making such statements take a step back, breathe, and think about what they say before saying it. These are early days for our war-torn region. What we do and fail to do today will determine the future of our region, and the actions of those who regard themselves as our friends and allies will determine the future of relations between us.
The Kemetic Republic of Osiris looks forward to a bright future, which will include our true friends and allies. We are excited to move toward that future now and, while some may continue to disagree with the peace agreement we have made, we must acknowledge that the future we seek has been secured by this agreement. That is, ultimately, all the justification that is needed for this peace agreement and all the justification that will be provided. Our focus now shifts from explaining and justifying our sovereign decision to secure our future and toward pursuing that future, and we are excited to begin rebuilding Osiris as a more stable, active, and democratic region that is a source of comfort and community to our friends abroad and a fearsome foe to our enemies.
I have restored my WA nation to Taijitu and urge all those involved to do the same.