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Author Topic: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy  (Read 4146 times)

Offline Delfos

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Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:25:50 PM »
Hello fellow taijituans,

A region that has never gave up on us has requested our help with their dire issue. Osiris' request by their Foreign Affairs Minister on behalf of their elected leaders, states that against their internal legislated democracy, the previous "Pharaoh" who lost the election did not hand it to the democratically elected Pharaoh. Apparently Dourian also gave his nation to Gatesville.

Without Eluvatar and Oz nearby, it's hard to coordinate a proper support to protect the principles of Freedom and Democracy, Osiris has been Kidnapped and, because of our broken government, we cannot officially declare our stance and legally support their military defense. We can still do one thing, sign this declaration of intention, make sure our fellow Taijituans know we're fighting for pillars of our society in another region.

It is time to put our actions where our words are, become active members of the great world community. I urge any taijituans to get a WA nation in Osiris (you can't have both there and in Taijitu) under the same banner. We shall organize ourselves into a militia until our current Delegate Oz officially recognizes this military operation under the Taijituan Army. We shall declare this intention in Taijitu's RMB, a list of those who join the militia will be updated here and transmitted to officials in Osiris.

I sign this declaration of intentions, I join the militia Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy with [INSERT NATION NAME], I will change my flag to the militia flag, move my WA nation to the region Osiris and there endorse Cormac.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 10:41:04 PM »
Quote from: Treize Dreizehn/Dourian/Gatesville
Ahoy hoy!

It's been a rough couple of days for me, in more ways than one. I don't have reliable internet access, but I managed to get permission from my neighbor to hop onto his wifi for a moment, just to let y'all know what's going on.

First of all, Osiris has not been couped, I was, and still am the legitimately elected Pharaoh.

Let me explain.

A couple of days ago, I was made aware(from a friend still in Osiris) of a possible problem in our electoral system. All of our elections use a private ballot. We have numerous people in charge of making sure that the results(which are essentially forum PM's) are tallied correctly. However, the problem stems from the private messages themselves.

As it turns out, there is a method, if you know exactly what you're looking for, to go into the backend and edit private messages.

This alone was enough to bother me, because if this became a threat... our admins would be both tasked with finding the culprit and also be culprits.

But I didn't act on the knowledge, because there was little that could be done about it.

The worst part of this was that friend assured me if the threat came, it would come from Biyah. Most people know Biyah, they know his actions, his history and methods. It does not at all surprise me to find out now that he has done exactly what I feared.

Originally he ran as a vice delegate under Cormac. He pulled out of the election(and had a bit of a meltdown) the moment he was accused of using his position in security to influence the elections.

At first I thought it was strange, but after learning he'd gone in and begun to edit votes... it of course made sense that he'd try to distance himself from the actions that could've catapulted him into the delegacy.

So that brings us to me. Biyah is capable of many dastardly deeds, indeed there is little I wouldn't believe he wouldn't do to achieve his ends... but the real problem has been my lack of internet. The runoff election began on Monday, and Monday night my power went out. Since then the power has come back on, but my internet has not.

This left me with a particular conundrum. I could've dealt with this threat in person, but not through proxys. I needed to ensure that someone could be on and able to deal with this threat until I returned.

I knew I had to act, and so I called the one person(at least among those whose number's I had) I knew had both the expertise and manpower to protect Osiris until I could return. Nev's had a bit of a time, since she hasn't been able to explain why this action must be taken. But I guarantee you this was done with the best interests of Osiris in mind.

I also have to avoid electoral misconduct on my own end, so I have resigned my citizenship on the offsite forum that Biyah controls. As soon as we get this matter settled, I'll resign the Pharaohship and the Delegacy. Because this is not about me.

I'd like to go further and say thank you to LordRavenclaw, my Vice Delegate(we did win, by the way), and say that I have absolutely no evidence that Cormac or Asta were in on this deception. Cormac and I have had some serious differences in the past, but he is a man of honor, and I believe he would never submit to something like this. He may not believe me, but he is no traitor.

Now, until I return, Nev has agreed to look after the region, and use her considerable expertise to ensure the rightful Pharaoh remains in power. In the mean time, the pursuing of the citizens assembly and Book of the Dead redrafts should continue apace. We need every Osirian citize

So thank you for listening.

Treize Dreizehn, Pharaoh of Osiris.

