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Author Topic: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012  (Read 2885 times)

Offline Funkadelia

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Hello fellow Taijitu citizens! I am posting this thread to let you know that if you expect true change not only in Taijitu Founder, but the region of Taijitu as a whole, you should vote for Funkadelia for your Delegate and Wast as your Lieutenant delegate. Based on both of our records of working with the community, we are the best choice to get the region rejuvenated, and on the right track. I urge all of my fellow Taijituans to vote for our ticket in the upcoming election. It's time for change, nothing stays the same. Vote Funkadelia and Wast, July 2012.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.

Offline Terran

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2012, 07:23:35 AM »
Play this while reading

Hello fellow Taijitu citizens! I am posting this thread to let you know that if you expect true change not only in Taijitu Founder, but the region of Taijitu as a whole, you should vote for Funkadelia for your Delegate and Wast as your Lieutenant delegate. Based on both of our records of working with the community, we are the best choice to get the region rejuvenated, and on the right track. I urge all of my fellow Taijituans to vote for our ticket in the upcoming election. It's time for change, nothing stays the same. Vote Funkadelia and Wast, July 2012.

Seeing as how much of your activity is exclusive to Taijitu, where our primary focus as players should be in government, you have my vote. I would end my boycott to see you elected. Far too much attention is being paid to other regions, to the detriment of our own.

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Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 07:48:20 AM »
I thank you for promising me your vote.

I would like to convey some of my ideas to you. I think in recent months, Taijitu has been going down a steep and dangerous slope. It has been losing old nations faster than it can recuperate new ones. While, of course, this can partially be blamed on the lack of nations all together in NationStates as a game, I feel we need to get on top of recruiting. If elected, expect more citizens (that volunteer, of course) masked for the recruiter machine, and a new recruitment message. I will consult with my cabinet to develop a method to effectively convince the nations we've recruited to the region, right on to the forums. This is a major issue and I hope to rectify it. Being it nearly 4 A.M. as I type this, and I can't think of what else I wanted to put here, I am open to any questions that you would like answered and I will answer them as honestly as possible and to the best of my ability.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 03:46:04 PM by Funkadelia »
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2012, 12:11:07 PM »
Seeing as how much of your activity is exclusive to Taijitu, where our primary focus as players should be in government, you have my vote. I would end my boycott to see you elected. Far too much attention is being paid to other regions, to the detriment of our own.

These are wild accusations. I believe proof is required if you are to make such statements.

I personally do all I can to be an active contributor to this forum. To be honest the most active members on this forum typically are Gulliver, Funkadelia, Letonna, Wast, Eluvatar, Delfos and myself. I don't believe that any of us involved in other regions have been creating detriment to our region.

Best of Luck Funkadelia!
Ur a towel

Offline Terran

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 06:39:56 PM »
Seeing as how much of your activity is exclusive to Taijitu, where our primary focus as players should be in government, you have my vote. I would end my boycott to see you elected. Far too much attention is being paid to other regions, to the detriment of our own.

These are wild accusations. I believe proof is required if you are to make such statements.

I personally do all I can to be an active contributor to this forum. To be honest the most active members on this forum typically are Gulliver, Funkadelia, Letonna, Wast, Eluvatar, Delfos and myself. I don't believe that any of us involved in other regions have been creating detriment to our region.

Best of Luck Funkadelia!

It's not a secret more time is spent in TNP, than here. That's not really a defensible point, given that for example, Eluvatar rarely posts vastly more in TNP, than here, but is somehow a minister for Taijitu. The point is that it creates a conflict of interest. This post isn't meant to antagonize anyone, honestly. I view you as friends and I realize some of you may have RL issues as well. My only desire is that for those tasked with growing our region, is it too much to ask that you limit your activities to our region alone?

We could be doing many things to help boost visibility and activity. Our movie night idea, trivia on the message board in the game, a game night. All sorts of things! We only need active and dedicated leaders to do it. That's all I am saying :)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 06:52:08 PM by Terran »

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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2012, 07:42:17 PM »
I spent hours yesterday rewriting several hundred lines of code to help improve recruitment for Taijitu. Today I spent 4 straight hours writing another 100 from scratch to help with elections while recruiting, and after I stopped recruited I still kept coding for another few hours. Tomorrow I'll probably recruit another few hours while I finish that code up and then move on to tidying up the code for citizen registration if I can.

And those hundreds of lines of code that I was rewriting? Eluvatar is the one who originally wrote all of that from scratch. And it's only a fraction of the overall Toaster system. I'm talking about thousands of lines of code. Just because me, Eluvatar or others are not posting constantly does not mean we're spending all our time in the North Pacific or that I'm ignoring Taijitu.

