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Should we rename the office of Vice Delegate to Lieutenant Delegate?

3 (75%)
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1 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Author Topic: Petition: Constitutional Amendment, Article 3 Section 5, Article 6 Section 3  (Read 938 times)

Offline Myroria

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I propose that we rename the office of Vice Delegate to Lieutenant Delegate, and change the following sections of the Constitution accordingly:

Quote from: Article 3 Section 5
1. Any person running for the office of Delegate will publicly choose a candidate for Lieutenant Delegate.
2.If the person running for the office of Delegate is elected, their choice of candidate will assume the office of Lieutenant Delegate.
3. If the Delegate is absent, removed prematurely or unable to perform their duties, the Lieutenant will assume the office of Delegate.
4. Further offices in the line of succession for the office of Delegate may be defined by law.

Quote from: Article 6 Section 3
2. A referendum to recall the Delegate or Lieutenant Delegate will succeed if it is valid and a two thirds majority of those voting approve of the measure.

My reasoning for this is that Lieutenant Delegate sounds better, and Vice Delegate gets abbreviated to VD, which also stands for venereal disease. This is an important issue that must be rectified.
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This petition has reached the threshold of 2 and should be presented to the Senate for consideration immediately.
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