Quote from: The Hand of Thrawnn
Time for a reality check regarding the false delegate’s last telegram. For those of you who didn’t see it, trust us, you’re not missing out. Gatesville Inc. leveled unfounded claims of fraud, administrative abuse and electoral corruption, and claimed that the certified elections of Osiris were a sham.

1. Douria and Nevadar’s accusation of changing Private Message votes is not technically possible. Zetaboards does not give backend database access. While this ability exists on boards such as IPB, vBulletin and other self-hosted solutions, Osiris is secure from this kind of election fraud. What he (or she) described is fluff and lies and merely a poorly written attempt to justify their inexcusable actions after losing the election.
2. The Government of Osiris can easily have everyone willingly post their votes in public, to prove the validity of the vote. Historically, the vote has always been by private ballot to preserve the expression of feelings, not as an attempt to hide true results.
3. Read for yourself, The Dourian Embassy (Treize Dreizehn on IRC) was desperate. Contrary to his statement that he is ‘A man of honor’, he did everything he could to turn the election.
07:53.06pm <Treize_Dreizehn> well, I'd appreciate your vote, and one better, I'd appreciate you talking to the people you know and helping campaign for me
07:53.18pm * Biyah`Tomb nods
07:53.27pm <Treize_Dreizehn> we can't leave this to chance anymore, and an unreliable pharaoh could be a disaster

A screenshot of the log can be seen here. It was reported to Cormac and Asta very soon after it was said: http://imgur.com/qEq0iU4

4. Douria did not resign his citizenship because he is a ‘man of honor’, he resigned so he could evade Court Charges of high treason. One could see similar actions during the TSP Coup, where Milograd resigned his citizenship from Osiris, to evade justice and responsibility for the crimes which he perpetrated.

In short, friends and citizens, members of The Nevadarian Empire (of which Gatesville is a subsidiary) are lying through their teeth. Douria is not a so-called ‘man of honor’, Nevadar is not a ‘protector’ of the region. To the contrary, Gatesville has unlawfully and unethically invaded Osiris, violating the regional and national sovereignty which it claims to protect. Everything that has been said is a lie or misrepresentation, as should be expected from the foreign usurpers that are occupying our region. The Dourian Embassy is not the legally elected delegate in anything but his and Nevadar’s most delusional day-dreams.

Our region is at war against an invasive, cruel and hypocritical foreign force, perpetuated by a man who was angry that he lost a legitimate and aboveboard election. The Citizens and Government of Osiris will not stand for this.

We invite you to our forum, to hear the truth. http://s13.zetaboards.com/Osiris_NS/index/

The Pharaoh of Cormac A Stark ~ Pharaoh of Osiris
The Kai Repat of Detective Figs ~ Kai Repat of Osiris
The Ever-Watchful Federation of Biyah ~ Sobek of the Medjai Guard
Issued on Behalf of the Government of Osiris

Offline Ekord

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 05:26:41 AM »
Anyone can join in on this?

Offline St Oz

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 08:16:53 AM »
I'm still around <_<

Offline Delfos

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2013, 10:25:38 AM »
Anyone can on your free will.

Oz, you want to do this as taijitu army go ahead and count me in.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2013, 06:41:23 PM »
Quote from: Cormac in Osiris Forum
My fellow Osirans,

Shortly after major update this morning and after the results of the Pharaoh run-off election had been declared, former Pharaoh Treize Dreizehn ([nation]The Dourian Embassy[/nation]) decided that he would not honor the results of that election. He would not respect the choice made by Osirans. After resigning all positions and his citizenship in [region]Osiris[/region], Treize Dreizehn declared Osiris the property of [region]Gatesville Inc[/region] and has removed the constitutional, legal government of Osiris from power over the in-game region and the link to our community's forum from the World Factbook Entry.

As the Pharaoh and legal Delegate of Osiris, I unequivocally declare that the will of our community will be respected. We did not ask for this war, but war it is, and we will fight this battle tirelessly until power over this region is restored to its community where it rightfully belongs. As your Pharaoh and as your only legally elected Delegate, I am but a representative of that community and it is the community of Osiris that Treize Dreizehn has demeaned through his self-centered actions. It is the community of Osiris that I will be fighting for, and I ask all of you to support my government, your government, as we work toward liberation of our region and restoration of power to our community.

