Well may we say "God save the Senate", because nothing will save the Chief Justice! The elections which you have just all been expecting to VOTE in, have not been delivered by the Chief Justice, who will undoubtedly go down in Taijitian history as one with such perfection, he could not even run the election. They won't silence the outskirts of the Senate, even if the inside has been silenced for a few weeks ... Maintain your rage and enthusiasm for the days ahead, now to be held in anarchy, up until the empire henceforth established is fully codified into the new constitution.
Due to the clear disdain shown towards elections and voting. The Empire and Aristocratic Peoples Democratic Dictatorship of Taijitu )TEAPDDT is henceforth established.
The constitution is declared void, the legal code void. Senators will be given the new titles of:
Senator for Life Duke Letonna, magistrate of the east
Senator for Life Duke Mcmasterdonia, warlord of the north
Senator for Life Duke Myroria, governess of myryryryryryoryoryroyroyroyroyr
Delegate Funkadelia shall take the title of Emperor of TEAPDDT, and shall serve as our founder, Delegate, guide and emperor until death.
Limi shall be hanged until half dead, and will then be drawn and quartered and cooked in soup (then fed to Gulliver)
Delfos shall take the title of Warden of Taijitu, and shall be responsible for bashing peoples heads in (his choice of who and when/excluding nobles)
Gulliver and Eluvatar shall be used as medical/scientific experiments and eventually will be fused into one - Gulluvatar. Gulluvatar shall be a robot that serves at the will of the Senate
Wast shall do whatever the hell he likes, because he is wast.
This Empire henceforth established with the mandate and power vested in me.
-The Empire and Aristocratic Peoples Democratic Dictatorship of Taijitu-
Duke Mcmasterdonia Tyrell, warlord of the North.