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Author Topic: Charter of the Centre Party of Taijitu  (Read 23257 times)

Offline Prydania

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Charter of the Centre Party of Taijitu
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:14:14 AM »

The Centre Party of Taijitu believing in the principles of pragmatism, seeking to foster greater efficiency in government, and steadfast in its commitment to organic solidarity does hereby proclaim its formation.
We are committed to the underlying principles of Good Government and working within the established  systematic framework to affect positive and lasting change. Our ideology is fluid and not bound by preset conventions or notions. Our steadfast resolve is to tackle the issues facing our Great Region with an objective candor that we feel is presently lacking in the daily rigors of regional politics. We are determined to work tirelessly in the interests of all those who call the Great Region of Taijitu home.

1| Party Name
The Party shall be known as the Centre Party of Taijitu.

The Centre Party of Taijitu can be refereed to as simple the Centre Party, CP, or CPT.

3| Party Membership
Membership in the Centre Party of Taijitu is open to all citizens in good standing of Taijitu who express an interest in joining the party and a desire to further its stated political platform.
The Chairman (see section 3) has the ability to call for a vote on expelling any member of the Centre Party of Taijitu should the Chairman feel the member in question is acting contrary to the goals of the Centre Party. The member can be expelled via a majority vote of all other Centre Party members.

4| Party Officials
The Leader of the Center Party shall be the Party Chairman.
The Chairman shall be elected every three months by simple majority vote of the Party's membership.
Any party member may serve as the Party Chairman.
The Chairman shall have the authority to appoint any other officers deemed necessary to assist with the daily management of the party.

The Party Platform shall be decided at a Party Congress.
A Party Congress can be called if a majority of party membership feels that the existing platform needs to be amended or altered.

This Charter can be amended with the support of 65% or more of party membership and the consent of the sitting party chairman.