All Osirans are asked to please withdraw their endorsements from [nation]The Dourian Embassy[/nation] and to endorse the following nations:

[nation]Cormac A Stark[/nation]
[nation]Detective Figs[/nation]
[nation]Sentimental Journey[/nation]
[nation]the Imperial Crown[/nation]
[nation]Mahaj WA Seat[/nation]
[nation]Corporation de Apple[/nation]
[nation]Mad Jack[/nation]
[nation]Neo Kervoskia[/nation]
[nation]Charax Locksley[/nation]

Additionally, I am declaring a state of emergency effective immediately. Priests of Ma'at are not only permitted but encouraged to tart and receive endorsements freely, as is Biyah, who I am today naming as Sobek of the Medjai Guard. Members of the Pshent are also free to tart beyond their endorsement limit.

I promise you today, as your Pharaoh and your legally elected Delegate, that I will not rest until Osiris has been liberated and power over the region has been restored to you, the people of Osiris.

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2013, 04:37:09 PM »
I sign this declaration of intentions, I join the militia Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy with James Brown, I will change my flag to the militia flag, move my WA nation to the region Osiris and there endorse Cormac.

However there are different orders now from those running the big liberation operation. I can give details to those in IRC.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.

Offline Lapeirousia

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2013, 08:10:10 PM »
Excellent, how many members do we have now?
Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

Offline Delfos

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2013, 09:36:50 AM »
With the ejections it's hard to know if our brothers keep following us. I had to make a new nation, both my other two are banned from Osiris. [nation]Oak barrels[/nation] is now my active phalanx in Osiris.

Also noticed the flag might be too noticeable. I'll try to make a simpler one soon, any proposals would be nice.

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2013, 02:05:01 PM »
The flag doesn't matter if you're jumping in right at update. I will keep you informed when the big attempts will be.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.

Offline Delfos

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Re: Taijituans for Freedom and Democracy
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2013, 07:56:17 AM »

Statement from the Government of Osiris
Regarding the Peace Agreement with Gatesville Inc

We have made it clear since day one that our sole ambition during this conflict was a swift restoration of Osiran control over the Delegacy. Although other regions mean well when they question our acceptance of the agreement between the former occupying force and the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, we would like to remind them of the following:

While many of our friends and allies have made invaluable contributions during this trying time, in other cases we have been left asking: With friends like these, who needs enemies? Those who claim to know better on how to fight a GCR war are, more often than not, either burying their heads in the sand or parking them in the clouds, depending on their persuasion. By and large, these are the same people who have hindered progress on a clean military victory, and thus their opinions on the matter are not in our interests. If we complied with their asinine ideas, there would be little chance of Osiran control over the Delegacy again anytime soon.

To those who are confused by this peace agreement, we wish to make a few matters clear. The United Imperial Armed Forces (UIAF) were and are present in Osiris with the approval of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, working strategically with Osiran High Command to leverage their military force as a means to open up a diplomatic solution to this conflict. In no sense is the UIAF guilty of supporting the overthrow or occupation of our region, nor have they sought to undermine the sovereignty of Osiris. The Kemetic Republic of Osiris thanks them for helping to shorten the occupation by weeks, if not months.

We would also like to take this time to thank our allies in Balder, Lazarus, and The South Pacific, whose patience and understanding throughout this ordeal have facilitated smooth cooperation between the Kemetic Republic and the UIAF. We also thank our treaty allies in The North Pacific and Equilism, as well as friends from the following regions and organizations whose dedicated contributions helped sustain and uplift our community throughout this occupation:

The East Pacific
FRA Rangers
The Pacific
The Rejected Realms Army

What is needed now in Osiris is the opportunity to dust ourselves off and move forward together as a community. We can only do this with the cooperation of those who regard themselves as our friends and allies. We will not consider irrational and misguided statements of condemnation against Osiris to be hostile at this time, in the heat of the moment, but we strongly request that those who are making such statements take a step back, breathe, and think about what they say before saying it. These are early days for our war-torn region. What we do and fail to do today will determine the future of our region, and the actions of those who regard themselves as our friends and allies will determine the future of relations between us.

The Kemetic Republic of Osiris looks forward to a bright future, which will include our true friends and allies. We are excited to move toward that future now and, while some may continue to disagree with the peace agreement we have made, we must acknowledge that the future we seek has been secured by this agreement. That is, ultimately, all the justification that is needed for this peace agreement and all the justification that will be provided. Our focus now shifts from explaining and justifying our sovereign decision to secure our future and toward pursuing that future, and we are excited to begin rebuilding Osiris as a more stable, active, and democratic region that is a source of comfort and community to our friends abroad and a fearsome foe to our enemies.


I have restored my WA nation to Taijitu and urge all those involved to do the same.