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Author Topic: Balder August Embassy Update  (Read 2276 times)

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Balder August Embassy Update
« on: August 29, 2012, 04:42:53 AM »
Delegate: Black Aspens (Revolution by Night)
Vice Delegate: Zander (Alvalero)
Ministers: Zander, Drop Your Pants and Topid
Speaker of Riksdag:(Talman) Govindia
Riksdag members:(ledamöters) Zander, C.I. Cerebella, Cold Ice and Hileville

The final two positions in Balder's Riksdag have been filled by former Council of State Minister Cold Ice and forum administrator Hileville after a week long election which took place between the 20th and 27th of July. Both candidates were elected with a vote of 8 Ayes and 1 Abstain, with both abstaining on themselves. With the Riksdag now full, the Riksdag has begun voting on 2 bills, the Accountability Bill and the State Succession Bill, both of which had been waiting for the final positions to be filled.

Recent fashion has been for the feeders and sinkers to contest the Warzones, and, as stated in update volume 3, Balder has no desire to be left out. The Balder Regional Army was recently formed under the command of long time citizen Rachel Anumia and has been gaining a steady stream of members so far. Recently with help from The Black Market, the army completed its first operation outside of Balder owned territories, taking Warzone Europe in the name of our glorious homeland.


Tafl was a family of chess like board games spread by vikings throughout Europe which enjoyed popularity before the arrival of modern chess. One player controls a force of Muscovites, and the other controls a force of Swedes. The Muscovites try to capture the Swedish king, while the Swedes try and help their king escape off the edge of the board. Balder plans to host an interregional Hnefatafl (a specific variant) tournament, with each participating region collaborating as a team. If you would like your region to compete, kindly inform Black Aspens or the Balder diplomat attending to our embassy.

Balder is also hosting two fantasy league tournaments, managed by Zander, for the upcoming English premier league season, the Valtamrei Invitational Trophy and the NS Premier League. Both competitions are open for anyone to enter via http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ . The VIT uses the classic format of 'most points at the end of the season wins' while the NSPL is a head-to-head league like the actual premier league. If you are interested in joining the codes for both are as follows.

Code for the Valtamrei Invitational Trophy: 582804-149255 (classic format)
Code for the NS Premier League: 582804-149279 (head-to-head format)

More details on the tournaments will follow soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update ~ Zander