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Author Topic: Imzogelmo's Feb. 2012 Election message  (Read 1101 times)

Offline Imzogelmo

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Imzogelmo's Feb. 2012 Election message
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:15:29 AM »
Election time is upon us once again!

I hope that everyone finds comfort in the region and its stability, which should not be taken for granted in this time of great unrest, and I applaud those who would seek to grow our region and its associated community.

Although I acceded to the Senate not by initial election, but by filling it as runner-up after the resignation of Senator Towlie, I have felt like my time there has been fruitful and beneficial to the region. There is still much that needs to be done, including many things that are ongoing and eternally unfinished. I feel that I have had the support of the region, as some have asked me if I would consider running for the office again. And consider it I did. 

I was going to throw my hat into the ring, partly just to ensure that we have an actual contest, and partly to ensure that we continue our tradition of having a diverse set of opinions in the running of our government. However, recent developments in RL have had an impact which has forced me to decide against running for Senate this term. It is not that I do not feel I have good insight and wisdom to offer, but there is certainly a time commitment which I will not be able to fulfill in the near future. I am not so egotistical to pursue the office when I know that I can not do it to the fullest.

I am heartened by the fact that we do have citizens that take an active interest in the running of the government. Just because my time will temporarily be diminished does not mean that I will cease to be a concerned Taijitu citizen. I look forward to working with the new government, and I will be available (if not "live" then at least via email) if anyone has any concerns or simply wants to get some thoughts.

Perhaps I will run for office again in the future. It has been an enjoyable experience, and it is one that I encourage every citizen to take up if so inclined. If there be anything you would like to see done differently, start that topic, message that official, get your voice heard. More participation is a good thing. It's what we really need right now.

Long live Taijitu!

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Imzogelmo's Feb. 2012 Election message
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2012, 02:03:26 AM »
I'm disappointed you're unable to run this term. Curse you real life.