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Author Topic: State of the Region: May 30th, '12  (Read 2403 times)

Offline People United Together

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State of the Region: May 30th, '12
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:33:16 PM »
Democracy Always, Tyranny Never

State of the Region: May 30th, '12

Officers of the Government:
Founder: Atrigeas
Chairman: Ironicness (elected)
Chief Magistrate: House of Stark (elected)
Patron: People United Together (elected)
Delegate: Musgoria (appointed)

1) Recruiting has been organized according to GCR, dividing the work load into easy chucks of 10 minutes per day per person.
2) A regional map had been created, check it out: link
3) Foreign affairs is now administered by the Foreign Service. Ambassadors will be assigned as individuals volunteer.  
4) The Patron has given out awards for the month of May! Check them out:

Adventurer Extraordinaire: Given to an exemplary RPer

Ace Legislator: Given to the sponsor of pertinent legislation.

Top Recruiter: Given to whomever sent the most TGs.

Spitting Image: Given to a diplomat that's done a great job representing Atrigeas' interests abroad.
House of Stark

Half Dead Zombie: Given to a nation that's come back from oblivion or the brink thereof.

No Comment: Given to a nosy reporter we all love to hate!

That Foreign Kid: Given to a true friend of Atrigeas!
Diamete from Osiris

A Dictionary: Given to whomever needs to learn to spell the most.
Wopruthien from the FRA

Nicest Smile: Given to the friendliest nation in Atrigeas!

Patron's Pick: The runner up for best all around.
House of Stark

Best All Around: Maybe not the winner of another award for one thing done especially well, but has done a great job doing lots of things.

News and Announcements:
--Atrigeas joined the NationStates Republic!
We look forward to working with our new friends!

--Elections: Wednesday, June 6th
The next update maybe courtesy of a new administration! The positions of Chairman, Chief Magistrate and Patron will all be contested in this next election.

Weird Quote of the Month:
Quote from: Pigguma
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 11:54:45 PM by People United Together »

Offline Bourbon Spirit

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Re: State of the Region: May 30th, '12
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2012, 04:13:40 PM »
I can see that Game of Thrones has had a bit of influence.

Offline People United Together

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Re: State of the Region: May 30th, '12
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 11:23:42 PM »
Yep, they talked about it so much, I had a marathon and watch both seasons in less than a week lol

Offline Terran

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Re: State of the Region: May 30th, '12
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 04:29:12 AM »
I never really got into GoT... :shrug:

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Offline People United Together

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Re: State of the Region: May 30th, '12
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2012, 05:59:27 AM »
It starts off slow, but is hard to pick up on the details mid-season, however, the end is worth it!

It makes you want to start a nobility RP and use the other players against one another!