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Author Topic: December 2011: Results  (Read 1555 times)

Offline Eluvatar

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December 2011: Results
« on: December 26, 2011, 05:44:32 AM »
First, some convenient links to the raw results:


Second. The Delegate election is supremely obvious, no one even made a protest vote. 14 people voted for Dyr and wast, 1 person couldn't appear to make up their mind, and none voted None Of The Above.

Third. The Senate Election. From CIVS, by clicking show details, one can obtain a list of the ballots, in random order:

(click to show/hide)

In this ballot listing, unlike the single-winner listing for the Delegate election, the value listed under each candidate is the weight the voter is assigning to them, 4 being best and 0 being worst, reflecting the selection of 1st or 5th on the CIVS website.

With 14 voters electing 3 senators, the quota was 14/4 + 1 = 4.5 rounded down = 4.

In the below table, blue shading indicates the candidate has been elected, and red shading indicates they have been eliminated. The sanity check is the sum of all counts in the row: it should of course always equal 14.

RoundGulliverMyroriaTowlieLetonnaElmoSanity Check

Gulliver, Myroria, and Towlie are the victorious incumbents.

If you're interested in my surplus / elimination transfer calculations, they are provided below.
(click to show/hide)

A Note. While counting the contested Senate election, I initially misunderstood the raw CIVS ballot rankings and posted them wrong. Reading the votes in reverse order led me to see the lowest ranked candidates as winners and the highest ranked candidate as the loser. Thankfully, checking against CIVS' own (non-STV) count awoke me to something being off and I figured out that in this particular mode, CIVS provides weights, not ranks, for candidates. Before I caught myself, the Senate had begun considering the candidates elected and beginning senate business with them. I caused that confusion. Mea Culpa.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 05:47:55 AM by Eluvatar »
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Offline Eluvatar

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Re: December 2011: Results
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 03:44:01 AM »
Having received intelligence from Speaker Gulliver that Senator towlie had resigned, the Election Commission, that is to say, the Court of Taijitu, recounted the ballots without towlie to establish who replaces him.

Quote from: #taijitu
22:32 <@Eluvatar> Well, ready or not, here I come..
22:32 <@Eluvatar> The Results of the By-selection are:
22:32 <@Eluvatar> Round One:
22:33 <@Eluvatar> Gulliver: 10, Myroria: 1, Letonna: 1, Elmo: 2
22:33 <@Eluvatar> Quota is: 4.5
22:34 <@Eluvatar> Round Two: Gulliver: 4.5, Myroria: 5.675, Letonna: 1.825, Elmo: 2
22:34 <@Eluvatar> Round Three: Gulliver: 4.5, Myroria: 4.5, Letonna: 2.496, Elmo: 2.504
22:35 <@Eluvatar> Gulliver is elected in round one, Myroria in round two...
22:35 <@Eluvatar> Elmo beats Letonna by 0.008 votes in Round Three.
22:35 <@Eluvatar> All hail our newest Senator!
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Offline Towlie

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Re: December 2011: Results
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 03:51:10 AM »
well i suppose now that i announced my resignation in irc i will post it here that i have hit a point that my participation in the senate will be too inconstant. i enjoyed serving with my fellow senators and hope to be ably to run again in the future. ALL POWER TO THE SENATE \o
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Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
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