Telegram sent from The 41st Best Taiji of Lapeirousia → region: Taijitu
2 minutes ago
Hello Taijitu
How's life in your nation? If you have any news I'd be interested to hear about it.
On 25th August we had an election, I took part and conceded it to Oz, who won it fair and square.

It was quite close because we were initially tied with the same number of votes each, so one vote could have swung it either way.
But Oz won, and I think he's been committed to the region and continued serving it the last seven weeks.
Legally though, we must have a delegate election every seven weeks, and that's up right now.
Therefore I will be calling upon the Chief Justice to run a new election immediately. If there is no Chief Justice I will be calling upon our delegate to appoint a new one right away so we can get on with an election.
So it's a good time to get involved, join the forum or post on the RMB, and I hope whoever wins there will be a chance again for all of us to improve the region and reactivate it.