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Author Topic: No More Heros  (Read 565 times)

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No More Heros
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:20:28 PM »
Possibly the great White hope of the Wii so to speak. It is a third party game that is a blast to play, on top of that it is M rated and rather violent in such an overtop way as to just be a blast.

Ive beat it once.. and am beating it again (new story so far  for that) it is a bit odd and some times you just get mad... but thats usually cause A Something happens in the game that kills someone before you can get the great pleasure of doing it yourself. The fights in it are just a blast and as you get better weapons and skill you can pull off fun things like leaping in the air decapitating half a dozen men as you go.

IF ya have a wii and want Evidence that someone besides the Big N can make a game on it that is actually good this is the way to go
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