As to limiting ourselves to just one region, involvement in multiple regions is incredibly common in NationStates, and being hostile to it would only drive away many great players. It's also to our benefit when members of our region are prominent and respected in a major feeder. Those are connections we can call upon if we have to. Insular regionalism is not a sound policy.

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2012, 07:47:59 PM »
With regard to the Ministry of Defense, I'd be happy to mentor anyone who would want to take up the reigns and take over for me, to be honest.
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Offline Terran

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2012, 07:50:50 PM »
I spent hours yesterday rewriting several hundred lines of code to help improve recruitment for Taijitu. Today I spent 4 straight hours writing another 100 from scratch to help with elections while recruiting, and after I stopped recruited I still kept coding for another few hours. Tomorrow I'll probably recruit another few hours while I finish that code up and then move on to tidying up the code for citizen registration if I can.

And those hundreds of lines of code that I was rewriting? Eluvatar is the one who originally wrote all of that from scratch. And it's only a fraction of the overall Toaster system. I'm talking about thousands of lines of code. Just because me, Eluvatar or others are not posting constantly does not mean we're spending all our time in the North Pacific or that I'm ignoring Taijitu.

As to limiting ourselves to just one region, involvement in multiple regions is incredibly common in NationStates, and being hostile to it would only drive away many great players. It's also to our benefit when members of our region are prominent and respected in a major feeder. Those are connections we can call upon if we have to. Insular regionalism is not a sound policy.

When a new member joins these forums, if he doesn't see prominent activity, and engaging members, he will pass us on. Coding is nice, but I think we would all appreciate forum, regional message board and irc activity for our own region. Visibility is important when recruiting. There are perhaps only a handful of new posts each day. All of them usually with regards to the election. What if this wasn't election time? How appealing would our region look?

I'm glad you write code. But that's not a crutch. We don't see you do that, and we don't see you post much here either. I hope that will change. I will be honest with you: the lack of activity here is making me look to other regions. Your hostility to my suggestion to get active is only making that worse.

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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2012, 08:07:45 PM »
I have no hostility towards your suggestion of more activity. That is something we agree about. I simply am pointing out that my involvement in TNP has not lead me to neglect Taijitu.

Offline Terran

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2012, 08:12:21 PM »
I have no hostility towards your suggestion of more activity. That is something we agree about. I simply am pointing out that my involvement in TNP has not lead me to neglect Taijitu.

I disagree, emphatically. I've also decided to move on, so this is somewhat of a moot issue. Perhaps I will rejoin at a later date, when things improve. But I'm bored and I need a more engaging offsite community. Take care.

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Offline Cozulul

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2012, 09:34:37 PM »

Offline Nefyr

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2012, 01:00:24 AM »

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2012, 01:28:03 AM »
God >_<

People, let us not bicker about on this thread! Take it elsewhere if you would kindly.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:12:13 AM by Funkadelia »
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2012, 07:14:55 AM »
Seeing as how much of your activity is exclusive to Taijitu, where our primary focus as players should be in government, you have my vote. I would end my boycott to see you elected. Far too much attention is being paid to other regions, to the detriment of our own.

These are wild accusations. I believe proof is required if you are to make such statements.

I personally do all I can to be an active contributor to this forum. To be honest the most active members on this forum typically are Gulliver, Funkadelia, Letonna, Wast, Eluvatar, Delfos and myself. I don't believe that any of us involved in other regions have been creating detriment to our region.

Best of Luck Funkadelia!

It's not a secret more time is spent in TNP, than here. That's not really a defensible point, given that for example, Eluvatar rarely posts vastly more in TNP, than here, but is somehow a minister for Taijitu. The point is that it creates a conflict of interest. This post isn't meant to antagonize anyone, honestly. I view you as friends and I realize some of you may have RL issues as well. My only desire is that for those tasked with growing our region, is it too much to ask that you limit your activities to our region alone?

We could be doing many things to help boost visibility and activity. Our movie night idea, trivia on the message board in the game, a game night. All sorts of things! We only need active and dedicated leaders to do it. That's all I am saying :)

OBVIOUSLY someone spending time in another region in addition to their work on Taijitu means the Establishment is working to undermine the very fabric of this region and stifle growth.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: Funkadelia/Wast for Delegate/Lieutenant Delegate, July 2012
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2012, 04:13:37 AM »
Happy Independence Day to all you Americans! Remember to vote for Funkadelia/Wast today! :D
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.