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Author Topic: Petition: Flag and Seals Act  (Read 1337 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Petition: Flag and Seals Act
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:36:07 PM »
Quote from: Flag and Seals Act
1. Flag

a. The flag will be a rectangle whose width is one and a half times its height.

b. There will be a black and white taijitu on the flag. Its diameter will be half the flag's height. Its center will lie half of the flag's height from the bottom of the flag and seven eighteenths of the flag's width from the left edge of the flag.

c. There will be thirty-two rays eminating from behind the taijitu and originating at the taijitu's center. The angle between the two sides of each ray will be equal. The first of this series of rays will point vertically to the top of the flag. The rays will alternate between black and white in color, and the first ray will be black.

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2. Seals

a. Each seal of offices of the government of Taijitu will consist of a black and white taijitu. This taijitu will be enclosed by a black border, which will be enclosed a white ring, enclosed by a black border and whose diameter is one and a half times that of the taijitu. On each seal symbols of the office will appear on the taijitu. The text "Region of Taijitu" will appear across the top of the ring, and and the name of the office will appear across the bottom of the ring. Both will follow the curve of the ring and be black in color. A black, four pointed star will be placed in the ring between the two lines of text at both ends.

b. On the Seal of the Senate there will be a black quill crossed over a white scroll. Both the pen and scroll will be oriented diagonally, with the quill rising from left to right and the scroll falling from left to right.

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c. On the Seal of the Delegate there will be a black olive branch crossed over a white fasces. Both the olive branch and fasces will be oriented diagonally, with the olive branch rising from left to right and the fasces falling from left to right.

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d. On the Seal of the Court there will be a white sword crossed over a black set of scales. Both the swords and scales will be oriented diagonally, with the sword falling from left to right and the scales rising from left to right.

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Any mistakes this time Elu?

Offline Dorrick 2

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Re: Petition: Flag and Seals Act
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 04:33:11 AM »
that is a very interesting proposition, although i'm still not 100% i could go along with that

P.S. I didn't see any mistakes. :clap:

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Re: Petition: Flag and Seals Act
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 09:10:59 AM »
How about adding an Army flag? I like the ones you made. The fasces look like a bundle of TNT with a comanche axe stuck in it but as they were used as well in fascist Italy as in ancient Rome, I approve  :whip:
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Re: Petition: Flag and Seals Act
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2010, 05:01:26 PM »
No mistakes that I can see. I sign this petition.
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